Debt ceiling: here we go AGAIN

Senate GOP Blocks Democratic bill to fund government, raise debt ceiling

Senate Republicans said that they would not support Democratic efforts to raise the debt ceiling

Senate Republicans blocked a Democrat-backed bill to fund the government and raise the debt ceiling on Monday in a move that will leave Democratic leaders with just a few days to avert a government shutdown and potential default on U.S. debt obligations.

The stopgap bill, which would have funded the government through Dec. 3, suspended the debt limit and directed funds for hurricane relief, fell short of the 60-vote threshold required to overcome the Republican filibuster. Government funding expires at midnight on Thursday.

Senate GOP blocks Democratic bill to fund government, raise debt ceiling
Senate GOP Blocks Democratic bill to fund government, raise debt ceiling

Senate Republicans said that they would not support Democratic efforts to raise the debt ceiling

Senate Republicans blocked a Democrat-backed bill to fund the government and raise the debt ceiling on Monday in a move that will leave Democratic leaders with just a few days to avert a government shutdown and potential default on U.S. debt obligations.

The stopgap bill, which would have funded the government through Dec. 3, suspended the debt limit and directed funds for hurricane relief, fell short of the 60-vote threshold required to overcome the Republican filibuster. Government funding expires at midnight on Thursday.

Senate GOP blocks Democratic bill to fund government, raise debt ceiling
Shutdown! Shutdown! Shutdown!
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Four-plus decades ago, the Republican Party abandoned fiscal responsibility. They championed tax policies which would encourage the consolidation of wealth and exacerbate structural deficits in the Federal budget. They pasted over this betrayal with “Trickle Down,” a bald-faced lie that their tax policy would supercharge the US economy, grow Federal revenues out of the deficits, and the benefits would trickle down to everyone, including the poorest of us.

The reality has been staggering deficits when the Republicans have controlled Congress and the White House, and disingenuous lip service to deficits when the Democrats have controlled the White House and/or House of Representatives.

The Republicans last rejigger of Federal taxes lowered rates even further for the wealthiest corporations & individuals while raising the Federal tax bill $500 for those making $50k/year or less. It resulted in $1trillion+ deficit while the US economy surged and unemployment was reported at 3.5%. Republicans raised the debt limit without fanfare while they controlled the Senate and White House.

Now, a minority in Congress, the Republicans are decrying deficit spending and playing chicken with the debt limit and a possible default by the Federal government. In their politics-as-war, end-justifies-the-means, power-for-powers-sake ideological purity, they would commit the most egregious irresponsibility, adversely impacting every American most profoundly, including they concentrations of wealth they’ve served first throughout the past 40 years.

Even the one percent will be harmed by a US default. Generations of Americans will be worse off. This isn’t something that can be swept under the rug when the Republicans regain power.

If you proclaim yourself conservative, wake the hell up! Abandon your unfathomable fascination with Trump and become active within the party. Correct it’s platform and purge it of self-destructive elements, or resign yourself to attempt to build from scratch a new truly Conservative party in the aftermath.
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The rich shouldn't pay taxes. It will just trickle down to us.
That’s the current system.
Claim you’re going to tax the rich then give them loopholes so the only people who actually get taxed are those people you claim are not going to be taxed.

The only way the rich will pay taxes is a consumption tax with no exemptions.

The government can’t use the tax code to reward and punish so it will never work.
Republican, democrats....all one and the same. When they're "at odds", it's all an act. As long as this govt in any shape or form remains in control, we're all in a chit storm that threatens our existence. They've lied, cheated, stolen and killed. They're the evil. They're the threat. People need to wake up and recognize the gamesmanship at work here. We're being led like sheep to the slaughter. Free people need to rise up and take this country back by whatever means necessary and that begins by ridding ourselves about the evil devils in government.
Let’s face it….we’re dealing with people who think a tax cut is giving you something instead of taking less from you.
Quit making employers collect the taxes and make the individual write a check each week for those taxes and things will get interesting real quick. We've been conditioned to only look at the net pay, not the gross. Most don't even know the company they work for pays 1/2 of their SS/MC for them as well.
Four-plus decades ago, the Republican Party abandoned fiscal responsibility. They championed tax policies which would encourage the consolidation of wealth and exacerbate structural deficits in the Federal budget. They pasted over this betrayal with “Trickle Down,” a bald-faced lie that their tax policy would supercharge the US economy, grow Federal revenues out of the deficits, and the benefits would trickle down to everyone, including the poorest of us.

