Cultural Marxism and the Birth of Thought Crime

Elite University Department Bans Use Of Word ‘Field,’ Claiming It’s Too Racist

The University of Southern California (USC) Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work will no longer use the world “field” in its curriculum or its practices as part of its anti-racist framework, according to an email reportedly sent Monday.

The school reportedly stripped the word from use due to alleged ties to “anti-Black” and “anti-immigrant” rhetoric, according to the email sent by the Practicum Education Department to the campus community, faculty, staff and students. The school informed that the word “practicum” would be used instead to “ensure [its] use of inclusive language and practice.” (RELATED: Stanford University Attempts To Ban ‘Harmful’ Words, List Includes ‘American’)

Elite University Department Bans Use Of Word ‘Field,’ Claiming It’s Too Racist
CRT, drag queen story time, fake genders, fake pronouns, glorifying the mental illness known as gender dysphoria, and "common core"...

All of this garbage should be as far away from our children as the East is from the West. What is being done to the next generation, as they live their entire lives under the spell cast on them by social media and smartphones is sickening and depressing. Glad we chose to put our kids thru Christian schools rather than having a bigger house and newer kids actually write and speak with proper grammar, address their elders as Sir and Ma'am, respect their peers, teachers, parents and Church family. In short..we are raising responsible, respectful adults.

The world they are inheriting and the shameless weirdos and degenerates they will share it with are a sad reflection of the parents, leaders, governments, and generations which came before. We have failed as a country to Improve and advance as human beings...sure, technology and discovery rapidly advance. The character, morals, attitudes and aptitudes are surely regressing though. Trust nothing outside your family or faith this world is surely in the age of deception and destruction. The fact that any of that bullcrap i listed above ever made it into our schools to begin with is shameful and intentional, and should be ridiculed along with those who introduced them...all liberal ideas. Who could have guessed?
I'm going to also say many parents and grandparents should lessen the time they spend on social media and smartphones. They are the ones who influenced it.
Florida Rejects AP African American Studies Course That Contained Section On ‘Queer Theory’

  • The course featured tenets of Critical Race Theory and a section on queer theory, according to the syllabus obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.
An AP African American Studies course rejected by the Florida Department of Education (DOE) on Jan. 12 contained tenets of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and a section on queer theory, according to a copy of the syllabus obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The state DOE Office of Articulation informed the College Board Florida Partnership that it would not approve AP African American Studies to be taught in high schools because the course content violated state law prohibiting CRT, according to the rejection letter obtained by the DCNF. An analysis of the course syllabus shows that it includes CRT-related content as well as sections on intersectionality and queer theory. (RELATED: DeSantis Announces Plan To Squat ‘Equity’ At New College Of Florida And Restore Merit)

Florida Rejects AP African American Studies Course That Contained Section On ‘Queer Theory’
Woke Agenda Survives: These House Republicans Are Sticking With 'Diversity and Inclusion'

GOP-controlled committee makes advancing DEI a priority

Democrats may have lost control of the House of Representatives, but it appears Republicans are embracing their legacy of so-called diversity and inclusion.

Republican congressman Patrick McHenry (N.C.), now the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, announced earlier this month that there would be six subcommittees—and all of them will count advancing "diversity and inclusion" as one of their top priorities, according to the committee's announcement.

Woke Agenda Survives: These House Republicans Are Sticking With 'Diversity and Inclusion'
Princeton University Press Doles Out Book Grants Based on Race

Princeton University Press is handing out book development grants based on race, part of a program for "Black, Indigenous, and People of Color" that top civil rights lawyers say violates federal law.

The publisher, which is independent of Princeton University, has since 2021 been running the "Supporting Diverse Voices" initiative, which pairs minority authors with "book coaches" who help them write book proposals. The first round of grants was for "Woman, transgender, and gender-expansive authors in science and mathematics," according to the program's website. The next three rounds were for "BIPOC scholars" in the social sciences, humanities, and hard sciences. A fifth round will open on February 1 for minorities in social science.

Princeton University Press Doles Out Book Grants Based on Race
Bill Maher Compares 'woke' movement to Red Guard Revolutionaries in China and Soviet Union Communists because they are 'trying to reinvent the very nature of human beings'

HBO's Bill Maher slammed the 'woke' left on his show 'Real Time' Friday night, comparing them to murderous Red Guard revolutionaries in China and Soviet communists by 'trying to reinvent the very nature of human beings.'

