Debt ceiling: here we go AGAIN

sure am glad we elected a „Uniter“ like Joe Biden to bring the country together by abandoning Americans in Afghanistan, destroying energy independence, throwing the border wide open, pushing draconian immunization edicts, playing footsie with China and Iran, dissing our ally France, and most of all trying to spend 4 TRILLION dollars and leave the bill for our grandkids. SO GLAD there are no more mean tweets

Neither party ever becomes fiscally responsible in or out of power they just put the money they want to spend under a different shell.
True, i would say they all spend like drunken sailors, but sailors don’t own the worlds largest printing press for money. At least drunken sailors have to stop when the money runs out.
The party who is not in power always becomes fiscally responsible and willing to screw the country over to prove a point.
How is the party being fiscally responsible, even if temporarily, screwing the country over?

The screw came when whatever spending was signed into place. The screwing came when we decided to keep raising the ceiling, and not responsibly manage our debt/deficit. The screwing came when it became politically motivated and not based on any real ideology.

I don't understand the value in a trillion dollar coin. Our monetary system isn't based on inherent value of the money. It is on faith in our government. A trillion dollar platinum coin doesn't restore faith, does it?
I don't understand the value in a trillion dollar coin. Our monetary system isn't based on inherent value of the money. It is on faith in our government. A trillion dollar platinum coin doesn't restore faith, does it?

No, it doesn't. And there's a reason we went from backing our currency with something of intrinsic value to backing it with a slogan that means little to nothing.
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No, it doesn't. And there's a reason we went from backing our currency with something of intrinsic value to backing it with a slogan that means little to nothing.

Well at least you can drop it off in the soda machine at the CCP embassy and call it even steven,
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That's one of the dumber ideas that I've ever heard.
Really? Explain.

Individuals and families have basic operating costs, also.

It can't be any dumber than taxing individuals/families under an "income" tax when they are earning wages and tips.
Rip off the bandages already, stock up on food, guns and ammo and let’s just let this baby burn so we can start sifting the ashes to start rebuilding. This decades old slow death by a million cuts is ridiculous.
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Rip off the bandages already, stock up on food, guns and ammo and let’s just let this baby burn so we can start sifting the ashes to start rebuilding. This decades old slow death by a million cuts is ridiculous.

If we do that then the American people will understand freedom and the true role of government. And it's not to be the purveyors of truth. Marxism would get defeated.
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That’s the point of doing it.

As a citizen you better exchange the dollar for something else first like gold.

It's incredible the Beijing Biden administration is proposing monitoring people bank accounts for transactions $600 and over, the guy is openly combining it with pay your fair share. Basically they want to take your money and give it to someone else for you. Iron fisted. How do these folks gets votes unless you are a marxist or uninformed? Hate for the other guy shouldn't trigger irresponsible voting.
Not sure even gold would help as how will one make purchases with it, if there’s anything around to purchase. Hence my spend it now and stash it well philosophy.

As to the monitoring bullcrap, they’ll see normal housing and utility expenses in the account and cash withdrawals. They can feel free to come ask me what I’m spending cash on but there’s a sweet little amendment that says I don’t have to answer.

It’s a case of both the uninformed and Marx/Mao acolytes if you really look at them. Biden wasn’t actually voted “for” by most of them, it was more a case of voting “against” Trump, thanks MSM propaganda, because you know... orange man bad and mean tweet words are violence. 🙄
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Not sure even gold would help as how will one make purchases with it, if there’s anything around to purchase. Hence my spend it now and stash it well philosophy.

As to the monitoring bullcrap, they’ll see normal housing and utility expenses in the account and cash withdrawals. They can feel free to come ask me what I’m spending cash on but there’s a sweet little amendment that says I don’t have to answer.

It’s a case of both the uninformed and Marx/Mao acolytes if you really look at them. Biden wasn’t actually voted “for” by most of them, it was more a case of voting “against” Trump, thanks MSM propaganda, because you know... orange man bad and mean tweet words are violence. 🙄

Agreed people will either stash more cash because these low growth checking/savings accounts don't matter anyway or the cash withdrawals will be much much higher as a way to give them the middle finger trying to be a state sponsor of taking away privacy.

I don't see this going anywhere though unless we can't eject them from office and they think they have a mandate or try to shove as much bad stuff through as quickly as possible.
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Not sure even gold would help as how will one make purchases with it, if there’s anything around to purchase. Hence my spend it now and stash it well philosophy.
Inflation will eat it away or they will just go all digital and give you a sh*tty exchange rate to go from physical to digital.
I'm not in favor of the income tax at all. However, if we are looking for a middle ground, why not tax the individual the same way you tax businesses?

Individuals are taxed on their gross. Why not tax an individual on profit (revenue - expenses)?
Isn't this the way an individual's federal income tax is calculated already. Income is reduced by deductions (either itemized or standard) to yield the individual's taxable income.
Isn't this the way an individual's federal income tax is calculated already. Income is reduced by deductions (either itemized or standard) to yield the individual's taxable income.
In a way. But I don't think it goes far enough.
Mark Levin: Democrats are running 'Ponzi scheme' with $3.5 trillion spending bill

Democrats hope to vote on the multitrillion-dollar spending bill before the end of the month

"Life, Liberty & Levin" host Mark Levin accused congressional Democrats of running a "Ponzi scheme" in their quest to pass the $3.5 trillion social spending bill by the end of the month.

The social spending package assembled by Democrats is set to be voted on by the House on Sept. 27. Many details of the legislation remain unclear, Levin said, faulting Democrats for hiding controversial spending provisions in "omnibus bills bigger than any telephone book in America."

"Something is about to happen in the next couple of days," Levin told viewers at the start of his show on Sunday.

"You've heard about it in a platitudinous way, but very few specifics. I have spent a lot of time trying to dig up all the specifics…but the Democrats are very good at Ponzi schemes," the host said. "In the private sector, if you're involved in a Ponzi scheme, you go to prison for a very long time. In the public sector, if you're involved in a Ponzi scheme, you're considered righteous and compassionate and so forth. And that's what the Democrats do."

Mark Levin: Democrats are running 'Ponzi scheme' with $3.5 trillion spending bill
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