DucksflyinPAC Answer[ed] Questions And/Or Refute[d] Ridiculous Claims

Oh, thanks for answering my question. I thought he had some connection with you guys. Anyways, so what did he say on the radio recently? Do you know? Man, many Tenn fans I have read this morning are steamed about it, whatever it was.... I sure am curious as to what it was.

I don't know what he would have said to get UT fans upset? I just heard he said this would be UT's biggest win in 25 years. Who knows. A little out there with his prediction but Ainge is known for saying some crazy things on his show. But I hope he's right, and maybe we can pull it off.
If tennessee creates turnovers and scores before oregon the crowd will simmer down and the intensity will diminsh, until them ducks score.
I hear that music and I am waiting for Russians to march across the field...I know Oregon is closer to Alaska than TN is, and since Palin has to watch out for the russins in Alaska, did Oregon just let putin in? Horrible song..
I actually really liked Coach Butch's mini press speech at the end.... Esp, "It takes discipline to go on the road, playing a tremendous opponent, a great opponent in a hostile environment..." Yes it does coach. And we will see this Saturday if you have that discipline. For not only do we come at you with great misdirection and that takes mighty discipline to not be fooled. But our fans are literally a few feet away from your players. They will hear it from our fans taunting them and it will seem like the whole Stadium too is right on top of your guys driving them crazy. And your players ears will ring for many hours after the game. But the fans right behind your sidelines are so close to talk to you- you hearing every such word when we are on Offense, whisper quiet in the stadium. Basically, it will be hell for your players. Our fans will drive them crazy, the noise. And our super tiny, super crappy visitors locker-room, and the painful long plane-ride back home. Your fans flying in will have fun, for at least they get to tailgate with cool Ducks. However, it will be hell on earth for your players. Their ears will still be hurting badly when they arrive back in Knoxville. Autzen Stadium a visiting players single worse nightmare! Down in the pit of hell...I feel bad for what your players are going to go through...If you only knew...

Yeah, I'm not sure how Tennessee players will be able to handle the 55,000 people right on top of them at Autzen after only being used to playing in front of 100,000+ most Saturday's. Maybe it'll remind them of playing at Vanderbilt since it's of similar size. Pretty sure in 2010 it was the Ducks who were flustered early playing in Tennessee and making a lot of mistakes. Sure, they quieted the fans down after adjusting, but it sure seemed that they weren't used to playing in a stadium that loud before.
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I actually really liked Coach Butch's mini press speech at the end.... Esp, "It takes discipline to go on the road, playing a tremendous opponent, a great opponent in a hostile environment..." Yes it does coach. And we will see this Saturday if you have that discipline. For not only do we come at you with great misdirection and that takes mighty discipline to not be fooled. But our fans are literally a few feet away from your players. They will hear it from our fans taunting them and it will seem like the whole Stadium too is right on top of your guys driving them crazy. And your players ears will ring for many hours after the game. But the fans right behind your sidelines are so close to talk to you- you hearing every such word when we are on Offense, whisper quiet in the stadium. Basically, it will be hell for your players. Our fans will drive them crazy, the noise. And our super tiny, super crappy visitors locker-room, and the painful long plane-ride back home. Your fans flying in will have fun, for at least they get to tailgate with cool Ducks. However, it will be hell on earth for your players. Their ears will still be hurting badly when they arrive back in Knoxville. Autzen Stadium a visiting players single worse nightmare! Down in the pit of hell...I feel bad for what your players are going to go through...If you only knew...

boy, you sure are overdramatic. I'd hate to see you around some spilled milk.
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And we will see this Saturday if you have that discipline. For not only do we come at you with great misdirection and that takes mighty discipline to not be fooled. But our fans are literally a few feet away from your players. They will hear it from our fans taunting them and it will seem like the whole Stadium too is right on top of your guys driving them crazy. And your players ears will ring for many hours after the game. But the fans right behind your sidelines are so close to talk to you- you hearing every such word when we are on Offense, whisper quiet in the stadium. Basically, it will be hell for your players. Our fans will drive them crazy, the noise.

I am laughing my ass off, another ignorant post from a johnny come lately. The song that should be played as your fight song should be a hybrid Money (Nike) and your cheating heart.. Not exactly a clean program at O.
So this guy claims to be an older gentleman, yet spells the word "phrase" as "fraze". So if he wasn't attempting to use a younger hip spelling of the word, I'll have to assume he isn't very intelligent.
Autzen is supposed to be great and I'm very disappointed that I ended up not being able to make it out there, but the idea that the stadium is going to be some unbearable hellhole for a team that plays in the SEC is laughable. We play in the Swamp next week. Just another conference game.
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Autzen is supposed to be great and I'm very disappointed that I ended up not being able to make it out there, but the idea that the stadium is going to be some unbearable hellhole for a team that plays in the SEC is laughable. We play in the Swamp next week. Just another conference game.
Sir, I have 3 advices: A)Click the link below and read the quotes from former opposing players/coaches/reporters-media all unbiased. B)Ask your fans after they fly back from the game. C)Ask your players what it was like to be on the field and have thousands of Duck fans only a few feet right behind and above them. I suggest C, but all are good choices. C is the best though because it is much louder on the actual field(which is in a pit surrounded by a large wooden wall all around) and they will not be able to hear much for hours after. And you can ask them directly how loud and intimidating it was.

I cant wait till Tenn people fly back and come on here and report such things to you all though. And even with us probably not going to have hardly any college students at the game(classes do not start until Sep 30th- as we are quarter system), and they are our loudest segment- as in all colleges, it still will be very loud in the stands, but ear crushing on the field for your players. And kink of like LSU, we are much more wild and louder at night, but still, even take out all our college kids, and a day game. It still will be very loud. And wait for your own fans to say as much when they get back... Or you can save yourself 4-5 days before they all get back and you can go to this link, as noted in point A) and read for yourself all the famous quotes of our stadium from visiting reporters and such that have been to all the countries other stadiums:

Oregon Gridiron :: Autzen Stadium Quotes
Well, I have never ever seen another band play our fight song, not ever, not in a video of their practice, nothing. First time and it was awesome. I was grinning the whole time thinking how awefull lucky those vol players were to hear such a wonderful song! :)

Butch Jones does get it.
So this guy claims to be an older gentleman, yet spells the word "phrase" as "fraze". So if he wasn't attempting to use a younger hip spelling of the word, I'll have to assume he isn't very intelligent.

It's apparent that english is not his first language, but i don't think he's unintelligent. He's just silly.
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Sir, I have 3 advices: A)Click the link below and read the quotes from former opposing players/coaches/reporters-media all unbiased.

like Tedford?

Afterward, here was Cal coach Jeff Tedford: "We've never seen anything like that. That's a pretty impressive atmosphere ... a real home-field advantage."
Out of curiosity, DucksflyinPAC, given your current success, are there plans and/or sufficient demand from the Oregon fan base to expand the seating capacity of Autzen Stadium?

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