I am starting to wonder if the majority of the people commenting on this story just have a predisposed dislike for Coach Martin. Most people have been freaking out about Landry's numbers and saying we should not take the kid. Now, literally a day later, people are acting like releasing the kid is the most Unethical vile thing that a coach could do.
Landry signed as a Junior when he had better numbers at a lower tier high school. He got around the big boys and underperformed. Ergo he of all people should expect that his future here was on shaky ground. Furthermore we sign Thompson, a guy who looked like he was going to Vandy, to fill the role that Landry would have played.
If anything by releasing him now, instead of after a year of no playing time, CCM has given Landry the chance of finding a school he can play at, which gives him a better chance of a good college career. This was the best move for all involved, and I would be shocked to think that Landry did not see the writing on the wall. If that is the case the dude is just naive as to what it takes to play in the SEC.
Note: Edited for easier reading.