Electric Vehicles

Lol again, Cavet. If I'm reading your posts correctly, you're actually doubting Elon Musk (sure he's made mistakes, but come on). Not sure what you're trying to prove here.

I’m stating what I’ve said all along and Musk knows it too. His dream of a world dominated by his battery powered EV fleet isn’t sustainable due to the excessive load it puts on the grid. But he doesn’t care that’s not his problem. I’ve even linked you academic articles making the same observation. However since they aren’t marketing hype fapping all over EVs you can’t absorb them.
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again, the regenerative breaking alone will likely pay for the EV semi (I'm exaggerating, of course -- but especially with Local routes / stopping and going and stopping could likely achieve 10, 20% (?) free-energy (essentially free)).

"Also worth noting is that Tesla’s “regenerative braking” technology allows the trucks to be used on “hellacious routes” such as the Donner Pass."

"“Going across Donner Pass and back from [Sacramento] to Nevada, we’re able to, on the trip back, actually zero out, in terms of state of charge improving due to regenerative braking,” Dejan Antunović, Pepsi’s electrification program manager, said in the video. “It extends range for us in a way that is invaluable.”
That’s not how thermodynamics works Ronald you get an F. You cannot ever get net zero energy in/out. Mother Nature won’t let you. Even including regenerative braking.
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Maybe he's following the lead of these guys's --

Texas’s Oil and Gas Industry Is Defending Its Billions in Subsidies Against a Green Energy Push​

The state's energy business has long counted on special tax breaks and other largesse not available to others. Whether renewables or fossil fuels get more depends on how you do the math.

Carbon capture, hydrogen, renewables, and greener petroleum-based plastics constitute “four pillars of what could be the new economy of Houston over the next fifteen years,” said Perlman, the head of the Houston business group, whose conservative credentials also include a stint as an appointee to the state’s Public Utilities Commission by then-governor George W. Bush. But making that pivot won’t come cheap. As his group maps paths to decarbonize a region that’s a global hub for fossil fuels, it’s doing what Texas energy players have done since the discovery of oil at Spindletop. It’s angling for more subsidies.
Tell you what Ronald. Let’s just kill all these subsidies that go for these idiotic green energies and Elon’s idiotic franken charger. How’s that?
Surely you've calculated the estimated fuel $avings$ (I suspect you'll save $2000+ per year, at 10k-15k miles per year VS gasoline engie at approx 30miles per gallon).

No, I did not deduct for the gas savings. That's a legit reduction in cost, however.
Tell you what Ronald. Let’s just kill all these subsidies that go for these idiotic green energies and Elon’s idiotic franken charger. How’s that?

No need. I was simply giving you other examples, Cavet.

@UT-Rex hey Ronald if Elon’s toy truck is so viable why is he asking the government for $100M for just nine charging stations? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 😂
That’s not how thermodynamics works Ronald you get an F. You cannot ever get net zero energy in/out. Mother Nature won’t let you. Even including regenerative braking.


in simple terms:

"Also worth noting is that Tesla’s “regenerative braking” technology allows the trucks to be used on “hellacious routes” such as the Donner Pass."

"“Going across Donner Pass and back from [Sacramento] to Nevada, we’re able to, on the trip back, actually zero out, in terms of state of charge improving due to regenerative braking,” Dejan Antunović, Pepsi’s electrification program manager, said in the video. “It extends range for us in a way that is invaluable.”
Does this "$399" not apply to your condition(s) ?

"Lease starting at $399/mo*"

Last week, Tesla quoted a monthly payment of $419/month for the Model 3 and $499/month for the Model Y on each base model. But today we’re seeing payments of $329/month and $399/month respectively, with the same down payment ($4,500), term (36 months), and mileage (10k/yr) as the previous prices were quoted.

Oct 12 2023

Yeah, I mean, there is some savings today as opposed to a month ago, but I am wrapping in delivery charges, down-payment, taxes, etc. Trying to account for every dollar out of pocket for the entire length of the lease.

Other savings which are difficult to wrap in, include maintenance. No oil changes. What's that, $300 or so a year these days?

All adds up. And I am convinced it's the future so in a sense this is a learning experience for the next 25 years for me.

No need. I was simply giving you other examples, Cavet.

@UT-Rex hey Ronald if Elon’s toy truck is so viable why is he asking the government for $100M for just nine charging stations? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 😂
Yep and if they were viable they wouldn’t need help. This kill them all. Thanks for proving my point 🤡

in simple terms:

"Also worth noting is that Tesla’s “regenerative braking” technology allows the trucks to be used on “hellacious routes” such as the Donner Pass."

