Did Butch Jones do a good job coaching this season?

Did Butch Jones do a good job coaching UT in the 2013 season?

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That was my only disappointment with the staff this year. We had 2 weeks to prepare and it just didnt look like we had a plan. But the rest went about as expected except I didn't think we would win vs USCjr and be as competitive as we were against UGA.

As Lex said, the Vandy game really left a dark cloud over my feelings on this season.
That was my only disappointment with the staff this year. We had 2 weeks to prepare and it just didnt look like we had a plan. But the rest went about as expected except I didn't think we would win vs USCjr and be as competitive as we were against UGA.

They had a plan... it just wasn't a good one. He played Vandy as if they were someone he needed to manage the game against to win. It looked like a similar strategy to what he used vs UGA when it was the right thing to do. Play it close. Win it at the end.

He had a better roster than Vandy. He needed to play that game to win it.

I did not expect to beat Oregon, Bama, or Auburn. I didn't expect them to lay down in the first quarter either.
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Hey bro, you must be disappointed with your poll results. It's obvious you came up with the poll because you thought you'd have a groundswell of support for "Butch sucks". Lol.

:eek:lol:Yes Fade, that has been Oregon's mantra since CBJ was hired. At least he is consistent.
Some could say yes and some could say no. At times he looked like a genius and at times he looked like a dud. Right now I would give him an incomplete because this season could have been much better with a few breaks, but it could have been worse. We're going bowling with Worley as QB cause he was improving each game, then we had Dobbs who looked like he wasn't ready to play. Its fun to read some of the in game treads for what some of you said at the beginning of the year. I'd suggest some of you read at least one of the first 4 games. Its very interesting.
I think this is a tough poll.

If "coaching" is simply game time / game week then the answer is No. This staff left a lot of opportunities on the field. I'm willing to chalk it up to Year One and not knowing the team and the team not knowing them.

However, 80% of college football is won in the off-season where Butch is flat going Gruden and killing it. Collegiate "coaching" includes recruiting, and it is Fulmer-hot right now.
I don't think many people understand just how toxic of a situation Dooley created. He had an expect to lose mentality. He accepted losing, and many report that his players took that on. Basilio had some people last week saying that there was at least 1 player this season who wanted to quit mid season. I don't think we understand completely how challenging it was for Butch and staff to change that culture. I love all the UT players, but the sooner we get players with no Dooley exposure, the better.

Heard the same crap when Dooley was here - everyone blaming Kiffin. Jones did a horrible job of coaching this year.
Hey bro, you must be disappointed with your poll results. It's obvious you came up with the poll because you thought you'd have a groundswell of support for "Butch sucks". Lol.

Nope. I came up with the poll because you asked this:

Who said 5-7 was a good coaching job this year?

The answer is, apparently, you and 110 (at this point) of your fellow Butch lovers. Don't know why you asked the question, but you're welcome.
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I think the poll would have been better if it was on a grading scale. Its not simple yes or no.

A 90-100
B 80-90
C 75-80
D 70-75
F 0-70

85 for Austin Peay
85 for Western Kentucky
75 for Oregon
70 for Florida
60 for South Alabama
90 for Georgia
95 for South Carolina
70 for Alabama
65 for Missouri
70 for Auburn
50 for Vandy
80 for Kentucky

98 for Recruiting
100 for Public Relations(including media, bringing back players, energy in the program)

So with the way I graded each game(which is based on my opinion only) Jones scored an overall 78 or C. Not bad for the schedule he had to play and it being his first year.

Hopefully he makes it into the 80's next year

I agree on most except fla that has to be a 60 or below.. That game n vandy made me say wait a minute on the oc .. Fla showed in game adjustment questionable.. No one should get the chance to turn the ball over that much before being pulled..

Candy lost entire sec during game n oc couldn't find plays n the play book to exploit it.. Again n game adjustment questionable..

If showed some flexibility I believe we win both n going to a bowl..

So I say a D
Butch inherited a mess as well all know. Much more of a mess than Dooley inherited!!

Butch did a wonderful job of getting the fan-base excited again! Created a nice and refreshing buzz about UT football over the spring/summer.

Allowed much insight for fans about the inner workings of the team. Brought back former Vols to be a part of the family and welcomed them with open arms and encouraged their involvement with the program

Early on started gaining momentum with top recruits and had early success with getting verbals from VERY top talent.

Lost the games we thought he would lose, so that's a wash. Upset South Carolina for his signature win and a desperate win for the program!![/COLOR][/B][/B]

The team showed MUCH fight against UGA and didn't quit. Arguably should have won that game.