The reality has been staggering deficits when the Republicans have controlled Congress and the White House, and disingenuous lip service to deficits when the Democrats have controlled the White House and/or House of Representatives.

The Republicans last rejigger of Federal taxes lowered rates even further for the wealthiest corporations & individuals while raising the Federal tax bill $500 for those making $50k/year or less. It resulted in $1trillion+ deficit while the US economy surged and unemployment was reported at 3.5%. Republicans raised the debt limit without fanfare while they controlled the Senate and White House.

Now, a minority in Congress, the Republicans are decrying deficit spending and playing chicken with the debt limit and a possible default by the Federal government. In their politics-as-war, end-justifies-the-means, power-for-powers-sake ideological purity, they would commit the most egregious irresponsibility, adversely impacting every American most profoundly, including they concentrations of wealth they’ve served first throughout the past 40 years.

Even the one percent will be harmed by a US default. Generations of Americans will be worse off. This isn’t something that can be swept under the rug when the Republicans regain power.

If you proclaim yourself conservative, wake the hell up! Abandon your unfathomable fascination with Trump and become active within the party. Correct it’s platform and purge it of self-destructive elements, or resign yourself to attempt to build from scratch a new truly Conservative party in the aftermath.

Love the self righteous ignorance in this post.

Both parties have abandoned any semblance of fiscal responsibility.
Four-plus decades ago, the Republican Party abandoned fiscal responsibility. They championed tax policies which would encourage the consolidation of wealth and exacerbate structural deficits in the Federal budget. They pasted over this betrayal with “Trickle Down,” a bald-faced lie that their tax policy would supercharge the US economy, grow Federal revenues out of the deficits, and the benefits would trickle down to everyone, including the poorest of us.

The reality has been staggering deficits when the Republicans have controlled Congress and the White House, and disingenuous lip service to deficits when the Democrats have controlled the White House and/or House of Representatives.

The Republicans last rejigger of Federal taxes lowered rates even further for the wealthiest corporations & individuals while raising the Federal tax bill $500 for those making $50k/year or less. It resulted in $1trillion+ deficit while the US economy surged and unemployment was reported at 3.5%. Republicans raised the debt limit without fanfare while they controlled the Senate and White House.

Now, a minority in Congress, the Republicans are decrying deficit spending and playing chicken with the debt limit and a possible default by the Federal government. In their politics-as-war, end-justifies-the-means, power-for-powers-sake ideological purity, they would commit the most egregious irresponsibility, adversely impacting every American most profoundly, including they concentrations of wealth they’ve served first throughout the past 40 years.

Even the one percent will be harmed by a US default. Generations of Americans will be worse off. This isn’t something that can be swept under the rug when the Republicans regain power.

If you proclaim yourself conservative, wake the hell up! Abandon your unfathomable fascination with Trump and become active within the party. Correct it’s platform and purge it of self-destructive elements, or resign yourself to attempt to build from scratch a new truly Conservative party in the aftermath.
You are confused, at best. Delusional, at worst. Allow me to help you.

1. Paragraph one. Yes, Reagan cut taxes. He also did not veto massive spending increases. In fact, increased spending was part of his platform. The economy grew robustly, tax revenues increased.

2. Paragraph two. Rs are have no moral ground on which to stand re deficits and debt. And neither do Ds. Rs give lip service to debt. Ds give lip service to tax policy and its impact on revenue.