"“Going across Donner Pass and back from [Sacramento] to Nevada, we’re able to, on the trip back, actually zero out, in terms of state of charge improving due to regenerative braking,” Dejan Antunović, Pepsi’s electrification program manager, said in the video. “It extends range for us in a way that is invaluable.”
In simple terms you are not smart enough to understand why thermodynamics won’t allow that statement to be true Ronald.

In taking battery power and making mechanical torque there are losses the first of which comes to mind is the I^2R motor winding losses. The same losses come into play in converting mechanical energy into electric power via regenerative braking its the same I^2R loss going that way. You also have fundamental conversion process inefficiencies. It isn’t possible Ronald but since some Tesla lackey said it now it’s gospel for you 😂🤡
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In simple terms you are not smart enough to understand why thermodynamics won’t allow that statement to be true Ronald.

In taking battery power and making mechanical torque there are losses the first of which comes to mind is the I^2R motor winding losses. The same losses come into play in converting mechanical energy into electric power via regenerative braking its the same I^2R loss going that way. You also have fundamental conversion process inefficiencies. It isn’t possible Ronald but since some Tesla lackey said it now it’s gospel for you 😂🤡

Have a good night man.

in simple terms: "it saves energy and also increases the driving range" ( "increases the driving range" WHILE not plugged in)

Yep and if they were viable they wouldn’t need help. This kill them all. Thanks for proving my point 🤡

reasonable folk can comprehend the nature of the request :

"Tesla is reportedly seeking around $100 million in funding for a charging route from Texas to California that would host nine charging stations for all electric-semi trucks, according to a new report from Bloomberg.

Tesla is seeking federal funding because it told Texas government officials that it could qualify for grants that would be a part of the bipartisan infrastructure program that was launched by the Biden White House to help build more EV charging stations for both passenger and commercial vehicles.

Tesla requested the help of state officials in the form of a written letter that would support the “charging corridor” that the automaker applied and submitted its application for in June."

in simple terms: "it saves energy and also increases the driving range"

In simple terms the original claim that I called bull **** is still bull ****. The claim was “near net zero” that you were fapping over Ronald. Now you’re moving the goal posts to “it increases range” 🤡
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"Tesla is reportedly seeking around $100 million in funding for a charging route from Texas to California that would host nine charging stations for all electric-semi trucks, according to a new report from Bloomberg.

Tesla is seeking federal funding because it told Texas government officials that it could qualify for grants that would be a part of the bipartisan infrastructure program that was launched by the Biden White House to help build more EV charging stations for both passenger and commercial vehicles.

Tesla requested the help of state officials in the form of a written letter that would support the “charging corridor” that the automaker applied and submitted its application for in June."

Let’s hope Abbott tells Elon to piss off on his franken charger!
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In simple terms the original claim that I called bull **** is still bull ****. The claim was “near net zero” that you were fapping over Ronald. Now you’re moving the goal posts to “it increases range” 🤡

I was speaking of RB ; and to re-iterate,

in simple terms: "it saves energy and also increases the driving range" ( "increases the driving range" WHILE not plugged in)

That’s not how thermodynamics works Ronald you get an F. You cannot ever get net zero energy in/out. Mother Nature won’t let you. Even including regenerative braking.
I was speaking of RB ; and to re-iterate,

in simple terms: "it saves energy and also increases the driving range" ( "increases the driving range" WHILE not plugged in)
No you posted a bull **** quote using the phrase “net zero” and had no idea why that wasn’t possible because you don’t have the knowledge background to know the person who made the statement was FOS.

You then moved the goalposts once the BS was called.
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No you posted a bull **** quote using the phrase “net zero” and had no idea why that wasn’t possible because you don’t have the knowledge background to know the person who made the statement was FOS.

Where did I post such ^^ as claimed / what Post # ?
No you posted a bull **** quote using the phrase “net zero” and had no idea why that wasn’t possible because you don’t have the knowledge background to know the person who made the statement was FOS.

You then moved the goalposts once the BS was called.

the Pepsi representative claimed:

"... we’re able to, on the trip back, actually zero out, in terms of state of charge improving due to regenerative braking,”
Go read post 3122 Ronald. I highlighted in red where the BS was. The hilarious part is you’ve dropped that same quote at least twice more since 😂

the Pepsi representative claimed:

"... we’re able to, on the trip back, actually zero out, in terms of state of charge improving due to regenerative braking,”

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