Democrats plan to introduce articles of impeachment as early as Monday

Shame on all those Dems trying to tear down our Constitution and fair election process by daring to challenge electorates without the required signatures. I’m sure you caught that part of the process in January 2017.
I definitely missed the part of the process in January of 2017 when then-Vice President Joe Biden declined to count votes from the set of electors who had been legally chosen from within their jurisdictions (in accordance with the certified popular vote in their states).

Do you want the current Vice President, Kamala Harris, to wield such unilateral power in January of 2025? I doubt it.
So you think the VP had the right to choose electors and not the state legislatures as the constitution prescribes? When fraud is proven, I hope pence gets 10 years in prison for election fraud.
LOL. This is irrational stupidity on such an epic level. Yep, Pence is guilty of rigging a Presidential election so his ticket could lose... makes such perfect sense (coming from a Trumpet).

This must be the dumbest thing I've ever read on this forum in my over 7 years of posting here. That is no small statement.
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I definitely missed the part of the process in January of 2017 when then-Vice President Joe Biden declined to count votes from the set of electors who had been legally chosen from within their jurisdictions (in accordance with the certified popular vote in their states).

Do you want the current Vice President, Kamala Harris, to wield such unilateral power in January of 2025? I doubt it.
You weren’t watching then because several Dems tried to challenge electorates in violation of the Constitution and Biden did do the right thing and struck them down. Funny how you missed that part of Trump’s defense.
You weren’t watching then because several Dems tried to challenge electorates in violation of the Constitution and Biden did do the right thing and struck them down. Funny how you missed that part of Trump’s defense.
What are you talking about? It's like your responding to something that I didn't even say. I was only talking about Biden; not other Democrats. Weird.
So, we are going to start charging politicians with bribery now when they fail to deliver on campaign pledges? Good luck with that.
You all act like Trump is doing something unusual when he didn’t keep every single campaign promise so why not? As you like to say, just because everyone does it doesn’t make it right. I’m sure that is selectively applied though like pretty much everything with Dems.
What are you talking about? It's like your responding to something that I didn't even say. I was only talking about Biden; not other Democrats. Weird.
Oh, I see. So it’s ok for others to challenge electorates in violation of the Constitution? You specifically mentioned the rules required to Constitutionally challenge electorates, I mentioned that several Dems violated those rules when challenging electorates in 2017, that’s a violation of the Constitution per your own standards that you apply to Trump, so it seems right on point. You just don’t like the point so, as always, you pivot, deflect, or (my favorite that you do since you’ve called others out for it) go to whataboutism.
Oh, I see. So it’s ok for others to challenge electorates in violation of the Constitution? You specifically mentioned the rules required to Constitutionally challenge electorates, I mentioned that several Dems violated those rules when challenging electorates in 2017, that’s a violation of the Constitution per your own standards that you apply to Trump, so it seems right on point. You just don’t like the point so, as always, you pivot, deflect, or (my favorite that you do since you’ve called others out for it) go to whataboutism.
Not in that post you replied to I didn't.
Not in that post you replied to I didn't.
In this thread you have. Are you not able to have a conversation that spans multiple posts of your own? It’s seems not. Weren’t you just accusing someone else over splitting hairs in an argument? My bad, that was a different post so you have no idea. I suppose your stance on a subject changes depending on who you’re arguing with and what about. Get a moral center, then come back and we can discuss.
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At what point should the Democrats just give up? Now I see them talking about using the 14th Amendment to go after him.

Good grief, just let it go...
I think the goal is to spend 1/3 the amount of time going after Trump as the repubs spent going after Hillary. (so about 3 more years)
I think the goal is to spend 1/3 the amount of time going after Trump as the repubs spent going after Hillary. (so about 3 more years)
The goal is to keep Trump in the idiot libs heads so as to distract from the dumbassery of the grifting dementia patient.

Or as you say. Hey look Bigfoot! 😂🤡
Trump announced shortly after he was elected and long before he was sworn in, that he was not going to pursue charges against Hillary

Trump will not pursue charges against Clinton, aide says

You really ought to brush up on historical facts before you pop off
I know Trump broke his promise about "locking her up". It was obvious all along that he would. That was just another way of energizing the mindless.

I was talking more about the previous 15 years.

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