Model, BLM Activist: ‘All Hell Will Break Loose’ If Chauvin Not Convicted, Buildings Will Be ‘On Fire’
Model and Black Lives Matter activist Maya Echols warned that Minneapolis would suffer riots and vandalism if former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin is not convicted for the death of George Floyd.
Model, BLM Activist: ‘All Hell Will Break Loose’ If Chauvin Not Convicted, Buildings Will Be ‘On Fire’
from the Police Chief of Minneapolis' testimony:
On Chauvlin's actions: “in no way shape or form is anything that is by policy part of our training and is certainly not part of our ethics or values.” and
“Once Mr. Floyd had stopped resisting, and certainly once he was in distress and trying to verbalize that, that should have stopped”
Minneapolis police chief testifies against his former officer in the death of George Floyd
I guess that proves some of the wannabe experts here in this thread wrong
How is it that she has not been arrested?Model, BLM Activist: ‘All Hell Will Break Loose’ If Chauvin Not Convicted, Buildings Will Be ‘On Fire’
Model and Black Lives Matter activist Maya Echols warned that Minneapolis would suffer riots and vandalism if former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin is not convicted for the death of George Floyd.
Model, BLM Activist: ‘All Hell Will Break Loose’ If Chauvin Not Convicted, Buildings Will Be ‘On Fire’
There's a lot more testimony to come. The defense gets to call witnesses too. Sounds to me that the chief is saying what many of us have was OK to use the knee to the head tactic but he should have released when Floyd quit moving
true the defense has time to present their case. so far they aren't doing a very good job IMO. For some reason the defense attorney has been attacking the innocent bystanders a lot which seems distracting and damages their credibility IMO.
they also tried to argue Chauvin's knee was on Floyd's shoulder and not his neck, you can watch the video and judge for yourself if that makes any sense
Your first point is correct, that’s a weak play.
Your second point is wrong however, the defense threw a haymaker with their “camera angle bias” argument. From the cell phone view the knee looked indisputably on the neck, but then the closer view from behind showed that camera angle was badly misleading, the knee was actually on the shoulder at the same time stamp. Even the police chief was surprised to see that. That’s a shot to the prosecutions case.
but how can you argue to watch the video and see that Chauvin was just following protocol on one hand and argue that he didn't actually have his knee on his neck on the other hand? the jury is gonna sit there like WTF
Oh I think Chauvin is gonna be acquitted because cops always are, I just dont think his attorney is doing a very good job so far