Crime Ridden Memphis

Are most of the guys in this video wearing ski masks? And it looks like they were playing the gunfire version of musical chairs. And who was shooting at whom?
The upside of this is most black folks dont know how to shoot. Downside is it often leaves the victim who weren't actual targets.
Wanton, murderous shooters are all deranged A-holes, JFYI. All of them. Here's some perspective:
Yet blacks still murder more people, especially by using guns.

Actually, don't look at that, if blacks are leading the categories outright, they are per capita. Might make you a sad panda.
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Yet blacks still murder more people, especially by using guns.

Actually, don't look at that, if blacks are leading the categories outright, they are per capita. Might make you a sad panda.
I was born in the Chinese year of the tiger, not the panda. If what you say is true, maybe Blacks are playing catch up for the centuries of sports hunting Blacks, lynchings (some of which still happens), cop killings of the unarmed, and more. No stats kept on that, right? And, and, and, as I said before all murdering shooters are A-holes, ethnic category be dayum. Funny, you ignored that. Naw, par for the course with bigots. "They" are the only bad ones, while the "We" are always holy and blameless. Now about that panda, it's quite fair-minded, or colored, being both black and white. So I vote that our next Congressionals be all pandas. We might actually get meaningful legislations done.
I was born in the Chinese year of the tiger, not the panda. If what you say is true, maybe Blacks are playing catch up for the centuries of sports hunting Blacks, lynchings (some of which still happens), cop killings of the unarmed, and more. No stats kept on that, right? And, and, and, as I said before all murdering shooters are A-holes, ethnic category be dayum. Funny, you ignored that. Naw, par for the course with bigots. "They" are the only bad ones, while the "We" are always holy and blameless. Now about that panda, it's quite fair-minded, or colored, being both black and white. So I vote that our next Congressionals be all pandas. We might actually get meaningful legislations done.
There is no "maybe if its true". Its hard scientific data. Its math. I know how you all believe math can be racist though so I understand your attempt to deflect. What burns you up the most? Is it that the "White people mass shootings" doesn't have a body county like black folks murder numbers? Or is it that black folks are such bad shots they can't actually hit their targets? If minorities just took some time to learn how to aim their guns they definitely could bump those numbers up.


Forgot to add, the black murders are generally black on black. Just like Whites mostly kill Whites. So if they are playing catch up as you elude to, cool.
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There is no "maybe if its true". Its hard scientific data. Its math. I know how you all believe math can be racist though so I understand your attempt to deflect. What burns you up the most? Is it that the "White people mass shootings" doesn't have a body county like black folks murder numbers? Or is it that black folks are such bad shots they can't actually hit their targets? If minorities just took some time to learn how to aim their guns they definitely could bump those numbers up.


Forgot to add, the black murders are generally black on black. Just like Whites mostly kill Whites. So if they are playing catch up as you elude to, cool.
Math isn't racist, except when manipulated in a biased way. Sort of like facial recognition software frequently misidentifying Blacks and Asians. Which is no surprise given that the programmers of the software are White and have inherent bias embedded in them whether they realize it or not. Same thing with stats, only White input is accepted, so, garbage in garbage out. Long live the panda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Math isn't racist, except when manipulated in a biased way. Sort of like facial recognition software frequently misidentifying Blacks and Asians. Which is no surprise given that the programmers of the software are White and have inherent bias embedded in them whether they realize it or not. Same thing with stats, only White input is accepted, so, garbage in garbage out. Long live the panda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I know you're trolling. No one is so blinded by social justice to actually believe this.
Now I know you're trolling. No one is so blinded by social justice to actually believe this.
Exactly what a MAGA bigot would say. Who do you think dominates the jobs of structuring the algorithms used to create facial recognition? Software doesn't build itself. But of course, facts don't exist for Trumples.
Race influences the development and performance of facial recognition technology in three distinct ways. The cardinal factor driving racially disparate results is non-diverse training images: human bias and data availability affect the racial distribution of faces used to train the algorithm, usually with lighter skin tones predominating. Other factors include human selection of facial features in older algorithms and image quality issues that disproportionately affect darker skin tones. Collectively, these problems lead to facial recognition technology that performs unevenly across races—typically worse for darker skin tones.

Racial bias is most prevalent in the selection of images used to train the algorithm. In general, result accuracy is proportional to data quality, and a racially unbiased technology would require equal racial representation within the dataset. [Why Racial Bias is Prevalent in Facial Recognition Technology

[The unseen Black faces of AI algorithms]
I was born in the Chinese year of the tiger, not the panda. If what you say is true, maybe Blacks are playing catch up for the centuries of sports hunting Blacks, lynchings (some of which still happens), cop killings of the unarmed, and more. No stats kept on that, right? And, and, and, as I said before all murdering shooters are A-holes, ethnic category be dayum. Funny, you ignored that. Naw, par for the course with bigots. "They" are the only bad ones, while the "We" are always holy and blameless. Now about that panda, it's quite fair-minded, or colored, being both black and white. So I vote that our next Congressionals be all pandas. We might actually get meaningful legislations done.
Not that playing "catch up" in the context of shooting people has any particular grounding in rationale but the real problem with your observation is that the vast majority of people killed by black people people.
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Not that playing "catch up" in the context of shooting people has any particular grounding in rationale but the real problem with your observation is that the vast majority of people killed by black people people.
Depends on how you look at it. Inside the USA, or in whatever wars are percolating elsewhere. Seriously, why is this so important to you? What stake do you have in it?
Math isn't racist, except when manipulated in a biased way. Sort of like facial recognition software frequently misidentifying Blacks and Asians. Which is no surprise given that the programmers of the software are White and have inherent bias embedded in them whether they realize it or not. Same thing with stats, only White input is accepted, so, garbage in garbage out. Long live the panda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Depends on how you look at it. Inside the USA, or in whatever wars are percolating elsewhere. Seriously, why is this so important to you? What stake do you have in it?
Just replying to points you made in the context you made them.

