Democratic Socialism

Something like that, hell we're still paying a tax enacted to pay for the Spanish American war.
This illustrates why Luther's ideal society as a mix of socialism and capitalism is bad juju. The mix is never predetermined and established. The mix will constantly shift as societal needs shift. As need increases, so does tax revenue to pay for the increased services.
If there is one thing we should all agree on it is this, once services are started the government never reduces. It always grows. Once the tax is established it never sunsets. It remains in perpetuity.

Hopefully this clarifies things for many of you.

Those are pretty words to describe socialism . If you are a socialist that wants the majority of our system to be socialism , then you are a socialist . By degrees and ratios it makes you one . If you are a capitalist that wants the majority of our system to be capitalism , then you are a capitalist . Putting the word Democratic in front of either , doesn’t change the nature of them .
Bernie has been working overtime to kneecap himself since winning Nevada. They have twice tried to give him the softest of softballs on CNN: i.e., please say something, anything, bad about Fidel Castro, and he has failed miserably.

This is a great indicator of the sort of general election disaster he will be for the Democrats, who need larger numbers of moderate and independents to win than the GOP. They actually do need to win some of the children of Cuban exiles to take Florida, and their presumptive nominee's first day out of the gate essentially says he isn't even going to try to compete there?

I do love the consistency, though.

Just to make sure I understand you correctly. You would vote for someone who has supported leaders that have actually committed murder over Trump. I get saying you won't vote for Trump but that is insane.
Give me a break. Trump has a love affair with Un, Puttin, and every Saudi king and prince.
Give me a break. Trump has a love affair with Un, Puttin, and every Saudi king and prince.

No, he doesn' lie like a good little Democrat socialist does......Trump is willing & able 100% to work w/them for the America First program. You have to be able to work in peace and in harmony w/others to get things done in a good & a better way.....this doesn't mean one iota that says he has a love affair w/these guys you dolt.
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For those of you who want the same or more government socialism in America, what is the current country/society where it is as close to perfect as you think it can be? In other words, which country do want America to model?
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Sure, he loved Putin. He was offering to build him a multi million dollar penthouse in the top of Trump Tower Moscow.

If Putin keeps installing these presidents that make our military the strongest on the planet , makes unemployment almost nonexistent, keeps our economy one of the strongest That’s every been , puts more money in my pocket , while keeping food and fuel prices low ... I may love Putin more than Trump does . 🤷‍♂️
If Putin keeps installing these presidents that make our the strongest on the planet , makes unemployment almost nonexistent, keeps our economy one of the strongest on the planet , puts more money in my pocket while keeping food and fuel prices low ... I may love Putin more than Trump does . 🤷‍♂️
I would take Vladimir Putin over any of the Dumocrats;)
If Putin keeps installing these presidents that make our military the strongest on the planet , makes unemployment almost nonexistent, keeps our economy one of the strongest That’s every been , puts more money in my pocket , while keeping food and fuel prices low ... I may love Putin more than Trump does . 🤷‍♂️

It's true..........oh, it's damn true.
For those of you who want the same or more government socialism in America, what is the current country/society where it is as close to perfect as you think it can be? In other words, which country do want America to model?

Mexico. Cheap prescriptions, cheap medical care, lax laws and enforcement, cheap housing, etc. On the down side it can be tough to find a decent job.
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Mexico. Cheap prescriptions, cheap medical care, lax laws and enforcement, cheap housing, etc. On the down side it can be tough to find a decent job.
Not if we illegally immigrate to Canada.
I would be a hypocrite if I had any other stance. I have maintained since day one that Trump is a horrendously despicable human who should have never been nominated nor elected. That not only has not changed but intensified.
I will vote for the person I feel insures the best future for my kids, the country, and the world. That most assuredly will never be Trump.
Then you should apologize to trump for all the outrage over Russia.

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