Do you Run?……Walk?….Bike?…..Swim?……..lift weights? What’s your workout plan?

New PR output on a 45 minute ride last night. Legs are definitely getting stronger and, yay!, no more lower body lifting.

Nearly 3 months in on my new eating regimen and Peloton rides every other day: down 9 pounds, -5 cm around the waist, and legs are noticeably more muscular. That's a win for a chicken legged dude like me. I do miss good IPAs though.
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Took a nice 15 minute walk around the neighborhood. Everyone was out tending to their yard,on the porch or out with their kids. It was a beautiful and relaxing day to get out. I love to hike and will probably get out later this year to go a few places. The pool is in the process of being fixed so once that happens and it gets warm, I'm in it. Got to take care of my diabetes and in the process of getting back to a healthy weight again.
Walked 4.51 miles, 10,912 steps in ~1 hour & 37 minutes. I seldom include the time because I stop to talk to neighbors, and Strava doesn’t adjust for time standing still.
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Another day around the neighborhood more than likely. Taking a little break from social media,and getting outdoors. Doing more for my mental and physical health.Going to the local park with the fiancee later next week weather permitting.

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