Democrats plan to introduce articles of impeachment as early as Monday

LOL. Once again, why would Mike Pence lie? Are you saying he wanted to lose the election? You do understand that his name was also on the ballot, right? Why would he actively participate in rigging an election against himself? There is no logic to that. You don't make any sense. NONE.
Your problem is, that you have complete trust in the people in government. Or you want corruption in government as long as your side wins.
Your problem is, that you have complete trust in the people in government. Or you want corruption in government as long as your side wins.
No, I don't have complete trust in the government... but I don't think Mike Pence had anything to gain from throwing the election. Your argument that Mike Pence rigged the election against his own ticket is stupid. There is no logic behind it... and the best you can come up with is "he is an establishment guy". So, establishment guys enjoy losing elections, huh? That is so incredibly STUPID.
Pence is a get along with the other side guy, at best he’s very naive. Trump made a big mistake picking him. He’s a swamp creature
So you think Pence rigged the election against himself too? Great. That makes two idiots on here.
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No, I don't have complete trust in the government... but I don't think Mike Pence had anything to gain from losing the election. Your argument that Mike Pence rigged the election against his own ticket is stupid. There is no logic behind it... and the best you can come up with is "he is an establishment guy". So, establishment guys enjoy losing elections, huh? That is so incredibly STUPID.
He's a corrupt politician and a liar like you are. Is that better?
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He's an establishment guy, maybe $$$.
Why would a Presidential candidate running in 2016 as an outsider candidate and someone who would drain the swamp pick an establishment guy who's all about $$$ as his VP? You must think Trump's either stupid or a lying con-artist. I know which one of those he definitely is.
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That still doesn't answer the question. What did Mike Pence have to gain from rigging the election against himself? His name was also on the ballot.
Making sure Trump didn't win. Furthering a globalist elitist agenda. I've answered many times. You must not like the answer or you're just dumb.
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Why would a Presidential candidate running in 2016 as an outsider candidate and someone who would drain the swamp pick an establishment guy who's all about $$$ as his VP? You must think Trump's either stupid or a lying con-artist. I know which one of those he definitely is.
I think someone already answered that question earlier. He made a mistake. He made several. I guess he couldn't comprehend the amount of corruption.
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Making sure Trump didn't win. Furthering a globalist elitist agenda. I've answered many times. You must not like the answer or you're just dumb.
LOL! So, you honestly believe that Mike Pence wanted to lose the Vice Presidency, just to make sure that Trump didn't win? That is the most illogical and just plain stupid statement that I have ever read on VolNation... but whatever. Believe whatever crazy ass thing makes you happy.
LOL! So, you honestly believe that Mike Pence wanted to lose the Vice Presidency, just to make sure that Trump didn't win? That is the most illogical and just plain stupid statement that I have ever read on VolNation... but whatever. Believe whatever crazy ass thing makes you happy.
You need to read your own drivel. I'm embarrassed that you're even a citizen of this country.
I think someone already answered that question earlier. He made a mistake. He made several. I guess he couldn't comprehend the amount of corruption.
So you're going with stupid. I guess it helps you sleep better at night when you can't admit you got conned. Hope you're not donating to Trump's cause anymore friend.
So you're going with stupid. I guess it helps you sleep better at night when you can't admit you got conned. Hope you're not donating to Trump's cause anymore friend.
I hope he is. The Republican Party has become the cult of Trump. It is incredible the crazy stuff these people will believe to keep from admitting that Trump lost a free and fair election.
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So you think Pence rigged the election against himself too? Great. That makes two idiots on here.
No try reading again idiot, he doesn’t care you all cheated when told they “lost” the dope accepts it and leaves without any questions. He’s a wimp and a life long politician. The swamp protects itself first.
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No try reading again idiot, he doesn’t care you all cheated when told they “lost” the dope accepts it and leaves without any questions. He’s a wimp and a life long politician. The swamp protects itself first.
You must love the guy who calls another guy an idiot while stating what someone else, in this case the VP, is thinking. A proven hater of this country and it's people
No try reading again idiot, he doesn’t care you all cheated when told they “lost” the dope accepts it and leaves without any questions. He’s a wimp and a life long politician. The swamp protects itself first.
Trump appeals most to the lowest common denominators of human behavior. It begins with ego defense mechanisms. Trump supporters tend to be simple-minded. They can't cope with the conflict between the ID and superego... so the unpleasant realities of an election defeat are always met with denial. "We didn't lose. We was robbed!".

This guy here exemplifies that.
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Trump appeals most to the lowest common denominators of human behavior. It begins with ego defense mechanisms. Trump supporters tend to be simple-minded. They can't cope with the conflict between the ID and superego... so the unpleasant realities of an election defeat are always met with denial. "We didn't lose. We was robbed!".

jeez what an ego you have.

I know many Trump supporters from all over the spectrum.

If I was to rate something "simple-minded" it would be this characterization of 70+ million of your fellow citizens
Trump appeals most to the lowest common denominators of human behavior. It begins with ego defense mechanisms. Trump supporters tend to be simple-minded. They can't cope with the conflict between the ID and superego... so the unpleasant realities of an election defeat are always met with denial. "We didn't lose. We was robbed!".

This guy here exemplifies that.
Dems appeal to those that truly hate this country and want its collapse. Dems are very lazy so they can’t even be bothered to go vote in person. Dems are perfectly fine with cheating as long as the mean man is gone. Dems want to sit around and get everything handed to them free while at the same time taxing the schiff out of those who work and are successful.

And this guy here exemplifies all of that.

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