BTW I liked the panda bit. It's entirely possible pandas would do a better job.
Depends on how you look at it. Inside the USA, or in whatever wars are percolating elsewhere. Seriously, why is this so important to you? What stake do you have in it?
Don't we all have a stake in reducing murders in America? And if we're going to do that, we need to know what is going on.

For example, everyone hoots and hollers about AR-15s. The total number of people killed by rifles of all kinds including AR-15s in 2022 is 541 according to Statista. I have seen similar numbers including some in the low to mid-400s, but let's go with Statista's numbers. By the way, this includes mass killings as well.

665 people were killed by hands, fists, feet, etc. I believe more people are killed in the US falling off ladders each year in the US, but I did not look up the CDC reference on that.

Firearm types not stated were 5704 and 7936 by handguns. While it is dangerous to assume, it is not unreasonable to think the vast majority of the 5704 were handguns as well.

So, let's assume that all murders committed with rifles were with AR-15 platforms and there is no substitution to using handguns, shotguns, etc.. If we waved our magical gun-control wand and all the AR-15s went <poof> in the night, we stand to eliminate slightly over 3% of the gun murders in the US. Why would we focus on rifles if we really want to solve the murder problem?

You seem to have an issue with the proposition that if we could figure out how to stop young black men from killing young black men or anyone else for that matter it would be a good thing.

If I'm wrong about you, forgive me, but please explain your issue? Hey, I'm with you on dropping crime. I'm not onboard with just making criminals out of 100 million law abiding American citizens for no reason.
Don't we all have a stake in reducing murders in America? And if we're going to do that, we need to know what is going on.

For example, everyone hoots and hollers about AR-15s. The total number of people killed by rifles of all kinds including AR-15s in 2022 is 541 according to Statista. I have seen similar numbers including some in the low to mid-400s, but let's go with Statista's numbers. By the way, this includes mass killings as well.

665 people were killed by hands, fists, feet, etc. I believe more people are killed in the US falling off ladders each year in the US, but I did not look up the CDC reference on that.

Firearm types not stated were 5704 and 7936 by handguns. While it is dangerous to assume, it is not unreasonable to think the vast majority of the 5704 were handguns as well.

So, let's assume that all murders committed with rifles were with AR-15 platforms and there is no substitution to using handguns, shotguns, etc.. If we waved our magical gun-control wand and all the AR-15s went <poof> in the night, we stand to eliminate slightly over 3% of the gun murders in the US. Why would we focus on rifles if we really want to solve the murder problem?

You seem to have an issue with the proposition that if we could figure out how to stop young black men from killing young black men or anyone else for that matter it would be a good thing.

If I'm wrong about you, forgive me, but please explain your issue? Hey, I'm with you on dropping crime. I'm not onboard with just making criminals out of 100 million law abiding American citizens for no reason.
Pardon me for being consistently flippant. But so many times here I have seen you folks extend an olive branch, so to speak. Then use it as a setup to attack me and others in wolf pack fashion. So I operate from a position of extreme skepticism. Your post above this reply is what I'd call an olive branch because I actually agree with practically all of it. But hard repetitive experience has taught me to not play ball because I know what's coming afterward. Homie don't play dat.
Pardon me for being consistently flippant. But so many times here I have seen you folks extend an olive branch, so to speak. Then use it as a setup to attack me and others in wolf pack fashion. So I operate from a position of extreme skepticism. Your post above this reply is what I'd call an olive branch because I actually agree with practically all of it. But hard repetitive experience has taught me to not play ball because I know what's coming afterward. Homie don't play dat.
Uhm. Well, you stumped me here.
Don't we all have a stake in reducing murders in America? And if we're going to do that, we need to know what is going on.


You seem to have an issue with the proposition that if we could figure out how to stop young black men from killing young black men or anyone else for that matter it would be a good thing.

I've got a fair idea how to stop it..... most of these are instances of them taking "justice" into their own hands. Some times it because they can't use the legal system (because the injustice is over something illegal) and others because they don't think the system is just - either because they think the system is biased against blacks (whether it is or isn't they are told this,) or because they don't think the punishment is adequate.
So fix the system because what we have in many of these neighborhoods is vigilante justice being doled out by the "local authority" which is gangs.
I've got a fair idea how to stop it..... most of these are instances of them taking "justice" into their own hands. Some times it because they can't use the legal system (because the injustice is over something illegal) and others because they don't think the system is just - either because they think the system is biased against blacks (whether it is or isn't they are told this,) or because they don't think the punishment is adequate.
So fix the system because what we have in many of these neighborhoods is vigilante justice being doled out by the "local authority" which is gangs.
Cannot disagree with any of this, although I do think how we got here is worth discussion.

I would say there may be more than one way to stop it. There is a culture problem with fatherless homes and that does not seem to get better. If this is the way to stop it, it is going to be tough and there are more obstacles than we can imagine, the biggest one being the Federal and state governments invested in having single mothers dependent on the government.

Another way is way worse. Eventually it gets so bad, there is a reaction, a violent reaction and that is going to be really, really ugly. I believe that could happen, because it has happened through-out history. I don't want that to happen.

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