COVID Relief Package

Yellen: Tax Increases Will Come When Money Is Needed for 'Priorities'

No tax increases were proposed to pay for the massive relief package, she added, but she acknowledged that they will come later when money is needed for other priority projects.

"When we tackle longer-run priorities and longer-term investments, we'll look at ways to fund those projects later on," Yellen said, clarifying that means "for other priorities, yes."

So tell me, how far in debt do we need to get before these Dems decide we're short of money?
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Yellen: Tax Increases Will Come When Money Is Needed for 'Priorities'

So tell me, how far in debt do we need to get before these Dems decide we're short of money?
I was thinking about the other night, when I was a kid our local paper would show the national debt in the editorial section along with what each American owed. This was 20 years ago but it was something like $25k. It seemed unreal.

This relief bill alone just cost $25k per person. And people are cheering.
Nothing to see here. Americans love their goodies. It's a major weakness of democracy. Politicians gain voters' support by giving them things. To make matters worse, we've been told of the dangers of deficits since the Reagan administration but $25T later those warnings have not come true. We still haven't paid a price for these massive deficits. So how do you convince the folks that another few trillion in deficit spending is a bad thing?
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If accurate, just a completely sad statement on America

View attachment 357265

You really believe what people state in polls? But to the real point. What percentage of Republicans would have voted for the covid relief bill if it actually was for covid relief and not another dim bill to ram through stuff they could never get passed on it's own? This was nothing more than round two of obama's stimulus after he first got into office.

This is one of the most disgusting political ploys going - accuse people of not supporting legislation to do one thing when that one thing was a minor part of the whole package. This particular kind of political lie isn't truly one of omission or commission but a nasty hybrid variant, but still vary much a lie that has a bit of truth about it.
You really believe what people state in polls? But to the real point. What percentage of Republicans would have voted for the covid relief bill if it actually was for covid relief and not another dim bill to ram through stuff they could never get passed on it's own? This was nothing more than round two of obama's stimulus after he first got into office.

This is one of the most disgusting political ploys going - accuse people of not supporting legislation to do one thing when that one thing was a minor part of the whole package. This particular kind of political lie isn't truly one of omission or commission but a nasty hybrid variant, but still vary much a lie that has a bit of truth about it.

Why would low income R's lie/misrepresent in this case?
So now it's pollsters lying and not respondents.

Let's put it this way. Who here thinks those numbers are fake and low income R's don't want a handout?

You missed the entire point. Polls are a form of marketing; they drive opinion; they don't ask for direction. This poll had one purpose and that was to "prove" that GOP legislators don't represent their constituents. Marketing can be as much divide and conquer the opposition as support the advertiser. I'll accept that people on many income levels or political beliefs will welcome "free money". The lie is that republican legislators voted against what their constituents did. Republicans rejected the bill - absolutely. They rejected the bill because it was a dim gimme, gimme, gimme that had little to do with covid relief. Change the way legislation is done to one topic - one action in one bill, and then you get an honest vote in congress - a vote on the subject. When you do that, then you can play this game; otherwise, it's a lie - every damn time it's played.
Families need help only because radical mayors and governors won't let them work. It's way past time to open up fully and get get back to normal

The vaccines will spur reopening of businesses. If everyone follows guidelines by wearing masks there will be fewer infections while the vaccines increase immunity, but we know that ignorant hyenas will continue spreading misery and death with reckless disregard for the health and prosperity of America.
So now it's pollsters lying and not respondents.

Let's put it this way. Who here thinks those numbers are fake and low income R's don't want a handout?
Everyone wants a handout. However, without the specific wording of the questions contained in the polls, deciphering what “low-income” republicans actual support is a moot point. Show me the poll and show me the actual responses. They could have just been saying they supported receiving another check, not that they supported the entire contents of the stimulus bill.
You missed the entire point. Polls are a form of marketing; they drive opinion; they don't ask for direction. This poll had one purpose and that was to "prove" that GOP legislators don't represent their constituents. Marketing can be as much divide and conquer the opposition as support the advertiser. I'll accept that people on many income levels or political beliefs will welcome "free money". The lie is that republican legislators voted against what their constituents did. Republicans rejected the bill - absolutely. They rejected the bill because it was a dim gimme, gimme, gimme that had little to do with covid relief. Change the way legislation is done to one topic - one action in one bill, and then you get an honest vote in congress - a vote on the subject. When you do that, then you can play this game; otherwise, it's a lie - every damn time it's played.

Why do you think that? Bernie conspired with PEW so he could make this tweet, LOL? Your theory is so oddly specific and not surprisingly serves your purpose in this moment.

I know pollsters manipulate but holy ****, you guys are even more biased.
The vaccines will spur reopening of businesses. If everyone follows guidelines by wearing masks there will be fewer infections while the vaccines increase immunity, but we know that ignorant hyenas will continue spreading misery and death with reckless disregard for the health and prosperity of America.
Yeap everyone be a good little sheep and do exactly what dem politicians tell you to do. I never stopped dining at restaurants, going to bars, having gatherings with friends and family and never wore your beloved mask. Unlike you all who worship communists I will never do what they me to.
The vaccines will spur reopening of businesses. If everyone follows guidelines by wearing masks there will be fewer infections while the vaccines increase immunity, but we know that ignorant hyenas will continue spreading misery and death with reckless disregard for the health and prosperity of America.

Lol. You mean the ignorant hyenas that have been showing up for work and school all along. Those ignorant hyenas are spreading misery and death?
Why do you think that? Bernie conspired with PEW so he could make this tweet, LOL? Your theory is so oddly specific and not surprisingly serves your purpose in this moment.

I know pollsters manipulate but holy ****, you guys are even more biased.

Nope. This marketing hoax compared two different events and concluded what it wanted. Fact: Republicans voted against a bill that included stimulus payments to individuals as an incidental part. Fact: A majority of certain income level recipients who claimed to support Republicans approved of receiving "free money".

Analysis: There's no way to rationally interpret that as saying republican legislators on the broader level rejected the wishes of their constituents. They rejected the overall bill, and that did include a minor part that some of their constituents liked. This is not an important conclusion. This did not even address GOP supporters as a whole, nor did it address how many GOP legislators would have supported stimulus payments without the rest of the dim agenda. It's a clickbait headline that attempts to imply something it doesn't even attempt to prove.
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Nope. This marketing hoax compared two different events and concluded what it wanted. Fact: Republicans voted against a bill that included stimulus payments to individuals as an incidental part. Fact: A majority of certain income level recipients who claimed to support Republicans approved of receiving "free money".

Analysis: There's no way to rationally interpret that as saying republican legislators on the broader level rejected the wishes of their constituents. They rejected the overall bill, and that did include a minor part that some of their constituents liked. This is not an important conclusion. This did not even address GOP supporters as a whole, nor did it address how many GOP legislators would have supported stimulus payments without the rest of the dim agenda. It's a clickbait headline that attempts to imply something it doesn't even attempt to prove.

You're taking issue with Bernie's interpretation, not the actual poll. I don't give a **** about Bernie's interpretation. That wasn't my point at all
The vaccines will spur reopening of businesses. If everyone follows guidelines by wearing masks there will be fewer infections while the vaccines increase immunity, but we know that ignorant hyenas will continue spreading misery and death with reckless disregard for the health and prosperity of America.

Lol. Where the hell are you at? S**t has been up running for awhile in most areas. Again, if you’re scared of the virus stay your ass at home and don’t worry about everyone else.

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