COVID Relief Package

So now it's pollsters lying and not respondents.

Let's put it this way. Who here thinks those numbers are fake and low income R's don't want a handout?
I thinks everyone wants what they see as a free handout....we need politicians that make decisions that are the best for America and not necessarily popular with the masses.
My question is simple. If they are "giving" Americans $1400 and there are roughly 330 million people, that only adds up to $462 billion. Where is the other 1.5 TRILLION going?

So roughly $4,350 is being "stolen" from each person. Who then is getting all the rest of the money?

Republicans are too stupid to explain to people that Dems are essentially stealing $5,700 from every man woman and child in the USA and then giving them $1,400 of it and hope they are fooled into being happy about it.

Its like forcibly taking all the money from one bank and everyone saying ok because you give the entire neighborhood $500 each.
My question is simple. If they are "giving" Americans $1400 and there are roughly 330 million people, that only adds up to $462 billion. Where is the other 1.5 TRILLION going?

So roughly $4,350 is being "stolen" from each person. Who then is getting all the rest of the money?

Republicans are too stupid to explain to people that Dems are essentially stealing $5,700 from every man woman and child in the USA and then giving them $1,400 of it and hope they are fooled into being happy about it.

Its like forcibly taking all the money from one bank and everyone saying ok because you give the entire neighborhood $500 each.

Some people are having $5,700 stolen from them and receiving nothing in return.
Everyone wants a handout. However, without the specific wording of the questions contained in the polls, deciphering what “low-income” republicans actual support is a moot point. Show me the poll and show me the actual responses. They could have just been saying they supported receiving another check, not that they supported the entire contents of the stimulus bill.

You are new here so my advice is to not go down his rabbit hole. There is no bottom.
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Yep. My tax dollars paid in Texas went to pay for piss poor state government management in California and New York. Every sonofabitch that voted for it belongs in jail for theft.

Just think of it as paying for the pleasure of having those states in the union. Hope that makes you feel better.
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Well now remember California pays for all the takers out there.

Don't forget CA has a larger economy than most countries. Nobody spouting that useless tidbit has ever bothered to mention how many of them are bankrupt like CA, though.
The vaccines will spur reopening of businesses. If everyone follows guidelines by wearing masks there will be fewer infections while the vaccines increase immunity, but we know that ignorant hyenas will continue spreading misery and death with reckless disregard for the health and prosperity of America.

Thanks president Trump!!!
It is. Please read about their unfunded pension responsibilities. Laughably bad. Billions. Totally erased any surplus. And several groups estimate it at trillions. The left needs to quit celebrating California. It's a damn disaster.
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