Did you want Bray to return or glad someone new is going to play QB?

Bray has the skills t be great, but hasn't found the leadership ability yet. He wouldn't have found if this year either. Long term, the team will be better off without him.
I wanted Bray gone. He has tons of talent but never had the will to win. He was only into games when things were going Good for the team. Bring in someone that competes each and every play and that can read a defense!
Dynamic arm strength but he made a lot of foolish errors when it counted (like Vandy & KY games). I'm sure he'll mature and looking forward to watching him in the NFL but I'm glad he's gone. Jones will do OK with Worley or Dobbs!
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No, I did not want a QB unable to get drafted in 7 rounds to return.
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It's not childish at all...NFL evaluator's opinions have ZERO to do with how well he can perform on the college level under a good coach...like i said before countless of lazy but ultra talented players and QBs have excelled under the right coaches and on the right teams...some even college legends have...

Bottom line is we don't have anyone close to Bray's natural abilities on our roster now who isn't going to be a true freshman....with a good coach and solid defense Bray would make a hell of a college QB for anyone. It utterly ridiculous not to wish for that kind of talent to still be on our team...our fans are just idiots sometimes. I am literally crapping my pants at the thought of Worely being our QB with no proven WRs.....

I believe that's the reason adult diapers are a money making product...maybe you can order some with the Power T...and if Tyler becomes a star maybe you can unload on his image
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Hate on him or try to defend him I think most missed the main point...

The biggest problem Bray had all along was himself, he was his own worst enemy.

He's a spoiled brat with the mentality that he deserves whatever he wants and he's lazy and never had the work ethic to make himself into the great QB he could have been.

It's very sad to see a kid with so much natural talent and ability just be lazy and throw away the incredible opportunity that was laid out right in front of him.

Bray had zero competition and he and CDD both knew it.

CDD had zero options on the roster at the QB position so he was stuck with Bray and Bray know it so he coasted along with the great O line and WR's he had and when the NFL draft came along serious reality slapped him in the face and I hope it woke the boy up.

100% of all the GM's and Head Coaches in the NFL did NOT even want to draft Bray even in the 7th round and they're paid huge $$$ as football talent evaluators so calling anyone on here a fool for not caring if Bray came back or not is not only childish but is also proof that the Bray supporters know little about evaluating all the things a good QB must have and number 1 on that list is a very serious work ethic which Bray freely chose not to have.

Despite having CDD as his head coach if Bray had worked hard to develope himself with the OC and QB coaches and he wasn't a entitlement minded spoiled brat he could have made himself better, proven his leadership and maturity levels much more and at least been a 3rd or 4th round draft pick but he chose to waste his time at Tennessee and went UNdrafted bewcause of his own choices and decisions for 3 years on the hill.

I wish him all the best but unless he grows up fast I have no real expectations that he'll ever be a starting QB in the NFL.

He has all the natural talent in the world so a few good butt kickings in the NFL might get him on the right track finally and if that happens then he could become a really good QB in the NFL.


I do not see Bray as a starter in the NFL, UNLESS he is a starter in one of the pre season games.
Bray had tons of talent. Jones could have possibly turned him into a great QB. However, if he was bringing the same old stuff as last year, good riddance I say. Anyone that wants to honestly know what was wrong with Bray should watch the Gruden interview with Bray on Gruden's QB show.
I wanted him to stay - he was my first Vol QB and I feel I didn't really see his full potential over the last two years. He left me wanting more...
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I believe that's the reason adult diapers are a money making product...maybe you can order some with the Power T...and if Tyler becomes a star maybe you can unload on his image
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god fans like you are dumb

like i said before there was a time when it was rare to see UT get a first down against anyone...bray was n't the problem last year defense was
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A term I heard years ago seems fitting for Bray.

“Body by Nautilus, brain by Mattel”.

He has all of the God given talent you could ask for to be successful at any level, but I donÂ’t think that he is mentally tough enough to be a top notch quarterback at any level.

