Doug Mathews "Big Orange Sunday" takeaways

I listen to the whole show. He did not say that that would be the type of offense that would be run. That is flat-out false. What he said was it would definitely be a part of the offense, that they can use whenever needed
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I just listened to nearly an hour long stream of unceasing lies. It's inbred homers like Mathews who caused the collapse of UT. I get that Matthews is a shill for the university but my God. That was revisionist history at its very worst. He painted Fulmer as Jesus incarnate, Currie as the single, satanic architect of our embarrassment, the Haslams as generous boosters who've accomplished wonderful things at UT, Peyton as Phillip's loyal son, Davenport as a fledgling chancellor who made a mistake hiring Currie but who has learned from her mistake and will provide divine leadership henceforth.

It's just putrid. We had a chance to escape the cycle of dumbassery, but instead we gleefully jumped right back into Big Papa Plump's lap like spineless house dogs. DePietro, Davenport, and Fulmer all need to be shown the door. Purge the House of Haslam once and for all.

I had been looking forward to the game tonight versus Georgia Tech all week, but I don't think I can pull for an athletic department led by Judas Brutus. I'll just have a few beers and watch the NFL. This university is floating face down dead in the water, and Phillip Fulmer was the chief saboteur.
But you were okay pulling for the last three ADs?
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basketvols and Rick Barnes have nothing to do with this. We need to pull for them so Fulmer doesn’t have to find a basketball coach
I would take your advice except that Barnes showed he cares absolutely nothing about UT or us fans by defending Currie and trashing the fan base after the Mercer game. He should take us to an NCAA tournament before he starts offering opinions.

Man I can't do it. I literally hate these people. They have ruined my favorite hobby. Fire Barnes too. Just make an announcement that Tennessee is starting over from scratch due to the systemic infiltration of a booster whose influence has led to a marked decline in the quality of Tennessee athletics. Announce that we will be hiring new coaches and heading in a different direction.

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Anyone thinking Fulmer isn't in line with the Haslam march is only lying to themselves. It will take someone a lot more powerful than Fulmer to take down the Haslam hold.

Bama boosters simply got tired of losing and gave complete control to Saban. Since he was hired, have you heard from Paul Bryant Jr or the rest of their mafia? Hell no.

Tennessee mafia isn't tired of losing nor found the guy they trust to turn it over to. (Gruden, for example, wasn't the guy).
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Pretty good show this morning. You may not know Doug's background - assistant coach and shared office with Fulmer for 10 years. Fulmer and he have a Saturday radio show called "coach to coach". Bottom line - He knows Fulmer as a friend and colleague.

Having said that - Doug's information coming from the Hill is going to be a little more accurate.

Some points he made this morning:

  • No way Kiffin ever coming back here with Fulmer as AD
  • Fulmer didn't sign on for just a 2 year deal. He has the job as long as he wants it.
  • No rift between Fulmer and Manning
  • Fulmer has most likey (100% chance) has talked to every recruit.

The question of Tee came up. Doug said "Phillip knows what he wants and if he will hire the best candidate." Mentioned Chavis and Steele in that conversation. If not, they will most likely get a call anyway just to get their input.

He also put some myths to bed. One misconception I had, Neyland was hired to beat Vanderbilt. Not true - he came in as an assistant and needed a ROTC program to be a part of. UT and another school had a ROTC opening and fortunately he chose UT.

Mike Leach is far better than Les Miles and Fulmer will own the future of TN Football Program. Remember, who the coaches TN will have to play against. I do not have a warm and fuzzy feeling with the selections Fulmer is targeting. Will it be the same old same old stuff? It appears to be headed in that direction. So, Fulmer what's changed? Why are we still doing business without challenging ourselves to take a look at Mike Leach? I think you need to take a long look and reevaluate what our goals are. To WIN.
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I just listened to nearly an hour long stream of unceasing lies. It's inbred homers like Mathews who caused the collapse of UT. I get that Matthews is a shill for the university but my God. That was revisionist history at its very worst. He painted Fulmer as Jesus incarnate, Currie as the single, satanic architect of our embarrassment, the Haslams as generous boosters who've accomplished wonderful things at UT, Peyton as Phillip's loyal son, Davenport as a fledgling chancellor who made a mistake hiring Currie but who has learned from her mistake and will provide divine leadership henceforth.

It's just putrid. We had a chance to escape the cycle of dumbassery, but instead we gleefully jumped right back into Big Papa Plump's lap like spineless house dogs. DePietro, Davenport, and Fulmer all need to be shown the door. Purge the House of Haslam once and for all.