Should have beaten Vandie!! This was the most disappointing point of the year. Vandie is NOT a good team and is way overrated!! The Vols excuted very poorly in that game. Some say it was a poor coaching performance. I think it's safe to say that the Vols just played awfully in that game. Countless times to put Vandie away and mistakes prevented that from happening. The coaches put them in position to win against Vandie and they failed to make the plays. IMO.

Even though it was UK, the team showed fight! They didn't quit!! Something we haven't seen in YEARS!! I know it was UK, but it was very encouraging. A loss at UK would have had people going absolute nuts again. Understandably.

Finishing the season with a 5-7 (losing) record, Butch has held this awesome recruiting class together. That SPEAKS VOLUMES!! Most of the time kids would run for the hills in this situation! It shows commitment, courage, faith and patients coming from the recruits. That alone speaks very highly of Butch Jones and staff!

Taking these things into account, I give Butch a C+/B- and that is great considering the shape of the program. Had they beaten Vandie that bumps Butch to a B+/A-. Had they beaten Vandie/UGA A+ all the way.
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Pure BS. If that's the "reason" for past failures then the arrival of a positive and competent coach should have lifted the team. Instead, we saw just more of the same and maybe a little worse.

You post the most ignorant things. No substance.
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I don't think many people understand just how toxic of a situation Dooley created. He had an expect to lose mentality. He accepted losing, and many report that his players took that on. Basilio had some people last week saying that there was at least 1 player this season who wanted to quit mid season. I don't think we understand completely how challenging it was for Butch and staff to change that culture. I love all the UT players, but the sooner we get players with no Dooley exposure, the better.

Thanks for clearing that up. I hadn't heard that Dooley had instilled a losing mentality around the program.
It's like asking if a chef did a good job making a meal when most of the ingredients are bad.

Or grading a kid on an advanced subject that he had no prep for.

We simply didn't have the talent. We will not have SEC ready talent for a few years at all positions. Need to get some talent in and get some time in S&C to get back to where we need to be. For a few games our youth and walkons played like world beaters though.
Yes. With the depth and talent we had on the team, 5 wins was actually very good considering the brutal schedule we had and beating USCe was awesome. Much more talent coming in with this class, and 14 EE's is simply amazing.
The team showed MUCH fight against UGA and didn't quit. Arguably should have won that game.

Up 7 with under 2 minutes to go....what's to argue? UT should have won the game. It's right there in Neyland's Maxims:

Protect our kickers, our QB, our lead and our ball game.
Nope. I came up with the poll because you asked this:

The answer is, apparently, you and 110 (at this point) of your fellow Butch lovers. Don't know why you asked the question, but you're welcome.

You are confusing being happy with 5-7 and happy with coaching. Of course nobody is happy with going 5-7, but al in all, most people as evidenced by your poll, still think he did a pretty good job coaching. Not sure any other coach would have fared much better with this team.
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Big time disappointed like everyone but I don't think it was coaching. I think lack of depth and talent was the root cause.

I might buy that against the elite teams, but I think the talent is what made the game close. A terrible game plan is what kept us from winning by two touchdowns.
Agree to disagree.
You are confusing being happy with 5-7 and happy with coaching. Of course nobody is happy with going 5-7, but al in all, most people as evidenced by your poll, still think he did a pretty good job coaching. Not sure any other coach would have fared much better with this team.

The interesting thing we're finding is that most of volnation will convince themselves to be happy with anything a coach does. A few weeks back I asked the same question, and the majority concluded that a 5-7 season with a loss to Vanderbilt would not be a good coaching job. Now that it has happened, the overwhelming majority thinks it was a swell job.

I know we have a term for folks who change their team allegiances based on results. I think we need a new term for all the folks here who change their definition of "good" based on results. It appears every year the definition gets a little broader by the end of the season. At this rate, we're on the verge of rendering the word "bad" meaningless in comparison.
Average. I was a little disappointed in how the offense looked. Spacing/playcalling looked nothing like what we've historically seen from Butch coached teams.

QB situation was iffy. I still think DobFurg should have gotten time early.


I don't entirely disagree with LWS. We were young, and very limited at skill positions across the board. When Croom went down in the UK game, other than DY popping open here and there, our receivers were blanketed.

The DL was pounded and gassed by the end of the year.

However, the regression against Vandy really hurt the overall perception of the year. That was an offensive slopfest. It is amazing how one loss can leave a little cloud.

As big a positive as the UGA and USC games were at the time, this game was about the same in the other direction.
He lifted the team to a win over a top 15 team in year one something Dools couldn't do in 3 years, and did it with a less talented and more inexperienced roster. Get over your hate for BJ. He's here to stay for at least 2 more years.

If we simply had JH or CP this season or both to go with this seasons run game...mix in Croom, North, and Howard....this stupid poll would not be up right now.

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