Hopefully that will change, but I donÂ’t think that transformation would have been possible by the Fall.

So, with that being said IÂ’m glad he left and I hope that his draft status got the message through to him that he needs to do some growing up and quickly if he wants to make a living playing football.

On a side note I noticed that he did not have the Vol Scholar patch (Torch) on his jersey and I donÂ’t remember ever having a quarterback without that. Am I incorrect in that?
It's not childish at all...NFL evaluator's opinions have ZERO to do with how well he can perform on the college level under a good coach...like i said before countless of lazy but ultra talented players and QBs have excelled under the right coaches and on the right teams...some even college legends have...

Bottom line is we don't have anyone close to Bray's natural abilities on our roster now who isn't going to be a true freshman....with a good coach and solid defense Bray would make a hell of a college QB for anyone. It utterly ridiculous not to wish for that kind of talent to still be on our team...our fans are just idiots sometimes. I am literally crapping my pants at the thought of Worely being our QB with no proven WRs.....

Is it likely that a new coaching staff could be what Bray needed? For instance, Crompton didn't perform well with Clawson but when Kiffin came in, Crompton make big strides as a q.b.
I have mixed emotions. Could he have performed better in tight games given better coaching. He certainly could have benefited from the instruction, but the question is whether he would have heeded better coaching. The absence of a young man of his potential is notable, but not the end of the program by any means.

His talent will be missed, but hopefully supplanted by the current roster of QBs.
No, I did but want a QB unable to get drafted in 7 rounds to return.

We did not know that fact until it became fact. He could not have returned after declaring, and all the evaluations said he would go in the draft.
Personally I was glad for the clean break. Fair or not, I will always associate Bray with Dooley and that god awful era. I would rather CBJ spend his inagural season developing the guy who is going to be our QB for the next 2-3 years than spend it on the guy who's gone after this year.
I wanted him to stay - he was my first Vol QB and I feel I didn't really see his full potential over the last two years. He left me wanting more...

I think most of us agree with the latter part of your statement but ultimately, I'm interested in winning. Sometimes the guy with less natural ability gets the job done. There's more to winning than just that. If that means we struggle to find our identity this year than so be it.
god fans like you are dumb

like i said before there was a time when it was rare to see UT get a first down against anyone...bray was n't the problem last year defense was

No offense Crunch but every single NFL team passed on drafting the kid .... approx 7 times. This was after meeting with him, gauging his demeanor, attitude and football IQ. He told Gruden that on a scale of 1-10, his game preparation level was a 7. I think most fans on this forum saw that level of prep play out on the field, particularly in the 4 th quarter of several winnable games when he didn't deliver key throws/ first downs that could've led to big, much-needed wins.

Of course You're right about how GOD-awful our Defense was, everybody knows that ... but that doesn't mean that Bray is absolved of his failures. Did he do enough to win some games if our D wasn't so horrible? Yes. But there were games we would've won last year if he'd played well in the 4th qtr or on the last 2 drives .... but he didn't.

Add that to the other antics and lack of leadership he displayed and you get this type of response.... where about 80-90% of the fans are ready to move in from him with a new QB despite the incredible arm, the talent level, and the stats.

Doesn't mean Bray is hated or disliked. I think most on here wish him well, hope he has gotten his wake up call, dedicated himself and winds up having a productive NFL career. I know I do.
Yeah WE made a big mistake declaring for the draft!...Maybe Bray would have flourished this next season with some discipline and coaching up by the new staff and actually get drafted...but he made the decision and people not all wrung out with grief get labeled FOOLS? I hope the one brain cell Bray has left gets developed and he becomes an All Pro...but if he doesn't I'll sleep just fine...say that reminds me...back to bed
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Sorry I woke you up. Bad dream?
god fans like you are dumb

like i said before there was a time when it was rare to see UT get a first down against anyone...bray was n't the problem last year defense was

Don't bring God into this...talk to me Puddles..I'll get you through this crisis
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