Curt Schilling - not a future ESPN Courage award recipient

What are you talking about? ESPN never dictated to Schilling what his ideology should be.

ESPN practiced their own free speech rights, and their own free association rights by deciding not to be associated with Schilling.

Did he break the law? Why can they share their ideology when he can't?
Did he break the law? Why can they share their ideology when he can't?

What do you mean "he can't"? NO ONE PREVENTED Schilling from sharing his ideology. ESPN prevented itself from continued association with Schilling. Those are two different things.
He can and did share his ideology. He just can't do so and remain employed by ESPN.

I don't work for a huge company like espn and I don't have a gazillion followers like Schilling, but I censor myself on social media because I don't want to present an offensive public image. I generally refrain from any political comments, outside of the "go vote" type, and I never comment on religion.
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What do you mean "he can't"? NO ONE PREVENTED Schilling from sharing his ideology. ESPN prevented itself from continued association with Schilling. Those are two different things.

I see how it could represent ESPN now. I was caught up in this being his private time versus being on Sports center....
Did he break the law? Why can they share their ideology when he can't?
Actually both did.

I don't agree with firing him over it if Im going to allow other topics to be discussed by other employees that represent me. In that case he should be afforded the same. If not, Im not allowing anything regardless of if I agree with it or not.

That said, until Im running ESPN its not (and should not be) my call.
I use to love ESPN with SportsCenter and PTI. Now, it's virtually unwatchable outside of a game I'm interested in.

I still like PTI (even though Tony and Wilbon trash Atlanta every chance they get), but sportscenter is just childish and unprofessional at this point. It's as if they are catering to 15 year olds.
I see how it could represent ESPN now. I was caught up in this being his private time versus being on Sports center....

While he was not on the clock when he made the post, the post itself wasn't "private" by any means. It's not like he was having a conversation with his wife.
I don't work for a huge company like espn and I don't have a gazillion followers like Schilling, but I censor myself on social media because I don't want to present an offensive public image. I generally refrain from any political comments, outside of the "go vote" type, and I never comment on religion.

This is the smart approach. I'm astounded at the content some folks post on their social media accounts. Many employers now review those outlets when making hiring decisions. It can create a strong perception into one's character.
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It's a 24 hour network with multiple channels. Of course they are going to have some stupid **** on the air. Change the channel.

Name one network you can watch around the clock and enjoy everything. You can't even say that about HBO.
According to some of you, we watch Fox News 24 hours a day, and enjoy everything.
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I hope Schillings actions drive up the worth of his baseball cards. I got some from "back in the day"..and some autographs..
This is the smart approach. I'm astounded at the content some folks post on their social media accounts. Many employers now review those outlets when making hiring decisions. It can create a strong perception into one's character.

Seriously. I keep my social media feeds dedicated to alcohol, death metal, and strip clubs.
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I hope Schillings actions drive up the worth of his baseball cards. I got some from "back in the day"..and some autographs..

All his early cards were from the the early 90's...when the printing presses were rolling in high gear. Usually can't even give those cards away.
They have every right to. 100%. Its just hypocritical to allow certain statements on air but others, off air, are off limits. And they bash the NFL for their handling of situations

Every network does that for the most part. I think it's dumb from a business standpoint to EVER get political on a sports network. People go there for sports not politics. It has and will continue to hurt ESPN.
This is the smart approach. I'm astounded at the content some folks post on their social media accounts. Many employers now review those outlets when making hiring decisions. It can create a strong perception into one's character.

Outside of VN which I remain anonymous I don't have a social media presence.

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