If they had just been smoking weed the cops would have never been called except to maybe bring tacos.
The police report says they found marijuana and pipes and other drug stuff, but ownership could not be established, so they saved it for the KPD Ball
The more I hear about this incident it appears a lot of people where very fortunate they were not seriously injured and the police HAD to have shown incredible restraint....if there were interferences on the scene, etc...the police have EVERY RIGHT to get control of that scene (especially with the large number they were dealing with) up to and using physical contact (subduing any offending person)....When something like this goes down and the police are called and required by law to investigate the ONLY thing for a party attender to do is SHUT UP, BE CALM, BE STILL, AND DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD!!!! End of story, nothing more to be said....the game is over and the police have the law on their sides as it should be....
The more I hear about this incident it appears a lot of people where very fortunate they were not seriously injured and the police HAD to have shown incredible restraint....if there were interferences on the scene, etc...the police have EVERY RIGHT to get control of that scene (especially with the large number they were dealing with) up to and using physical contact (subduing any offending person)....When something like this goes down and the police are called and required by law to investigate the ONLY thing for a party attender to do is SHUT UP, BE CALM, BE STILL, AND DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD!!!! End of story, nothing more to be said....the game is over and the police have the law on their sides as it should be....
The more I hear about this incident it appears a lot of people where very fortunate they were not seriously injured and the police HAD to have shown incredible restraint....if there were interferences on the scene, etc...the police have EVERY RIGHT to get control of that scene (especially with the large number they were dealing with) up to and using physical contact (subduing any offending person)....When something like this goes down and the police are called and required by law to investigate the ONLY thing for a party attender to do is SHUT UP, BE CALM, BE STILL, AND DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD!!!! End of story, nothing more to be said....the game is over and the police have the law on their sides as it should be....
Players arrested, coaches partying with players, it's like the good old Kiffin days!
Okay this incident has stressed me out so much I subscribed to GVX to get the information lol! It is not as bad as the headline wants us to think- a player called one of the assistant strength coaches and a couple of the GA's after the police were there. One of them was trying to help diffuse the situation and the cop detained him for trespassing but let him go. It said most of the players were respectful and didn't give any insight as to why AJ and Sapp were charged with resisting arrest. So the coaches weren't there partying with the players- they were called because a player was scared and they should come to them in that situation I believe. Also the police gave a firm warning to them to turn the music down or they would be back and it wouldn't be good- unfortunately they didn't listen and here we are today still talking about it but just as I suspected, the news sensationalized this to get suckers like me to pay for their subscription to read on lol!!
The more I hear about this incident it appears a lot of people where very fortunate they were not seriously injured and the police HAD to have shown incredible restraint....if there were interferences on the scene, etc...the police have EVERY RIGHT to get control of that scene (especially with the large number they were dealing with) up to and using physical contact (subduing any offending person)....When something like this goes down and the police are called and required by law to investigate the ONLY thing for a party attender to do is SHUT UP, BE CALM, BE STILL, AND DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD!!!! End of story, nothing more to be said....the game is over and the police have the law on their sides as it should be....