Debate thread

Despite this, she called on Democrats to accept whoever the nominee would be. “A core tenet of democracy is that you accept the results of an election, and the reality is that primary voting has already happened to a degree that Biden is the nominee,” Gluesenkamp Perez said.

wth. wants him to withdraw and at same time accept the primary voting process. these people have forked tounges
Democrats have the ability to enshrine the first female and african american POTUS ever - Kamala Harris.

Luther wants the Rs to initiate it

Later, if all this nonsense fails... he's going to say, "I told them so, they should've listen to me". 😂
Congress has discussed "Partial Birth" abortions multiple times. Even as far back as 2003 there was an anti-partial birth abortion bill in Congress, so there was enough support to need a ban on it. Its wanted by some, even made it to the floor of several states. I think it was Newsome, but it might have been one of the others, who was even discussing in the last election.

its the same take it to extremes that exist on both sides. The Dems say every R want to ban every abortion, and the Rs say every Dem wants to kill every "partially" born babies.
He mentioned Northam's comments, which were about newborns with no chance of survival, and said they were in favor of post delivery abortion. So he was lying there.
Because he is unfit and getting progressively worse. Isn't it obvious?

He was unfit to start with and you voted for him. If he is unfit now with the cabinet they can start the process. He basically looks like the same guy from 5-6 years ago to me, older, slower, but basically the same dope.

You need more sleep than Biden.
He was unfit to start with and you voted for him. If he is unfit now with the cabinet they can start the process. He basically looks like the same guy from 5-6 years ago to me, older, slower, but basically the same dope.

You need more sleep than Biden.
He was a horrible choice in 2020.
But he was the only viable choice who was not trump.
So why are you asking the R's to do it? Which I don't even agree is a thing. My reading is that the VP has to get this party started
I'm asking for the d's to replace him on the ticket - that would be victory enough for me.
I'm asking for the d's to replace him on the ticket - that would be victory enough for me.
The R's don't control whose on your ticket. JFC. Biden could be removed from office today. And he could still be the Dem nominee. Jesus. You and your party controls whose on your ticket. Not the GOP. Own it. You keep asking what the R's are doing to replace this senile clown. It's your problem
Hey guys, my guy is horrible, but I plan voting for him again. I'm going to remain a party member because they keep giving me horrible candidates, and hide the truth from me.... so I'll just keep doing the same thing over and over. Oh I forgot, both of them are unfit but I keep voting for one of them.
The R's don't control whose on your ticket. JFC. Biden could be removed from office today. And he could still be the Dem nominee. Jesus. You and your party controls whose on your ticket. Not the GOP. Own it
You guys make no sense.
Whoever said the r's control who is on the d ticket?

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