Doug Mathews "Big Orange Sunday" takeaways

I just listened to nearly an hour long stream of unceasing lies. It's inbred homers like Mathews who caused the collapse of UT. I get that Matthews is a shill for the university but my God. That was revisionist history at its very worst. He painted Fulmer as Jesus incarnate, Currie as the single, satanic architect of our embarrassment, the Haslams as generous boosters who've accomplished wonderful things at UT, Peyton as Phillip's loyal son, Davenport as a fledgling chancellor who made a mistake hiring Currie but who has learned from her mistake and will provide divine leadership henceforth.

It's just putrid. We had a chance to escape the cycle of dumbassery, but instead we gleefully jumped right back into Big Papa Plump's lap like spineless house dogs. DePietro, Davenport, and Fulmer all need to be shown the door. Purge the House of Haslam once and for all.

I had been looking forward to the game tonight versus Georgia Tech all week, but I don't think I can pull for an athletic department led by Judas Brutus. I'll just have a few beers and watch the NFL. This university is floating face down dead in the water, and Phillip Fulmer was the chief saboteur.
Haslam wanted Fulmer gone the first time. I doubt very seriously he wanted Fulmer AD. He is not in the HOH that is why we had that inept Currie to begin with. Look love your passion but let's bring it for Tennessee never against.
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Pretty good show this morning. You may not know Doug's background - assistant coach and shared office with Fulmer for 10 years. Fulmer and he have a Saturday radio show called "coach to coach". Bottom line - He knows Fulmer as a friend and colleague.

Having said that - Doug's information coming from the Hill is going to be a little more accurate.

Some points he made this morning:

  • No way Kiffin ever coming back here with Fulmer as AD
  • Fulmer didn't sign on for just a 2 year deal. He has the job as long as he wants it.
  • No rift between Fulmer and Manning
  • Fulmer has most likey (100% chance) has talked to every recruit.

The question of Tee came up. Doug said "Phillip knows what he wants and if he will hire the best candidate." Mentioned Chavis and Steele in that conversation. If not, they will most likely get a call anyway just to get their input.

He also put some myths to bed. One misconception I had, Neyland was hired to beat Vanderbilt. Not true - he came in as an assistant and needed a ROTC program to be a part of. UT and another school had a ROTC opening and fortunately he chose UT.

Eh, I think the “misconception” about Neyland is incorrect.

Yes, Neyland was the ROTC instructor, but if memory serves when he was hired as the full time football coach the directive was to beat Vanderbilt. In fact, I think this is addressed in Gilbert’s book “Neyland: The Gridiron General.”
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I just listened to nearly an hour long stream of unceasing lies. It's inbred homers like Mathews who caused the collapse of UT. I get that Matthews is a shill for the university but my God. That was revisionist history at its very worst. He painted Fulmer as Jesus incarnate, Currie as the single, satanic architect of our embarrassment, the Haslams as generous boosters who've accomplished wonderful things at UT, Peyton as Phillip's loyal son, Davenport as a fledgling chancellor who made a mistake hiring Currie but who has learned from her mistake and will provide divine leadership henceforth.

It's just putrid. We had a chance to escape the cycle of dumbassery, but instead we gleefully jumped right back into Big Papa Plump's lap like spineless house dogs. DePietro, Davenport, and Fulmer all need to be shown the door. Purge the House of Haslam once and for all.

I had been looking forward to the game tonight versus Georgia Tech all week, but I don't think I can pull for an athletic department led by Judas Brutus. I'll just have a few beers and watch the NFL. This university is floating face down dead in the water, and Phillip Fulmer was the chief saboteur.
hang on brother it's coming
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This, imo, is the reason former head coaches should not be the AD. Phil should hire the best coach available, NOT one that will allow Phil to influence the offense the new coach runs.
Hiring a coach that runs what Phil thinks will work is NOT the answer.

Lol. Doug Dickey was a coach and he was a damn good AD.
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I just listened to nearly an hour long stream of unceasing lies. It's inbred homers like Mathews who caused the collapse of UT. I get that Matthews is a shill for the university but my God. That was revisionist history at its very worst. He painted Fulmer as Jesus incarnate, Currie as the single, satanic architect of our embarrassment, the Haslams as generous boosters who've accomplished wonderful things at UT, Peyton as Phillip's loyal son, Davenport as a fledgling chancellor who made a mistake hiring Currie but who has learned from her mistake and will provide divine leadership henceforth.

It's just putrid. We had a chance to escape the cycle of dumbassery, but instead we gleefully jumped right back into Big Papa Plump's lap like spineless house dogs. DePietro, Davenport, and Fulmer all need to be shown the door. Purge the House of Haslam once and for all.

I had been looking forward to the game tonight versus Georgia Tech all week, but I don't think I can pull for an athletic department led by Judas Brutus. I'll just have a few beers and watch the NFL. This university is floating face down dead in the water, and Phillip Fulmer was the chief saboteur.

