Covid status of VN

My Covid status

  • Had Covid diagnosis, not vaxxed

    Votes: 22 15.8%
  • Had Covid diagnosis and am also vaxxed

    Votes: 10 7.2%
  • No covid diagnosis, am vaxxed

    Votes: 68 48.9%
  • No covid diagnosis, not vaxxed

    Votes: 39 28.1%

  • Total voters
You're an engineer. Whenever you saw these odds as 24/25 times, did it ever cross your mind to ask what the original odds were for the vaccinated? Are we talking about 1 in 1 million now becoming 24 or 25 in 1 million? 25 out of 100,000?

You gotta look at these statistics with a more cynical eye.
Actually the cdc listed the incidence rate of vaccinated vs unvaccinated right next to the rates. I should have posted it for reference. Here it is
1627942577438.jpegHowever incidence rate continues to rise each day as it is the cumulative number of cases per susceptible person in the USA. With delta shooting up the incidence will be much higher in a few weeks. You can see what is the risk of infection in your community is here.
With a case fatality rate of 0.5 to 1 per 100 cases reported with delta and a current 7 day average of 80k cases you can look at that data and decide if the risk of covid is outweighed by a theoretical risk that Covid vaccines may have despite 10+ yrs of mrna vaccine research and no history of previous vaccines causing known major adverse effects after the first year of administration.
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I'm at a cross roads

I'm 57,male, no real heath issues except very slight asthma.
I work in a job that was never shut down and I have been at the warehouse every scheudled work day. I basically have not changed anything.
The warehouse is large, 850,000sqft, have my own office
I stay outside a lot between yard work, pool, shooting and golf.
I am O negative
I take vitamins including D and Zinc
I have been on two golf trips over the last year, Myrtle Beach and Daytona Beach, both by plane from Chattanooga. Went to pack pub for diners in Myrtle Beach with no one masked
I do not have a large group of friends that get together in large number inside, like bars
I probably want go to many more concerts
I'm not going to any packed sporting events
I do not ride in cars with anyone but my immediate family which is small
I took antibody test - negative
my mother is 77 and has been vaccinated
my wife is vaccinated - works at Erlanger
I get a flu shot
I got the Shingles vax (both doses knocked me down with covid like symptoms for a day)

Should I get vaccinated?

My stats are a lot like yours and I got vax'd. The age and the asthma are the red flags. I also got the shingles vax last year. That 2nd Shingrix is a lot worse than the 2nd Pfizer by far. Put me down for 2 days.
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You're going to hear more and more of this in the coming days. Vaccine protection vs this variant is not looking good at all.

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!
My stats are a lot like yours and I got vax'd. The age and the asthma are the red flags. I also got the shingles vax last year. That 2nd Shingrix is a lot worse than the 2nd Pfizer by far. Put me down for 2 days.

Never knew so many to have shingles. You are like the fifth I seen
What’s the difference between a 99.997% chance of survival (unvaccinated for my age group) and a 99.999% chance (what the CDC tells me if I get the vaccine)? A smaller % than the chances of a breakthrough case with the vaccine.

It’s well known that the majority of the hospitalizations are unvaccinated.

So the difference is being hospitalized and living for the rest of your life with health issues such as permanent lung damage and heart failure.
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It’s well known that the majority of the hospitalizations are unvaccinated.

So the difference is being hospitalized and living for the rest of your life with health issues such as permanent lung damage and heart failure.
Or the possibility of lowering fertility rates. No one knows the true consequences of either choice
Never knew so many to have shingles. You are like the fifth I seen

Had a family member that got it and they looked like a burn victim laying around trying to get over that $hit. My doc advised me to get it and I said let's go partner. The nurse came in and had a funny look on her face saying something about hoping I didn't have plans for tomorrow and maybe the next day.
I'm at a cross roads

I'm 57,male, no real heath issues except very slight asthma.
I work in a job that was never shut down and I have been at the warehouse every scheudled work day. I basically have not changed anything.
The warehouse is large, 850,000sqft, have my own office
I stay outside a lot between yard work, pool, shooting and golf.
I am O negative
I take vitamins including D and Zinc
I have been on two golf trips over the last year, Myrtle Beach and Daytona Beach, both by plane from Chattanooga. Went to pack pub for diners in Myrtle Beach with no one masked
I do not have a large group of friends that get together in large number inside, like bars
I probably want go to many more concerts
I'm not going to any packed sporting events
I do not ride in cars with anyone but my immediate family which is small
I took antibody test - negative
my mother is 77 and has been vaccinated
my wife is vaccinated - works at Erlanger
I get a flu shot
I got the Shingles vax (both doses knocked me down with covid like symptoms for a day)

Should I get vaccinated?
I say discuss that with your DR. And not the VN...many rabid vaxxers will take no matter what...anti vaxx will tell you why they wont risk taking it

Do you ever remeber having a flu like virus oct, nov, dec 2019.. if you do..chances are if its wasnt flu it was covid and if you went all 2020 and till get tested for antibodies first then make a choice....good luck. You do you and itll work out
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Or the possibility of lowering fertility rates. No one knows the true consequences of either choice
No offense, but do your research and please stop trying to spread misinformation. If you don’t want the vaccine, fine. But what you are doing is dangerous in my opinion.
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Had a family member that got it and they looked like a burn victim laying around trying to get over that $hit. My doc advised me to get it and I said let's go partner. The nurse came in and had a funny look on her face saying something about hoping I didn't have plans for tomorrow and maybe the next day.

Was she hot?

Reminds me I had "Dr Feelgood", as he was known at the time, as a physician when I was younger. He was known as such as he was the local physician to all sorts in Chatt and his trashcans at his practice had "Motley Crue" and "Van Halen" stickers and such and ones with concerts in town.

