Did you want Bray to return or glad someone new is going to play QB?

Hate on him or try to defend him I think most missed the main point...

The biggest problem Bray had all along was himself, he was his own worst enemy.

He's a spoiled brat with the mentality that he deserves whatever he wants and he's lazy and never had the work ethic to make himself into the great QB he could have been.

It's very sad to see a kid with so much natural talent and ability just be lazy and throw away the incredible opportunity that was laid out right in front of him.

Bray had zero competition and he and CDD both knew it.

CDD had zero options on the roster at the QB position so he was stuck with Bray and Bray know it so he coasted along with the great O line and WR's he had and when the NFL draft came along serious reality slapped him in the face and I hope it woke the boy up.

100% of all the GM's and Head Coaches in the NFL did NOT even want to draft Bray even in the 7th round and they're paid huge $$$ as football talent evaluators so calling anyone on here a fool for not caring if Bray came back or not is not only childish but is also proof that the Bray supporters know little about evaluating all the things a good QB must have and number 1 on that list is a very serious work ethic which Bray freely chose not to have.

Despite having CDD as his head coach if Bray had worked hard to develope himself with the OC and QB coaches and he wasn't a entitlement minded spoiled brat he could have made himself better, proven his leadership and maturity levels much more and at least been a 3rd or 4th round draft pick but he chose to waste his time at Tennessee and went UNdrafted bewcause of his own choices and decisions for 3 years on the hill.

I wish him all the best but unless he grows up fast I have no real expectations that he'll ever be a starting QB in the NFL.

He has all the natural talent in the world so a few good butt kickings in the NFL might get him on the right track finally and if that happens then he could become a really good QB in the NFL.

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My question is, when does everyone stop calling these 18+ year olds kids? They are adults. These men have not been kids since they were 12.
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I understand the frustration and ambivalence which some fans feel toward Bray. In my mind, however, there is no doubt that Tyler would have benefitted immensely from another year of college experience. There simply is no such thing as too much experience for a college quarterback hoping to embark upon a career in the NFL. Tyler would have either elevated his overall game under Butch's direction or suffered the consequences. As for what Tyler would have brought to the offense, it is difficult enough to break in an entirely new receiving corps. Having an experienced quarterback under center would have minimized the overall offensive growing pains somewhat.

Perhaps. Bottom line: Bray did not want to stay. And Coach Chaney advised him, in so many words, to move on, perhaps because he was fairly sure he would be coaching for another SEC team. Under those circumstances, had he stayed, he may have been more of a distraction than an asset. Time to move on.
My question is, when does everyone stop calling these 18+ year olds kids? They are adults. These men have not been kids since they were 12.

Really? Wtf did you know about the world when you were 12? Or even 19? They are kids. Or "young men" which is still a kid IMO. Grown man time is mid to late 20s
Really? Wtf did you know about the world when you were 12? Or even 19? They are kids. Or "young men" which is still a kid IMO. Grown man time is mid to late 20s

12 is silly....but mid to late 20's?

At 21 I had already done a med tour...desert storm.
Hate on him or try to defend him I think most missed the main point...

The biggest problem Bray had all along was himself, he was his own worst enemy.

He's a spoiled brat with the mentality that he deserves whatever he wants and he's lazy and never had the work ethic to make himself into the great QB he could have been.

It's very sad to see a kid with so much natural talent and ability just be lazy and throw away the incredible opportunity that was laid out right in front of him.

Bray had zero competition and he and CDD both knew it.

CDD had zero options on the roster at the QB position so he was stuck with Bray and Bray know it so he coasted along with the great O line and WR's he had and when the NFL draft came along serious reality slapped him in the face and I hope it woke the boy up.

100% of all the GM's and Head Coaches in the NFL did NOT even want to draft Bray even in the 7th round and they're paid huge $$$ as football talent evaluators so calling anyone on here a fool for not caring if Bray came back or not is not only childish but is also proof that the Bray supporters know little about evaluating all the things a good QB must have and number 1 on that list is a very serious work ethic which Bray freely chose not to have.

