Democrats are starting to panic

I guess not.

This was BLM's thing for a while. Then when the cams went against them, they started saying it was an invasion of privacy. 100% agree with you.

Sure, if they are indeed witnessing crimes and not speaking out, they are complicit. SugarVol's cams all the time is a good solution.

I love and support body cams 10000%. The issue is you still have morons in the public who don’t understand laws and procedures and riot over the Michael browns and Jacob Blake’s of the world
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Imagine if your opinion meant something 😂 instead of being simplistic and over generalizing everything like a high schooler

Yes, Ricky - we look to you to give our forums nuance and insight.

I can't imagine why you'd take offense to this, now shouldn't you be off looking for Panda Express orange chicken samples in the food court Officer Blart?
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Yes, Ricky - we look to you to give our forums nuance and insight.

I can't imagine why you'd take offense to this, now should you be off looking for Panda Express orange chicken samples in the food court Officer Bart?
I don’t take offense to it. I always laugh at posters on here who barely got thru community college and think they understand law or healthcare or business or any other subject they have never even been involved with or understand on a rudimentary level.
What good is a camera if transgressions are whitewashed and the offender just goes to a new department; this while Joe Q Public foots the bill for compensatory damages.

Also - data retention. Going to have to be some clear safeguards put in place there too. Does us no good if I can simply go in and erase data.
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I don’t take offense to it. I always laugh at posters on here who barely got thru community college and think they understand law or healthcare or business or any other subject they have never even been involved with or understand on a rudimentary level.

As opposed to someone like you who has advanced degrees in both?
You guess a lot but as usual you don’t have a clue in real life on the subject. Try to get out and see the world more and experience outside your small bubble
I've lived in many different places but where would you suggest I go to "see the world more" outside of my bubble?
I personally don't care either way since all politics is pandering. I just find it odd that since get what they want yet still want to attack it.
We will never “know”
All we can do is guess at the “why”

Kinda like Canadian MP’s rolling back Covid mandates. Just ask em - they’ll tell you that it 100% has nothing to do with the truckers.
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As opposed to someone like you who has advanced degrees in both?
Been wildly successful and innovative and do have advanced degrees and training in both. Almost 25 years of direct experience and making bank while living a successful happy life, where I have helped save lives directly and indirectly. I’ll take it.
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