Debate thread

Trump was a Democrat before changing to a Republican.

Path of least resistance to get to where he wants to be. Biden is clueless the man needs to be enjoying what time he has left on earth not arguing over stuff that he or any other clown can fix.
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Democrats have been denying Biden's dementia for the last couple of years. Hopefully last night finally served as a wakeup call.

Republicans just don't seem to care that Trump is a delusional narcissistic liar.

I can't vote for either of these buffoons.
Imagine the landscape today had CNN and MSNBC took the same honesty back in 2016 election. Instead of fan girling Hillary we are probably not here. Trump is wrapping up a second term and we have two different candidates.
Do you think it’s at the point they want Biden to resign and Kamala finish the term as 47th?

Would be fascinating for historical nerds.

I don’t think they want Kamala holding that office for even 1 day. If she ascends they can’t replace her on the ticket and my goodness no way she can win a legitimate election.
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There is nothing new if anyone has been watching him for 5-6 years. This was the plan all along if his numbers started to decline. All of sudden they're all saying the same thing. They have to convince him to step aside so they can run who they got lined up without primaries.
it proves the Dems and liberal media have been lying all along about Biden being 'sharp' in private meetings and on top of the issues and coherent

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Nah. This was the plan all along. Now they can replace the ice cream man with who they want without having to go through the primaries.
Unless she plays along…. I don’t see how they can replace him and skip Kamala without seeming racist/sexist.
The dems didn’t want Kamala either. Brit Hume says all the delegates are Biden voters. Their only option is Biden stepping aside. I don’t know how that happens.
It speaks volumes that she’s not mentioned as next up. Almost as if she was a check the box hire.
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