I always say Obama did more to hinder the green movement than to help.
Stymied a TON of green techs to push Solar Panels. A lot of the energy capture/recapture you see in car breaking was showing up in a lot of household appliances. About the only thing I have seen make it from the prototypes getting tested at ORNL to market are the heat pumps for air/water. But there were a lot of components getting tested to capture "free" energy and convert it into electrical going on pre 2012. Stuff like valves on sewer pipes to create enough energy to light a home. Opening doors, basically anything with a direct mechanical energy applied by a person was able to be captured and used to do something. None of it would fully power a home, but it was all things to drastically reduce energy demand. There was a term like "full capture" kitchens that would catch the waste energy from all the kitchen appliances (typically heat) and that would run the dishwasher or small countertop appliances. It all required batteries really to store it. There were even reverse heating blankets being tested, used a person's own body heat to power a fan. A lot of it was, at the time, targeted for the prepper or disaster recovery markets, where consistent power was difficult to find.
and that was just the power side of things. There was more on recycling, water capture, even some self repairing materials. You still see a little of this with concrete, and that's separate from us figuring out Roman concrete finally.
Granted no way all or even most of it would have been commercially successful, but still the drop off from what was being worked on to what we see now is disappointing, at least in my field.
He is also responsible for changing the dynamics of the users. Government mandates turned off wide swathes of people, and took great technological leaps and made them taboo almost. It takes real talent to do that.
I 100% blame him and his policies for taking a wide eyed college student drunk on the thought of the green possibilities and turned him into a cynic that has watched too much great promise die on altar of politics.