The nurse he had was like some Playboy bunny in a felt suit with boobs exploding..kid you not..I was always a nervous titty. Somebody get me a
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It’s well known that the majority of the hospitalizations are unvaccinated.

So the difference is being hospitalized and living for the rest of your life with health issues such as permanent lung damage and heart failure.
Thats what we are being told...rake vanderbilt hospital...they are reported stress to the max cuz of covid..yet of thier 300 full bed only 26 a week are covid...whether vax or idea. But of thier willing to play with thr truth whos to to say that 14 of those 26 are unvaxed and 12 are vax..technically true but dishonestly reporting number...CDC is good for that..
Was she hot?

Reminds me I had "Dr Feelgood", as he was known at the time, as a physician when I was younger. He was known as such as he was the local physician to all sorts in Chatt and his trashcans at his practice had "Motley Crue" and "Van Halen" stickers and such and ones with concerts in town.

The nurse he had was like some Playboy bunny in a felt suit with boobs exploding..kid you not..I was always a nervous titty. Somebody get me a

Ha Ha....NO, unless you're into the dominatrix type. She had a $hit eatin' grin as she stabbed me with that silver dart.
No offense, but do your research and please stop trying to spread misinformation. If you don’t want the vaccine, fine. But what you are doing is dangerous in my opinion.

It’s well known that the majority of the people in the hospitals have underlying conditions. How about we be honest here and just say that unhealthy people are extremely susceptible to viruses . If you have health problems you need to decide of the vaccine is worth it , if you don’t have underlying health issues or a weakened immune system then you are just rolling the dice and hoping that taking a newly created vaccine won’t be a mistake you made 7-15 years down the road .
Tucker GA is just down the road. What is incorrect? You want to point fingers you are going to have to use both hands.
I was answering his specific question about his personal situation. You just threw junk in from left field (a common right wing talking point) that had no connection to the question he asked or answer I gave.
I was answering his specific question about his personal situation. You just threw junk in from left field (a common right wing talking point) that had no connection to the question he asked or answer I gave.

I gotta be
What is your feeling on what is happening with these illegals though? It is crisis or it is not
No offense, but do your research and please stop trying to spread misinformation. If you don’t want the vaccine, fine. But what you are doing is dangerous in my opinion.
Same with you and your scary anecdotes. I am vaxxed but my children will not be. Reason being is my father in law got hit with multiple "safe" chemicals from the US govt and it has now affected my children and their reproductive abilities just like it did their mother. So keep believing in the less than a year of testing while I'll rely on checking their history
I gotta be
What is your feeling on what is happening with these illegals though? It is crisis or it is not
There are entire threads devoted to that here. I don't comment on it much. I honestly don't know the best way to solve it. I believe I would start with those hiring undocumented workers. Go after them hard. Warn them, then fine them and if they keep on doing it then jail them. We've never done that on a large scale before. And as long as someone keeps paying them they will keep coming. We all know our construction, hospitality, restaurant, farming and other industries are still hiring them right and left in every region of the country. It seems to be an ugly little secret but neither side really cares except when they get the chance to exploit it politically.
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There are entire threads devoted to that here. I don't comment on it much. I honestly don't know the best way to solve it. I believe I would start with those hiring undocumented workers. Go after them hard. Warn them, then fine them and if they keep on doing it then jail them. We've never done that on a large scale before. And as long as someone keeps paying them they will keep coming. We all know our construction, hospitality, restaurant, farming and other industries are still hiring them right and left in every region of the country. It seems to be an ugly little secret but neither side really cares except when they get the chance to exploit it politically.

Athough deflecting to economics, I agree. two sides of same coin.

You have not addressed COVID though. It ok to send them arround in this time of crisis? You keep avoiding the question
It’s well known that the majority of the hospitalizations are unvaccinated.

So the difference is being hospitalized and living for the rest of your life with health issues such as permanent lung damage and heart failure.
So you know the long term effects of a virus that’s been around for 18-20 months?

Stop with the BS about being hospitalized; you’re either so stupid I feel sorry for you or you’re a sheep of epic proportions. I can literally count off roughy 50 people within my circle (work, family, friends) who tested positive and not one single person ended up in the hospital; age 62 with heart problems, mid 30’s, overweight and high BP, late 30’s didn’t know they had it, mid 40’s an Adonis of a man (wound up the sickest of anyone I know). His parents both mid 70’s had fevers of 103+ for 7 straight days, and never wound up in the hospital. The overall average of being hospitalized falls around 5% of all cases, it’s half that for my age. I’ll take the 97.5% odds that I don’t wind up in a hospital over the 2.5% chance that I do. Stop acting like all infections wind up on a vent, begging for forgiveness of their Covid recklessness.
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No offense, but do your research and please stop trying to spread misinformation. If you don’t want the vaccine, fine. But what you are doing is dangerous in my opinion.
You (and the rest of mankind) have ZERO idea of the long term effects of either the vaccine or Covid. It’s all speculation at this point, both ways, and both are dangerous. Using scare tactics and falsehoods on the deadliness of Covid to incite mass vaccination of an unknown is no different than postulating that the vaccine is a mass sterilization tool or a form of microchipping. If we DO know the long term outcomes of either, then Covid isn’t new or novel and the vaccine isn’t the first of its kind to be put to use.
Athough deflecting to economics, I agree. two sides of same coin.

You have not addressed COVID though. It ok to send them arround in this time of crisis? You keep avoiding the question
I would make vaccination mandatory for anyone entering the country legally or ellegally. Hell I would vaccinate everything on the planet that has a heartbeat.

VN Store
