This is you dream scenario but on the continuum both are much higher on the good leadership totem that the democrats can muster. This world and the US has suffered in the hands of the Biden Administration and democrat leadership over the past two years.
Wars and rumors of wars have broken out.
Our southern border is a sieve.
Banks are collapsing.
The value of the dollar is in decline
Inflation has been as much as 8% -9% hurting real wages and making raises null
Countries proceeding with threats to abandon it in trade
Our enemies and mutually beneficial partners are coalescing around each other.
The citizens 1st and 2nd amendment rights are being threatened
The Biden Administration is pulling a Woodrow Wilson and turning the DOJ into a weapon against its political enemies. A current Democrat party platform.
Unqualified people are being hired because they check certain physical characteristics or social requirements
There has been 0 accountability for Afghanistan
They allowed a Chinese spy balloon to fly across the continental US
Biden makes no sense 60% of the time with a dramatic decrease in sensory and motor skills even before elected
Harris might be the worst VP of all time
The rest of the deep state cabinet is not much better.
We've had environmental disaster after environmental disaster.
Their hiring requirements for aviation and pilots appear to be just as Woke with a check the box question like "are you black"...then you're hired.
In the last two years it's been reported that more planes have almost hit each other then I ever remember
Supply chain shortages
A steady rise in racial tensions instead of the false claim of bringing Americans together.
No attempt to find out the origins of COVID-19
More 3rd world voting style irregularities to put elections at risk. Even in business the worse the processes and systems the more you can muddy the waters of corruption.
It goes on and on.
We get that you are a leftist with a European style world view. No one is going to change your mind. You only comment on things that you think tilt in one direction, or if a conversation goes in the opposite direction you abandon it.
Your best hope is Robert Kennedy Jr who appears to a fine man. Something democrats are lacking in the "if there wasn't for a lack of values we would have no values at all" party.
Most of this is abject nonsense. I could go through it point by point--but you're not worth the time and effort.