I had been looking forward to the game tonight versus Georgia Tech all week, but I don't think I can pull for an athletic department led by Judas Brutus. I'll just have a few beers and watch the NFL. This university is floating face down dead in the water, and Phillip Fulmer was the chief saboteur.

Stop beating around the bush and come out with what you really think.
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I would take your advice except that Barnes showed he cares absolutely nothing about UT or us fans by defending Currie and trashing the fan base after the Mercer game. He should take us to an NCAA tournament before he starts offering opinions.

Man I can't do it. I literally hate these people. They have ruined my favorite hobby. Fire Barnes too. Just make an announcement that Tennessee is starting over from scratch due to the systemic infiltration of a booster whose influence has led to a marked decline in the quality of Tennessee athletics. Announce that we will be hiring new coaches and heading in a different direction.

Barnes didn’t defend Currie. He defended his team trying to play with a bunch of drunk idiots screaming and getting arrested in the background. Has already endorsed Phil. He’s a old style classy individual. I can understand the resentment.
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Anyone thinking Fulmer isn't in line with the Haslam march is only lying to themselves. It will take someone a lot more powerful than Fulmer to take down the Haslam hold.

Bama boosters simply got tired of losing and gave complete control to Saban. Since he was hired, have you heard from Paul Bryant Jr or the rest of their mafia? Hell no.

Tennessee mafia isn't tired of losing nor found the guy they trust to turn it over to. (Gruden, for example, wasn't the guy).
Leach would have done it his way. It's the only way he knows. That's why they pulled the plug on Currie.

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I just listened to nearly an hour long stream of unceasing lies. It's inbred homers like Mathews who caused the collapse of UT. I get that Matthews is a shill for the university but my God. That was revisionist history at its very worst. He painted Fulmer as Jesus incarnate, Currie as the single, satanic architect of our embarrassment, the Haslams as generous boosters who've accomplished wonderful things at UT, Peyton as Phillip's loyal son, Davenport as a fledgling chancellor who made a mistake hiring Currie but who has learned from her mistake and will provide divine leadership henceforth.

It's just putrid. We had a chance to escape the cycle of dumbassery, but instead we gleefully jumped right back into Big Papa Plump's lap like spineless house dogs. DePietro, Davenport, and Fulmer all need to be shown the door. Purge the House of Haslam once and for all.

I had been looking forward to the game tonight versus Georgia Tech all week, but I don't think I can pull for an athletic department led by Judas Brutus. I'll just have a few beers and watch the NFL. This university is floating face down dead in the water, and Phillip Fulmer was the chief saboteur.
So, you were okay with the last three ADs?
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If this HCIW is actually a go, it won’t be ANNOUNCED. Kinda disrespectful to a new hire to slap an hourglass on the podium next to him. It would be something UNDERSTOOD by the parties involved.
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Yes i know the Oregon razzle dazzle is popular with the younger kids. I like power football though, i'm old fashioned. Tennessee was better when they could knock someone off the ball, not trick them because they couldn't.

Exactly. Look at Bama and UGA both playing old fashioned no nonsense pro style and still works great in SEC which is still the gold standard even when slightly down from few years back.
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I just listened to nearly an hour long stream of unceasing lies. It's inbred homers like Mathews who caused the collapse of UT. I get that Matthews is a shill for the university but my God. That was revisionist history at its very worst. He painted Fulmer as Jesus incarnate, Currie as the single, satanic architect of our embarrassment, the Haslams as generous boosters who've accomplished wonderful things at UT, Peyton as Phillip's loyal son, Davenport as a fledgling chancellor who made a mistake hiring Currie but who has learned from her mistake and will provide divine leadership henceforth.

It's just putrid. We had a chance to escape the cycle of dumbassery, but instead we gleefully jumped right back into Big Papa Plump's lap like spineless house dogs. DePietro, Davenport, and Fulmer all need to be shown the door. Purge the House of Haslam once and for all.

I had been looking forward to the game tonight versus Georgia Tech all week, but I don't think I can pull for an athletic department led by Judas Brutus. I'll just have a few beers and watch the NFL. This university is floating face down dead in the water, and Phillip Fulmer was the chief saboteur.

I think we're found Coach Majors account
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I would take your advice except that Barnes showed he cares absolutely nothing about UT or us fans by defending Currie and trashing the fan base after the Mercer game. He should take us to an NCAA tournament before he starts offering opinions.

Man I can't do it. I literally hate these people. They have ruined my favorite hobby. Fire Barnes too. Just make an announcement that Tennessee is starting over from scratch due to the systemic infiltration of a booster whose influence has led to a marked decline in the quality of Tennessee athletics. Announce that we will be hiring new coaches and heading in a different direction.

