In my humble opinion, rooting for failure in the hope of something better is very bad karma and usually doesn't take you where you wanna go. Probably the only available coaching upgrade would be Pearl, but factoring in the intangibles, I personally would imagine there's around a 25% chance at best we'd rehire Pearl, and short of that, how likely is it we can improve over CCM? I'd be surprised if there's a top tier or young prodigy coach out there who thinks of UT as a rung up on the career ladder for the $ we would likely offer. So logically, what's the better gamble..keeping Martin for now or ditching Martin on an epic roll of the dice? I think probably most of the fire Martin drum beaters are banking on exaggerated hopes of getting Pearl back, but I think that's a pretty reckless gamble. Either way, I will root for the Vols to win in every single game they play because, to me, it just doesn't feel right to do otherwise.