SIGH! The usual VN hate festival on a player. People do dumb things. Some due to immaturity, some to being motivated by dubious even diabolic reasons. A lot of people endure experiences that face plants them into a wall, lo and behold, they realize what a jackass they've been. A lot of them put forth effort to change their ways. But you know what? A lot of people are so full of spite, hate, and worse they refuse forgive or forget no matter what that person does to remedy his past. If God treated people this way, we'd all be in hell whether we have died or not.
I read DR's comments, I can only speculate he's serious. His comments indicate he now knows he was 9/10ths an ass and 10/10ths what comes out of an ass. He values the university enough to desire to be part of it despite his past failing. He bluntly confesses to those failings. You know, he could have gone on the media and badmouthed the university and everything about it. Given the imbecilic behavior of a lot of Vols fans, it's a wonder he didn't. Given Vols fans already have a reputation for being a sorry bunch of retards, many people probably would have nodded in agreement with his badmouthing. But he isn't badmouthing the UT or its fans, if anything he's badmouthing himself. Interesting. For someone gathering so much hate, he sure shows a lot more class than his haters.