I get it to a degree.. But reality should exist before fantasy. You liked everything since Fulmer was Coach? I see nothing but hot garbage on the field for a decade.
As long as Haslam family pulling strings, there is no "starting from scratch". At least Fulmer understands what it takes to win here. Bammer's still hate him.

OK we may not be what you want, the path we were on was going the same direction as all the things you are spewing hate about.

I promise you the next coach will have a better season than this one.

It is what it is. Fulmer AD . Hey, gonna catch the Browns game this afternoon?
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I just listened to nearly an hour long stream of unceasing lies. It's inbred homers like Mathews who caused the collapse of UT. I get that Matthews is a shill for the university but my God. That was revisionist history at its very worst. He painted Fulmer as Jesus incarnate, Currie as the single, satanic architect of our embarrassment, the Haslams as generous boosters who've accomplished wonderful things at UT, Peyton as Phillip's loyal son, Davenport as a fledgling chancellor who made a mistake hiring Currie but who has learned from her mistake and will provide divine leadership henceforth.

It's just putrid. We had a chance to escape the cycle of dumbassery, but instead we gleefully jumped right back into Big Papa Plump's lap like spineless house dogs. DePietro, Davenport, and Fulmer all need to be shown the door. Purge the House of Haslam once and for all.

I had been looking forward to the game tonight versus Georgia Tech all week, but I don't think I can pull for an athletic department led by Judas Brutus. I'll just have a few beers and watch the NFL. This university is floating face down dead in the water, and Phillip Fulmer was the chief saboteur.

Maybe you should go ahead and have a few beers now.
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Barnes didn’t defend Currie. He defended his team trying to play with a bunch of drunk idiots screaming and getting arrested in the background. Has already endorsed Phil. He’s a old style classy individual. I can understand the resentment.
These are lies. The student section merely chanted Fire Currie and Hire Kiffin in a game that was a blowout. UT security over reacted and starting forcing students to leave who led the chants. They broke one student's arm in the process. This is just more fake news revisionist history.

Barnes is an old curmudgeon. He constantly talks about Texas in every interview. He can just go back there.

While the team looks a little better this year, Branes hasn't accomplished anything here. He hasn't embraced Tennessee. He's just trying to show Texas they made a mistake. He's here for all the wrong reasons.

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Les Miles....

and still to this minute, nobody even mentions the obvious target---Norville

because somebody (prolly Ole Miss) started the gambling problem rumor!

we're stupid!
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I listen to the whole show. He did not say that that would be the type of offense that would be run. That is flat-out false. What he said was it would definitely be a part of the offense, that they can use whenever needed

This, imo, is the reason former head coaches should not be the AD. Phil should hire the best coach available, NOT one that will allow Phil to influence the offense the new coach runs.
Hiring a coach that runs what Phil thinks will work is NOT the answer.
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Yes i know the Oregon razzle dazzle is popular with the younger kids. I like power football though, i'm old fashioned. Tennessee was better when they could knock someone off the ball, not trick them because they couldn't.

I agree. Alabama doesn't use a lot of razzle dazzle and they seem to do just fine. They line up and pound the rock down the opponents throat. Start with that, then mix in the pass and you cant be stopped.
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He also mentioned there would not be a head coach in waiting.

Perhaps not contractually, but depending on who the OC or DC is, I think there would be an understanding that they could potentially move up to HC eventually. In any case, I don't think it eliminates Tee. He would be the successor if he performs his duties well, and I'm sure he knows that.
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It feels like '89 again...


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Also thinks whoever he hires will use a system that goes under center and uses two tightend sets. Power football, not razzle dazzle hocus pocus. More pro style sets. Look more like the Tennessee of the past.
You guys realize these type of offenses have had no success against Bama, right? Since 2011 the only teams to beat Bama have been spread offenses that ran nearly 100% shotgun offenses, except LSU who beat them 9-6 in 2011 then got shut out by that same Bama team in the national championship game. LSU's pro style offense scored 9 points in two games against Bama that year.

I'm fine using some of this offense, but you have to be able to spread the field in order to:
1) Beat the best defenses with the best defensive linemen, i.e. Bama, Georgia
2) Keep up with the top offenses, i.e. Clemson, Ohio State, Oklahoma
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I wish you Fulmer haters would give him a chance. The man is trying to save Tennessee football, and let's be honest, we've been a steaming pile of suck since he left.

I was ready for a change when Fulmer was fired in 2008, but I don't forget that he won us a National Championship. You'd think people would realize it's not so easy - especially after the last 10 years.
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