Bill Maher compares 'woke' movement to Red Guard revolutionaries in China, communist Soviet Union | Daily Mail Online
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Florida middle school teacher is slammed for using black sixth-graders as 'political props' and getting White students to BOW Down To Them

A sixth-grade teacher in Florida is being slammed after he posted a video showing white students bowing down to black students during a Black History Month skit.

Parents and families of children at Howard Middle School in Orlando are now voicing their outrage over the teacher using the students as 'political props.'

In the controversial video posted to TikTok, Ethan Hooper's students fan and feed three black classmates before bowing down to them in the skit.


A sixth-grade teacher in Florida is being slammed after he posted a video showing white students bowing down to black students during a Black History Month skit

Orlando teacher slammed after posting video showing white students bowing down to black students | Daily Mail Online
Ohio State University Requires Diversity Statement from Engineering Job Applicants

The Ohio State University (OSU) requires diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) statements from those applying for jobs at the College of Engineering.

OSU requires applicants to the College of Engineering to provide a diversity statement, with an application portal for a faculty position in nuclear engineering explaining “The search committee will ask all applicants to provide a written statement that describes your commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

Ohio State Requires DEI Statement from Engineering Job Applicants
Florida middle school teacher is slammed for using black sixth-graders as 'political props' and getting White students to BOW Down To Them

A sixth-grade teacher in Florida is being slammed after he posted a video showing white students bowing down to black students during a Black History Month skit.

Parents and families of children at Howard Middle School in Orlando are now voicing their outrage over the teacher using the students as 'political props.'

In the controversial video posted to TikTok, Ethan Hooper's students fan and feed three black classmates before bowing down to them in the skit.


A sixth-grade teacher in Florida is being slammed after he posted a video showing white students bowing down to black students during a Black History Month skit

Orlando teacher slammed after posting video showing white students bowing down to black students | Daily Mail Online

This teacher who did this is stupid. But if you're going to attack this so-called learning activity, be even-handed.
1. Teacher's alleged mock slave auction in 5th grade class prompts A.G. response
2. Ohio mother wins her battle to have the white teacher who threathened's her middler schooler with "lynching" School district calls student a "hero"
3. White teacher fired for making black students play slaves plans $1B lawsuit
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The Most Devastating Inside Account of Woke Campus 'policing' you'll ever read: Searing investigation exposes Stanford Bosses Hounding Undergrads to Suicide that begs question - who'd be a student today?

Decker Paulmeier grew up working nights and weekends in his family's barbecue restaurant in South Carolina. He took his first double shift when he was eight years old, and eventually hustled his way up from bussing tables to mixing drinks behind the bar.


Decker Paulmeier (above) grew up working nights and weekends in his family's barbecue restaurant in South Carolina.


Meyer was a 22-year-old senior, captain of the Stanford women's soccer team, and a star campus athlete.

The campus had been devastated by the suicide, on February 28, 2022, of his friend Katie Meyer. Meyer was a 22-year-old senior, captain of the Stanford women's soccer team, and a star campus athlete. On the night of her death, she received an email, also drafted by Tiffany Gabrielson, that informed her she was being charged with a conduct violation alleging she had deliberately spilled coffee on a Stanford football player. This letter was open on her computer when she killed herself in her dorm room.

Investigation exposes Stanford hounding undergrads to suicide - who'd be a student today? | Daily Mail Online
Grease goes Woke: New TV reboot of 70s classic features Multicultural, all-female quartet and will explore 'sexual orientation, gender expression and racial identity'... as characters sing a song about white supremacy

  • Grease's woke re-boot has already received scathing reviews
Iconic 1970s flick Grease is set for a woke TV re-boot that will see the classic musical center itself around a multicultural, all-female lineup to explore 'sexual orientation, gender expression and racial identity'.

Family favorite tunes will be re-sung alongside new musical numbers including one about white supremacy, while the 1950's student population at Rydell High School will be re-filled with a varied mix of LGBT and black high schoolers unseen in the 1978 hit.

Grease goes woke: New TV reboot of 70s classic will explore 'gender expression and racial identity' | Daily Mail Online
Teachers Who Sued Over Training That Forced Adherence To Leftist Racial Justice Agenda Forced To Pay Attorney Fees


An Obama-appointed federal judge hit two teachers who sued over their school district’s mandatory training on becoming an “anti-racist” with nearly $313,000 in attorney’s fees.