3. Paragraph three. Tax revenues have increased every year except for years where the economy took a hit. Housing crisis, and Covid response are the two most recent. Tax revenues are poorly correlated with tax policy. GDP is most correlated with tax revenue. Additionally, America is on pace to spend 9T-10T dollars this year (federal, state and local). There has never been in our history more money for more programs than there is right now.

4. Paragraph four. Rs are playing politics. Both sides do this. The last time this game was played in earnest was under Clinton. Gingrich held the Congress. It was also the only time spending decreased (slightly and breifly) and additional debt wasn't added.

5. Paragraph 5. Default and ensuing hyperinflation is the fault of both parties, all branches of government, and the American people who want their sacred cows fattened no matter what.

No candidate from either of the major 2 parties has helped the situation. We are destined for default unless some unique never-before-attempted accounting tricks staves off the inevitable.

You're welcome.
Quit making employers collect the taxes and make the individual write a check each week for those taxes and things will get interesting real quick. We've been conditioned to only look at the net pay, not the gross. Most don't even know the company they work for pays 1/2 of their SS/MC for them as well.
I am acutely aware of my taxes paid because I make monthly deposits by phone to the Treasury.
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You are confused, at best. Delusional, at worst. Allow me to help you.

1. Paragraph one. Yes, Reagan cut taxes. He also did not veto massive spending increases. In fact, increased spending was part of his platform. The economy grew robustly, tax revenues increased.

2. Paragraph two. Rs are have no moral ground on which to stand re deficits and debt. And neither do Ds. Rs give lip service to debt. Ds give lip service to tax policy and its impact on revenue.

3. Paragraph three. Tax revenues have increased every year except for years where the economy took a hit. Housing crisis, and Covid response are the two most recent. Tax revenues are poorly correlated with tax policy. GDP is most correlated with tax revenue. Additionally, America is on pace to spend 9T-10T dollars this year (federal, state and local). There has never been in our history more money for more programs than there is right now.

4. Paragraph four. Rs are playing politics. Both sides do this. The last time this game was played in earnest was under Clinton. Gingrich held the Congress. It was also the only time spending decreased (slightly and breifly) and additional debt wasn't added.

5. Paragraph 5. Default and ensuing hyperinflation is the fault of both parties, all branches of government, and the American people who want their sacred cows fattened no matter what.

No candidate from either of the major 2 parties has helped the situation. We are destined for default unless some unique never-before-attempted accounting tricks staves off the inevitable.

You're welcome.
$1T coins?
You are confused, at best. Delusional, at worst. Allow me to help you.

1. Paragraph one. Yes, Reagan cut taxes. He also did not veto massive spending increases. In fact, increased spending was part of his platform. The economy grew robustly, tax revenues increased.

2. Paragraph two. Rs are have no moral ground on which to stand re deficits and debt. And neither do Ds. Rs give lip service to debt. Ds give lip service to tax policy and its impact on revenue.

3. Paragraph three. Tax revenues have increased every year except for years where the economy took a hit. Housing crisis, and Covid response are the two most recent. Tax revenues are poorly correlated with tax policy. GDP is most correlated with tax revenue. Additionally, America is on pace to spend 9T-10T dollars this year (federal, state and local). There has never been in our history more money for more programs than there is right now.

4. Paragraph four. Rs are playing politics. Both sides do this. The last time this game was played in earnest was under Clinton. Gingrich held the Congress. It was also the only time spending decreased (slightly and breifly) and additional debt wasn't added.

5. Paragraph 5. Default and ensuing hyperinflation is the fault of both parties, all branches of government, and the American people who want their sacred cows fattened no matter what.

No candidate from either of the major 2 parties has helped the situation. We are destined for default unless some unique never-before-attempted accounting tricks staves off the inevitable.

You're welcome.

That was one of the most polite spankings I have ever witnessed. I'm impressed.
Made with Endohedral Fullerenes. (Cost: $138.2 million per gram).
What if you had one and accidentally dropped it into the candy machine. Which would be most worth it?
I am saying Payday or Almond Joy
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