Ill conceived rant.

You so fills you with stress. Stop paying attention to sports a month or so. Let yourself heal.
Gee, don't want him talking to Third and Chavis. What a travesty it would be for that idiot to come back here.
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Exactly. This is why Wisconsin will never be a serious contender to win the national championship despite being an annual top 10 team. Barry Alvarez only hires coaches that fit his power run offensive philosophy, but that offense can only muster 21 points against Ohio State and similar top teams. They don't get the pick of the litter like Bama, so they have to be able to spread teams with good defensive lines like Ohio State, but they don't. That's why you'll see Wisconsin in the top 10 all year but never in the CFP

I do think it’s worked at whisky. They are a top 10 team almost every year, which imo is pretty good for them.they recruit to their system, and don’t get the speed and athletic guys. But at most schools it’s not been very successful, ie. Arkansas,Georgia, etc. Dickey was ok as a.d., and looking back he looks better than he actually was since his folowers were so sorry.
I just listened to nearly an hour long stream of unceasing lies. It's inbred homers like Mathews who caused the collapse of UT. I get that Matthews is a shill for the university but my God. That was revisionist history at its very worst. He painted Fulmer as Jesus incarnate, Currie as the single, satanic architect of our embarrassment, the Haslams as generous boosters who've accomplished wonderful things at UT, Peyton as Phillip's loyal son, Davenport as a fledgling chancellor who made a mistake hiring Currie but who has learned from her mistake and will provide divine leadership henceforth.

It's just putrid. We had a chance to escape the cycle of dumbassery, but instead we gleefully jumped right back into Big Papa Plump's lap like spineless house dogs. DePietro, Davenport, and Fulmer all need to be shown the door. Purge the House of Haslam once and for all.

I had been looking forward to the game tonight versus Georgia Tech all week, but I don't think I can pull for an athletic department led by Judas Brutus. I'll just have a few beers and watch the NFL. This university is floating face down dead in the water, and Phillip Fulmer was the chief saboteur.

Meh. There is lot's of concern about avoiding "inbreeding" for sure, but the mess that we had was certainly not going to work.

I will not be out dancing in the streets if Miles is hired, but given our circumstances, we could do a WHOLE LOT worse.

I am just being pragmatic about all these turn of events. I think it is healthy to have a mix of VFL's and new blood. Neither extreme is healthy. Both sides need to realize this.
He called out Bruce Feldman a couple of times. The first time, he said he would come back to address reporters like Bruce Feldman. When he did come back several minutes later, I didn't catch what he said. Did anyone else pick that up?
This, imo, is the reason former head coaches should not be the AD. Phil should hire the best coach available, NOT one that will allow Phil to influence the offense the new coach runs.
Hiring a coach that runs what Phil thinks will work is NOT the answer.

at least it didn't work for Phil
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I just listened to nearly an hour long stream of unceasing lies. It's inbred homers like Mathews who caused the collapse of UT. I get that Matthews is a shill for the university but my God. That was revisionist history at its very worst. He painted Fulmer as Jesus incarnate, Currie as the single, satanic architect of our embarrassment, the Haslams as generous boosters who've accomplished wonderful things at UT, Peyton as Phillip's loyal son, Davenport as a fledgling chancellor who made a mistake hiring Currie but who has learned from her mistake and will provide divine leadership henceforth.

It's just putrid. We had a chance to escape the cycle of dumbassery, but instead we gleefully jumped right back into Big Papa Plump's lap like spineless house dogs. DePietro, Davenport, and Fulmer all need to be shown the door. Purge the House of Haslam once and for all.

I had been looking forward to the game tonight versus Georgia Tech all week, but I don't think I can pull for an athletic department led by Judas Brutus. I'll just have a few beers and watch the NFL. This university is floating face down dead in the water, and Phillip Fulmer was the chief saboteur.
Has anyone heard from LWSVOL lately? He's been awfully quite.
I just listened to nearly an hour long stream of unceasing lies. It's inbred homers like Mathews who caused the collapse of UT. I get that Matthews is a shill for the university but my God. That was revisionist history at its very worst. He painted Fulmer as Jesus incarnate, Currie as the single, satanic architect of our embarrassment, the Haslams as generous boosters who've accomplished wonderful things at UT, Peyton as Phillip's loyal son, Davenport as a fledgling chancellor who made a mistake hiring Currie but who has learned from her mistake and will provide divine leadership henceforth.

It's just putrid. We had a chance to escape the cycle of dumbassery, but instead we gleefully jumped right back into Big Papa Plump's lap like spineless house dogs. DePietro, Davenport, and Fulmer all need to be shown the door. Purge the House of Haslam once and for all.