Springfield, Missouri teachers Brooke Henderson and Jennifer Lumley sued in 2021 over their school district’s “equity training” on “oppression, white supremacy, and systemic racism,” which they say compelled their speech and forced them to express views they disagreed with as a condition of their employment. Southeastern Legal Foundation, representing the teachers, appealed what they called an “unprecedented and overtly hostile” district court order forcing them to pay attorney fees to the Eighth Circuit on Friday.

Teachers Who Sued Over Training That Forced Adherence To Leftist Racial Justice Agenda Forced To Pay Attorney Fees
How Walmart Pushed Arkansas Public Schools to Go Woke

Documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon show a private company’s unprecedented effort to inject DEI into classrooms

In January 2020, Walmart approached public school administrators in Bentonville, Arkansas, about hosting diversity training sessions for the district.

"We want people to feel welcomed, comfortable, and safe living here" in Northwest Arkansas, Candice Jones, Walmart’s head of diversity, emailed district leaders, according to documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. To that end, the company was offering to arrange teacher training sessions with a North Carolina-based consultancy known as the Racial Equity Institute, a group "devoted to creating racially equitable organizations and systems."

By August, teachers were learning that "perfectionism" is "white supremacy" and that "all our systems, institutions, and outcomes emanate from the racial hierarchy on which the United States was built."

How Walmart Pushed Arkansas Public Schools to Go Woke
Netflix is accused of 'blackwashing' new Jada Pinkett Smith produced docu-series Queen Cleopatra by casting black British actress as the historically Macedonian-Greek ruler - sparking anger in Egypt

  • The new docu-series, African Queens: Queen Cleopatra, stars black British actress Adele James as the Egyptian ruler
  • Producer Jada Pinkett Smith said she wanted to tell the story because 'we don't often get to see or hear stories about black queens'
Netflix has been accused of 'blackwashing' history by casting a black actress as Cleopatra in a new docuseries about the Macedonian-Greek ruler.

African Queens: Queen Cleopatra stars British actress Adele James as the Egyptian ruler. Producer Jada Pinkett Smith said she wanted to tell the story because 'we don't often get to see or hear stories about black queens.'

But Egyptians have reacted with horror to the denial of records which show Cleopatra was Macedonian-Greek. An Egyptian lawyer has filed a case with the country's public prosecutor demanding that Netflix be shutdown.

Meanwhile Cairo's former antiquities minister Zahi Hawass condemned the documentary as 'completely fake. Cleopatra was Greek, meaning that she was light-skinned, not black.'

Hawass said the only rulers of Egypt known to have been black were the Kushite kings of the 25th Dynasty (747-656 BC).

Netflix accused of 'blackwashing' new docu-series Queen Cleopatra by casting black British actress | Daily Mail Online
Kellogg’s Shareholders Reject Proposal For Audit Of ‘Equity’ Policies Despite Discrimination Complaints


Kellogg’s shareholders rejected a proposal to commission an audit of its equity policies to determine whether they discriminate against certain employees at its annual shareholder meeting Friday.

Kellogg’s Board of Directors recommended opposing the proposal by the National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR), saying it disagrees that there is concern that diversity, equity and inclusion “programs and practices themselves are deeply racist, sexist, [and] otherwise discriminatory.” The cereal giant has pledged to meet demographic hiring goals that may discriminate against “non-diverse” employees, and NCPPR proposed an audit analyzing the impacts for such policies.

Anderson also noted the company’s pledge to hire 25% “racially underrepresented” employees at the management level by the end of 2025, asking if this violates federal antidiscrimination laws that could make Kellogg’s vulnerable to costly legal action. (RELATED: Kellogg’s Apologizes For ‘Racist’ Corn Pop Artwork)

Kellogg’s Shareholders Reject Proposal For Audit Of ‘Equity’ Policies Despite Discrimination Complaints


Oscars voters slam Hollywood inclusion standards amid new Diversity Rules

The new Diversity and Inclusion requirements for Oscar consideration will take effect in 2024

The Academy Awards are facing much criticism after implementing new diversity and inclusion guidelines for 2024.

Beginning in 2024, film producers and directors will be required to submit to the Academy a dossier of the sort that points to the race, gender, sexual orientation and disability status of their film’s cast and crew members.

Oscars voters slam Hollywood inclusion standards amid new diversity rules
Grocery store chain prompts customers to donate to 'DEI awareness'

A Washington state grocery store chain is prompting its customers to donate to raise "awareness" for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

Fox News Digital obtained photographs of a self-checkout lane at Haggen, a grocery store chain owned by produce giant Albertson’s, that prompted customers to donate money to raise "DEI awareness."