Despite having CDD as his head coach if Bray had worked hard to develope himself with the OC and QB coaches and he wasn't a entitlement minded spoiled brat he could have made himself better, proven his leadership and maturity levels much more and at least been a 3rd or 4th round draft pick but he chose to waste his time at Tennessee and went UNdrafted bewcause of his own choices and decisions for 3 years on the hill.

I wish him all the best but unless he grows up fast I have no real expectations that he'll ever be a starting QB in the NFL.

He has all the natural talent in the world so a few good butt kickings in the NFL might get him on the right track finally and if that happens then he could become a really good QB in the NFL.


It's not childish at all...NFL evaluator's opinions have ZERO to do with how well he can perform on the college level under a good coach...like i said before countless of lazy but ultra talented players and QBs have excelled under the right coaches and on the right teams...some even college legends have...

Bottom line is we don't have anyone close to Bray's natural abilities on our roster now who isn't going to be a true freshman....with a good coach and solid defense Bray would make a hell of a college QB for anyone. It utterly ridiculous not to wish for that kind of talent to still be on our team...our fans are just idiots sometimes. I am literally crapping my pants at the thought of Worely being our QB with no proven WRs.....
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Along with 30 NFL GM's whose job hangs in the balance of evaluating talent. This guy has it figured out though.

Once again...the NFL and college are 2 COMPLETELY different level requiring different sets of abilities......not to mention they also passed on Arian Foster and countless other gems...

But even if their opniion is right that has zero to do with Bray's abillity to perform well on the college level...put Bray with a guy liek Cutcliffe or Kiffin and a good defense to back him with a stud RB or 2 and he is a record setting QB and heisman winner.
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First of all, I want to say that I hope Bray does really well in the NFL and gets a chance to prove himself.

Do you wish he stayed to see how he would improve under Coach Jones or are you glad we are starting over with Butch with a new QB? Yes, I count Worley as a new QB even though he had some playing time under the Dooley era.

I have not decided yet.

Should we have a good season, without Bray, then I would be glad that he left. However; if we have really poor q.b. play and we lose games due to that, then I would wish that he returned.

Also, if he makes a roster, not as a practice player, then I would be glad that he left. However; if he is out of the league this season, then I would think it would have been better if he had stayed another season.
I think the word we are looking for is "consistency" In college football that is mostly what you strive for, if you have that then it makes the adjustment easier for coaches...Bray and company was Not consistent with his play, and it could have been the video review that he admitted to CJG that was lacking.
Bray could sling the ball all over the field against Memphis, Montana, and Troy, but did anyone really think he was going to lead us to game winning drives against Georgia and South Carolina last year? Or mount a comeback against Florida?
Bray is gone, Dooley is gone. Gone is gone, gone, gone, gone. The future is coming, coming, coming. Can you people get past the past and welcome a new and promising future?
I wish he would have stayed. Breaking qbs with little to no experience in the new system and in college fball in general will be a pain.
12 is silly....but mid to late 20's?

At 21 I had already done a med tour...desert storm.

Some of us mature quicker, thanks to life. I was definitely one of those and it sounds like you were too. But in this day and age, I'm tellin you mentally people are hardly "grown" at 21.
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We would have a better year with him so I wish he would have came back. But he didn't so bring on Dobbs.
woulda ,coulda, shoulda, great physical assets with 15 year old's judgement...had some great moments and I thank him for that, hope he makes it as a pro. CBJ doesn't need a past starter that would have trouble starting in 14 to contend with as he tries to build back a strong football program.
I'm pretty sure with his attitude, CBJ would have sat his a$$ on the bench or booted him from the team.
For a variety of reasons, it was time for him to move on. I'm not sure he and CBJ would have been a good mix. CBJ didn't need him as CDD did and it was quite possible he would have been riding the once he showed his nonchalant attitude.
Hope the change is good for him
We could have used his talent. The big unknown is how he would have responded to the current coaching staff.
I really feel like bray was a great qb. Much better than udfa. But that being said, I do think it best that we make a clean break and start with somebody else under center.

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