I had been looking forward to the game tonight versus Georgia Tech all week, but I don't think I can pull for an athletic department led by Judas Brutus. I'll just have a few beers and watch the NFL. This university is floating face down dead in the water, and Phillip Fulmer was the chief saboteur.
You listened for the whole hour and it made you sick? No my friend THAT IS SICK!!!!
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Phil was using spread sets 25 years ago when it wasn't cool.

This is so true!!! I read some of this stuff and realize most of these guys really have no clue....we would spread out the whole field. Heck in CPF early days he was known as a gunslinger coach. A lot of these guys here’s father wasn’t even born then but hey it’s cool to rant about something without a clue.... I for one want a day again where we can run the clock out with seven minutes to go in the game with a seven point lead.... been a long time since we could do that....
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I would take your advice except that Barnes showed he cares absolutely nothing about UT or us fans by defending Currie and trashing the fan base after the Mercer game. He should take us to an NCAA tournament before he starts offering opinions.

Man I can't do it. I literally hate these people. They have ruined my favorite hobby. Fire Barnes too. Just make an announcement that Tennessee is starting over from scratch due to the systemic infiltration of a booster whose influence has led to a marked decline in the quality of Tennessee athletics. Announce that we will be hiring new coaches and heading in a different direction.

Um...Curries was his boss. I'm sure if someone disrespected your boss and you'd go fist bump them.
Eh, I think the “misconception” about Neyland is incorrect.

Yes, Neyland was the ROTC instructor, but if memory serves when he was hired as the full time football coach the directive was to beat Vanderbilt. In fact, I think this is addressed in Gilbert’s book “Neyland: The Gridiron General.”

I think you may be right. Time fogs the facts. Either way, glad he came!
If anyone thinks Fulmer is going to tell a new HC what kind of offense he should run then you need a CT scan asap.

These comments in this thread just reinforce what I have been thinking since Fulmer was hired. That whatever person he hires, there will always be those who berate him. There seems to be some long standing hate for Fulmer that some are either just unwilling or unable to forgive. Yet, I would be willing to bet that those same people are willing to immediately forgive Kiffin if he wanted to come back. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Does anyone seriously believe that any coach is going to come into Tennessee and have us winning 10+ and competing at a high level quickly? If you do, why? Our beloved Vols have been ingrained with a mediocre mentality for the past decade. This is going to take time to fix. Its not going to be easy. That being said, I do think a good coach could get us to winning 8-9 games within 2 years.

All of this revisionist crap with who did what with Majors, Haslam, Hamilton and Fulmer blah, blah, blah is just pointless. Some of you just have it set in your mind that nobody can ever change the way they are. Ever. Nobody ever matures or looks at things different with age and experience. Thats just a sad way to look at things.

Should we all just blindly trust Fulmer 100% just because of what he has done in the past? Absolutely not. Should Fulmer be given at least a fair shot at doing the best he can for Tennessee? Yes he should. Maybe he fails big time. If so, then we fall further down the sink hole. But maybe he succeeds and gets the program running good again for the next AD. Fulmer at the very least has earned a shot to try.
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If anyone thinks Fulmer is going to tell a new HC what kind of offense he should run then you need a CT scan asap.

These comments in this thread just reinforce what I have been thinking since Fulmer was hired. That whatever person he hires, there will always be those who berate him. There seems to be some long standing hate for Fulmer that some are either just unwilling or unable to forgive. Yet, I would be willing to bet that those same people are willing to immediately forgive Kiffin if he wanted to come back. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Does anyone seriously believe that any coach is going to come into Tennessee and have us winning 10+ and competing at a high level quickly? If you do, why? Our beloved Vols have been ingrained with a mediocre mentality for the past decade. This is going to take time to fix. Its not going to be easy. That being said, I do think a good coach could get us to winning 8-9 games within 2 years.

All of this revisionist crap with who did what with Majors, Haslam, Hamilton and Fulmer blah, blah, blah is just pointless. Some of you just have it set in your mind that nobody can ever change the way they are. Ever. Nobody ever matures or looks at things different with age and experience. Thats just a sad way to look at things.

Should we all just blindly trust Fulmer 100% just because of what he has done in the past? Absolutely not. Should Fulmer be given at least a fair shot at doing the best he can for Tennessee? Yes he should. Maybe he fails big time. If so, then we fall further down the sink hole. But maybe he succeeds and gets the program running good again for the next AD. Fulmer at the very least has earned a shot to try.

Point being made about Kiffin changing and being giving a chance just like Doug Dickey. Thank you
Um...Curries was his boss. I'm sure if someone disrespected your boss and you'd go fist bump them.

He shouldn't have said a damn word. He has zero Tennessee in him. None whatsoever. Don't let the door hit you in the ass Barnes. What has he accomplished since he's been here? Then he wants to tell alumni and fans who love this university with all their hearts how to think. He has about as much clout as the basketball coach in this drama as a pecker gnat. In fact, from now on, I dub him PG Barnes. Pecker gnat Barnes.

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