"Would you like to donate to help advocate for DEI awareness?" a screen displays, prompting donations of $1, $3, $5, and "other" amounts while also allowing shoppers to opt-out.

Behind the self-checkout kiosk is a sign advertising Haggen’s own charity, the Haggen Foundation, telling customers that from June 14 to Aug. 8, they can donate at "any register" to "support organizations that make positive social changes to ensure all community members live a healthy and fully inclusive life."

However, the website also notes that the DEI donations campaign benefits charities supporting woke policies, including the Northwest Justice Project, which seeks to challenge "structural and racial inequities to promote the long-term well-being of low-income individuals, families and communities across Washington State."

Grocery store chain prompts customers to donate to 'DEI awareness'
Nolte: Woke Reich Adds Trigger Warnings to Ernest Hemingway Novels

The Woke Reich is adding childish, offensive, condescending trigger warnings to books written by Ernest Hemingway, a Nobel Prize winner.

“The publisher’s decision to present it as it was originally published is not intended as an endorsement of cultural representations or language contained herein,” warns Penguin Random House about two Hemingway books: the short story collection Men Without Women and The Sun Also Rises, which is widely considered one of the great novels of the 20th Century.

Nolte: Woke Reich Adds Trigger Warnings to Ernest Hemingway Novels

Your Tax Dollars at Work: State of Michigan Holds ‘Harm Reduction’ Conference Denouncing ‘Whiteness’​


Michigan’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) held a conference in May regarding “harm reduction” that featured a panel on denouncing “whiteness.”

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services’ Viral Hepatitis unit, which holds an annual “harm reduction” conference, featured a workshop at this year’s event in May, titled, “Decentering Whiteness: An Equity-Based Approach.”

A description of the workshop said it explores “biases that black and non-black people of color participants encounter while accessing medical and social services,” as well as “how these biases enter the employment space and create barriers for black, brown, indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) individuals to achieve their highest potentials.”

“The workshop will also explore bias, medical mistrust, generational trauma, white colonialist systems, and radical inclusion,” the description added.

Blue state suspends basic skills graduation requirement again, citing harm to students of color​

High schoolers in Oregon won't need to demonstrate basic competency in reading, writing or math in order to graduate for at least five more years because, according to education officials, such requirements are unnecessary and disproportionately harm students of color.

"At some point … our diploma is going to end up looking a lot more like a participation prize than an actual certificate that shows that someone actually is prepared to go pursue their best future," former Oregon gubernatorial candidate Christine Drazan told Fox News.

Board members said the standards were unnecessary and harmed marginalized students since higher rates of students of color, students with disabilities and students learning English as a second language ended up having to take the extra step to prove they deserved a diploma, The Oregonian reported.


Los Angeles Students Trained To Be 'Anti-Racist Leaders' In Required Ethnic Studies Course​

EXCLUSIVE — Los Angeles Unified School District requires its high school students to "become anti-racist leaders" by learning about "black liberation" and the "four I's of oppression," according to school curricula.

In 2021, the state of California passed a law requiring high school students to take some form of an "ethnic studies" course in order to graduate.

In order to satisfy the requirement, all members of the class of 2027 and beyond must take courses that emphasize components of critical race theory by focusing on "those who have ancestral roots and knowledge who have resisted and survived settler colonialism, racism, white supremacy, cultural erasure, as well as other patterns, structures, and systems of marginalization and oppression."


Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Calls on City to Give Black Residents Fewer Parking Tickets for ‘Racial Equity’​

The city of Chicago and Democrat Mayor Brandon Johnson is calling on city authorities to give black residents fewer parking tickets in an effort to push “racial equity.”

The city has established a “Racial Equity Office,” which pushes the idea that urgency is white supremacist, and has made its city police give fewer parking tickets to black residents.

‘It Is Poison’: Ted Cruz Blasts NSA Over Woke Diversity Glossary Uncovered By Daily Wire​

The senator tore into the Biden administration for being "fundamentally unserious" and obsessed with "leftist woke politics," at the expense of national security.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) blasted the National Security Agency (NSA) on Monday in response to a Daily Wire investigation that revealed the agency created a woke diversity, equity, and inclusion glossary that pushes Critical Race Theory and radical gender ideology.

The glossary, first uncovered in an exclusive investigation from The Daily Wire, blames “white Europeans” for “settler colonialism,” promotes the gender-neutral pronouns “ze” and “zir,” and even warns of “transmisogyny.”


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