COVID Relief Package

I don't have a big problem with the stimulus payments, but the pork in the bill is ridiculous, and mostly beneficial to Democratic districts. It shouldn't have been included.
I do. They wouldn’t have been needed if we didn’t suicide our economy. I’ve got a problem with this one and the prior ones.
I do. They wouldn’t have been needed if we didn’t suicide our economy. I’ve got a problem with this one and the prior ones.

Only we did, and it started under Trump.

**** happens. Hence why I don't have a problem with the individual stimulus payments. But I think the pork the Democrats threw in to help their districts (and get votes) is utterly ridiculous.
My question is simple. If they are "giving" Americans $1400 and there are roughly 330 million people, that only adds up to $462 billion. Where is the other 1.5 TRILLION going?

So roughly $4,350 is being "stolen" from each person. Who then is getting all the rest of the money?

Republicans are too stupid to explain to people that Dems are essentially stealing $5,700 from every man woman and child in the USA and then giving them $1,400 of it and hope they are fooled into being happy about it.

Its like forcibly taking all the money from one bank and everyone saying ok because you give the entire neighborhood $500 each.

It’s more like we are stealing from our grandchildren, but you point is still valid and no less frustrating.
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Only we did, and it started under Trump.

**** happens. Hence why I don't have a problem with the individual stimulus payments. But I think the pork the Democrats threw in to help their districts (and get votes) is utterly ridiculous.
I already conceded that weez. It was wrong plain and simple. And I don’t feel inclined to fund ALL of their stupidity.
I don't have a big problem with the stimulus payments, but the pork in the bill is ridiculous, and mostly beneficial to Democratic districts. It shouldn't have been included.

The "stimulus payment" was just the softener needed to get the big load of pork through. Should have been called something like the MiracleLax bill.
The defense is because the Dems have the House and the tie breaking vote in the Senate and they can do it. That is the only defense you will hear until midterms.

It just came straight out of their commie playbook. They took a "crisis" and hopped all over it just like they did after Obama was elected and they held both houses and the WH ... or all three houses, if you please, since the WH has been spewing legislation since the coronation.
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I thinks everyone wants what they see as a free handout....we need politicians that make decisions that are the best for America and not necessarily popular with the masses.
They can't achieve their main goal of re-election I'd they do what's right for the country. We're all dumbed down to tweets and bumper stickers. Nobody knows it cares what's really going on anymore.
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Just to be very up front and clear. If we have austerity style issues in any of our lifetimes, and you supported any of the Trump Biden stimulus, then you need to not complain. Also you have to allow your children and grandchildren to kick you in the balls everyday.
Just to be very up front and clear. If we have austerity style issues in any of our lifetimes, and you supported any of the Trump Biden stimulus, then you need to not complain. Also you have to allow your children and grandchildren to kick you in the balls everyday.
Every one of these “relief packages” was self inflicted dumbassery by an overzealous and over reaching government.
10 Republicans pushed for $600B. All the Dems pushed for $1.9T

I feel so bad for people my age (late 20s) and younger. I'm not sure how anyone will afford anything especially with what is happening to the housing market. Luckily I got locked into a good mortgage on a steal of a house before it went absolutely bonkers.
10 Republicans pushed for $600B. All the Dems pushed for $1.9T
I haven't followed this bill to know if you're accurate with your numbers. I have no reason to doubt you because you seem to be an accurate poster.

Here's the issue. Spending and borrowing didn't just start when Biden took office. Look at the Rs when there is an R in the White House. R politicians do not have any moral high ground relative to debt, borrowing, and financing today's budget on the backs of our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.
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