Electric Vehicles

California to ban sales of all new gas-powered cars beginning in 2035

California regulators are expected to ban the sale of all new gasoline-powered vehicles beginning in 2035, a major step for the largest auto market in the United States and one that the Democratic government hopes can accelerate the transition toward electric vehicle adoption.

The rule is expected to take effect Thursday following a vote by the California Air Resources Board, according to the New York Times. It also sets interim targets to help phase out the sale of internal combustion engine models: By 2026, it states, 35% of new cars sold must be zero-emissions vehicles — an amount that climbs to 68% in 2030. Currently, just 12% of new cars sold in the state are electric vehicles.

California to ban sales of all new gas-powered cars beginning in 2035
California to ban sales of all new gas-powered cars beginning in 2035

California regulators are expected to ban the sale of all new gasoline-powered vehicles beginning in 2035, a major step for the largest auto market in the United States and one that the Democratic government hopes can accelerate the transition toward electric vehicle adoption.

The rule is expected to take effect Thursday following a vote by the California Air Resources Board, according to the New York Times. It also sets interim targets to help phase out the sale of internal combustion engine models: By 2026, it states, 35% of new cars sold must be zero-emissions vehicles — an amount that climbs to 68% in 2030. Currently, just 12% of new cars sold in the state are electric vehicles.

California to ban sales of all new gas-powered cars beginning in 2035
I wonder how California’s electric grid is going to hold up.
California to ban sales of all new gas-powered cars beginning in 2035

California regulators are expected to ban the sale of all new gasoline-powered vehicles beginning in 2035, a major step for the largest auto market in the United States and one that the Democratic government hopes can accelerate the transition toward electric vehicle adoption.

The rule is expected to take effect Thursday following a vote by the California Air Resources Board, according to the New York Times. It also sets interim targets to help phase out the sale of internal combustion engine models: By 2026, it states, 35% of new cars sold must be zero-emissions vehicles — an amount that climbs to 68% in 2030. Currently, just 12% of new cars sold in the state are electric vehicles.

California to ban sales of all new gas-powered cars beginning in 2035

will they ban registrations? say I'm moving to Cali and have a dino-vehicle or can I go to Nevada and buy one to bring back?
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California's Ban on the sale of new gas cars will force all residents to spend at least $20,000 MORE on new electric-powered vehicles and will need 2.1 Million Charging Stations by 2030 to meet the demand

California's air regulators are set to vote on a policy Thursday that would ban the sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035 and although this an effort to fight climate change, the plan means consumers will have to spend around $20,000 more to purchase a new electric vehicle - an amount that could be out of reach for more than half of the state's residents who are in the middle to low income brackets.

The average price for a new electric vehicle in the US recently rose to $66,000, a more than 13 percent increase year over year, compared to the $43,338 for one that runs on petroleum.

Along with costs, the state is still lacking in charging stations - it has 73,000 and will need 1.2 million by 2030, according to a report from the California Energy Commission (CEC).


California's ban on sale of new gas cars means residents will spend some $20,000 MORE on new EVs | Daily Mail Online
China produces three-quarters of all lithium-ion batteries and is home to 70% of production capacity for cathodes and 85% for anodes (both are key components of batteries).

Over half of lithium, cobalt and graphite processing and refining capacity is also located in China.

And most importantly, back in 2016, Hunter Biden's Bohai Harvest RST invested in China's Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. (CATL), the world's largest lithium ion battery producer.

Remember that fact every time you hear China Joe talk about electric vehicles.

Joe Crushes American Energy While Hunter Gets Rich From Chinese Fossil Fuels

You're spending much more than $20,000, as once the cars hit about 6-7 years old how much are they really worth. Once the warranty period is up on the battery the car is junk material. Where as an ICE could be worth quite a lot. We just got our 10 year old Kia totaled, we still got about a 3rd of the price for the car. Junk yards are going to be filling up with EVs and the batteries.

We have a truck that is nearly 25 years old, that just isn't going to be possible with lithium. 10 years and its junk.
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The EV thing is never going to happen.
Right now there’s no current technology that would allow for it.
There’s not enough lithium on the planet so we have to come up with a new battery system. I’m sure they’ll pull something from their ass by 2030.

That is working under the assumption "they" care whether you have a car. This isn't about EVs, not really. Do people actually believe this is about EVs?

There isn't energy available to power 10% of the cars by energy, "they" know that.

To power just 50% of the non-commerical/non-farming vehicles on the road, would require in the neighbor of 75-100 NEW nuclear power plants. The energy doesn't exist, and most probably won't exist. They know that.

They know there isn't enough lithium in the world to replace ICE vehicles.
They know there isn't enough energy to power EVs to significantly replace ICE vehicles.
They know there isn't enough distribution of said power to significantly replace ICE vehicles.
They know the landfills are going to be filled with EV parts and batteries.

If you can't afford to have a car, they will say "good".
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Did you know Trump's uncle was the one who reviewed his confiscated materials?
I would pay good money to look at his stuff. I would love the government to try and provide just one reason why his property was ceased.

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