why do the sheep have so much optimism with this time-tested losing machine we call derek dooley? Because he hasn't had time and the mess he walked in to.
He's always been a loser and continues to be such... Well he's close to about 500 so that makes him neither winner/loser
what data is there to point to that says 'just give him time'? Don't know what data you are requesting, but he is saban endorsed. Saban kept him around on different staffs and didn't want to let him go. He left for hc job and ad.
I mean i didn't expect to go to the bcs in year 1 or 2, but i don't think a winning record at least one, if not both seasons was too much to expect. Youth, injuries, fulmer, kiffin, fulmer, injuries, youth, fulmer, key injuries, kiffin, mess.
0-24 when tied or trailing at the half...what makes you think he can rally his team to beat bama or lsu at the half down the line in his career when he can't lead a rally past uk with a wr playing qb running the same play the entire game? I guess make sure he isn't down or tied at half time. That's a start. Youth, injuries, inexperience.
The only reason this karmic disaster derek dooley even has a punchers chance next season is the fact he has the best qb we've had since peyton...and just like peyton, bray could/prob will go #1 in the nfl draft....however, last saturday's catastrophe makes me think even with a full compliment of upper classmen starters and more quality skill guys on offense than we've had since fill in the blank dooley still won't get it done next year. Sounds like you want him to fail and don't want to give him his fair shot (1,2,3 more years). Are you 10 years old, by the way? Bray will never be a number 1 pick (this shows your lack of brains)
why would he? History shows he never has.... What history? There isn't much history with this guy anywhere.
Besides the fact this guy is a proven loser at multiple coaching stops, lets look at the karmic disaster this idiot has proven to be.... La tech and second year at ut (under massive odds to succeed)
year 1: Two most improbable losses within the same season i've ever seen...leading to a ncaa rule change and a losing season. How the hell is this dooley's fault unc committed the penalty?
Year 2: Losing the best qb-wr combo we've had in a long while @ ut within a matter of weeks.... What the hell does this have to do with dooley. He didn't personally injure them.
However, only a guy like dooley could upstage his own early season bad luck with what he accomplished last saturday in lexington.... A wr who hadn't played qb in 4 years since high school beats us by running one play the entire game. Yeah, dooely gets blame for his team quiting and not giving a damn, like quoted by what players said. But, again he wasn't playing.
Whats dooley got up his sleeve for year 3, peyton standing on alabama's sideline wearing a crimson shirt? Not sure what this means exactly.
I mean if you were hiring a limo driver, would you hire a driver who was known for always having the worst luck and getting into horrible traffic accidents...even if the majority of the accidents wasn't the drivers fault would you want to always have him driving you around? I drive myself around and don't have a need for a limo. Dooley probably doesn't either.
Derek dooley is our limo driver and he has a bad habit of having the worst events possible occur to him when he's behind the wheel... Wait.....is this you derek? Sounds like the same sense of humor. This is you, isn't it?
Why would you want this kind of guy to lead our vols, he has never won anywhere and has worse luck than any coach i've ever seen...get this mf'er as far away from our program as possible. Can we trade you in instead? Please? That's what we need to do. I hope you aren't married. Your wife would be in a very bad situation. You sound like a ****ty person.
I believe it was napoleon who said, "bring me the lucky generals".