Democratic Socialism

Is that your way of not answering the question?

Also, I don't know the guy, but I would guess that the wink thing at the end is the same as using blue font.
My answer is that Trump supports leaders who have actually committed murders.
I find Trump's taste in leaders to be far more distasteful than any of the dem. candidates'.
Bernie basically wants to institute a wealth tax on everyone worth $32mill or more.

5th Amendment:

nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

How is that Constitutional? Who wants to live in a country where the gov't can take your private property? If it's Constitutional to take it from millionaires, it's Constitutional to take it from all of us.

Seriously, think about this for a minute and tell me if this is America
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I think I saw a picture of Trump doing that yesterday.
You may have missed my earlier question or simply chosen to ignore.

Is there a country you think has the closest-to-ideal balance between government socialism and private capitalism which would also be suitable for America to copy?
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You may have missed my earlier question or simply chosen to ignore.

Is there a country you think has the closest-to-ideal balance between government socialism and private capitalism which would also be suitable for America to copy?
I did miss it earlier.
The US is relatively close. Once we adequately address healthcare/pharmaceuticals, do a better job of regulating a couple of industries, and return to a better environmental policy, we may be the best example.
But we can say a hybrid of Norway and Singapore.
I did miss it earlier.
The US is relatively close. Once we adequately address healthcare/pharmaceuticals, do a better job of regulating a couple of industries, and return to a better environmental policy, we may be the best example.
But we can say a hybrid of Norway and Singapore.

Those are smaller, homogenized societies. You think a hybrid of Norapore would scale up to a country of 360M+?
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Those are smaller, homogenized societies. You think a hybrid of Norapore would scale up to a country of 360M+?
Which is why I say we are moving toward being the best example. That has always been by desire.
Which is why I say we are moving toward being the best example. That has always been by desire.
I don't follow. You don't think it will scale and that's why you say we are moving towards best example???
I don't follow. You don't think it will scale and that's why you say we are moving towards best example???
You are the one claiming you cannot accurately compare smaller economies/populations to ours. Where does that leave us?
I don't really buy your argument, but I'll go along with it.
Regardless, the US isn't far away from being the best example once the issues I listed are addressed.
Once we take care of healthcare, re-focus on the environment, and pass some needed regulations on a couple of industries, we will be about where we need to be.
It's an evolution.
Socialism can not exist, it doesn't exist in reality, it is theory, in reality it is an oligarchy quasi-feudal communist monarchy.

It is impossible that the entire community, especially on any scale larger than a working farm/sustenance community, it's impossible to ever to be able to wholly own or regulate anything of any size more than a small village void of actual business/companies or government, as it is a "social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole".

So, take any city in America, water/waste/waste management, utilities/power/electric, maintenance, every company and business, how exactly is the "whole" going to run these with everyone's input without someone or some group deciding for the community as a whole...... any place that has over a couple hundred people will never agree on anything unless they are farmers/hunter/gatherers void of industry, infrastructure, and government. The minute there are any groups, or any entity making decisions on any matter that doesn't include the whole, it becomes something other than socialism.

Socialism is a concept.

After just a short time chairing consensus type engineering standards committees, I decided the likelihood of a committee decision was inversely related to the size of the committee ... the only way to get an immediate decision is the rule of one. And that didn't even include politics ... simply how best to approach a problem.
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You are the one claiming you cannot accurately compare smaller economies/populations to ours. Where does that leave us?
I don't really buy your argument, but I'll go along with it.
Regardless, the US isn't far away from being the best example once the issues I listed are addressed.
Once we take care of healthcare, re-focus on the environment, and pass some needed regulations on a couple of industries, we will be about where we need to be.
It's an evolution.
You left the "R" off.
I did miss it earlier.
The US is relatively close. Once we adequately address healthcare/pharmaceuticals, do a better job of regulating a couple of industries, and return to a better environmental policy, we may be the best example.
But we can say a hybrid of Norway and Singapore.

Still didn't answer his question which I figured no one would.

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