Electric Vehicles

California's Ban on the sale of new gas cars will force all residents to spend at least $20,000 MORE on new electric-powered vehicles and will need 2.1 Million Charging Stations by 2030 to meet the demand

California's air regulators are set to vote on a policy Thursday that would ban the sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035 and although this an effort to fight climate change, the plan means consumers will have to spend around $20,000 more to purchase a new electric vehicle - an amount that could be out of reach for more than half of the state's residents who are in the middle to low income brackets.

The average price for a new electric vehicle in the US recently rose to $66,000, a more than 13 percent increase year over year, compared to the $43,338 for one that runs on petroleum.

Along with costs, the state is still lacking in charging stations - it has 73,000 and will need 1.2 million by 2030, according to a report from the California Energy Commission (CEC).


California's ban on sale of new gas cars means residents will spend some $20,000 MORE on new EVs | Daily Mail Online

What about airlines? Surely they will get rid of gas-powered planes, too. And police cars, fire trucks, school buses, etc.
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What about airlines? Surely they will get rid of gas-powered planes, too. And police cars, fire trucks, school buses, etc.
2/3 of the communist states income come from food. I can't wait for them to start harvesting and planting crops 30 minutes at a time. Starve the country and see how well it works out for you democrats.
2/3 of the communist states income come from food. I can't wait for them to start harvesting and planting crops 30 minutes at a time. Starve the country and see how well it works out for you democrats.

Hey now, definitely not my ideology lol
How come Congress..as a representation of this Republic would not hold some month long daily hour TV debate is beyond me.

But 1/6.

Tens of trillions at stake and no debate. Heck forget the money..food and all sorts.

This screams true insurrection
Agreed. Even when new battery tech becomes the norm...who/where/when are we gonna build the 15 or 20 new nuclear power stations to charge them? Youve never seen NIMBY until a nuclear reactor discussion comes to town...

I truly cannot wrap my head around it. What the heck is gonna happen when all these car manufacturers do as they pledged and only make electric cars in 10 years but there is no way to charge even half of them without rolling blackouts on power grids nationwide???

Forgive me for being repetitive....but why have we not ever heard a single plan or piece of legislation proposed to build this infrastructure/charging stations/power plants??? If all of us recognize this insanity....why do the politicians not see it? The automakers? This is insane

There aren't going to be any new nuclear plants without government backing. The stock market is all about quick return, and that doesn't cover plants that take ten years (or more) to build ... once licensing and legal issues are put to rest. Our other problem is betting the farm on solar and wind energy and believing when we flip a switch the light should come on and heat and AC work regardless of what the weather is doing, and that's without adding mandated EVs into the equation.

If you have idle plants sitting around ready to instantaneously pick up the load when the sun goes away or the wind stagnates, that's sunk capital cost sitting there generating no revenue and operating manpower sitting idle. That cost without power to sell is very expensive; it's almost certainly going to be fossil; and there will be emissions generated whether the plant runs on NG, coal, or oil. Nuclear is the one technology that can generate day and night generally without regard to weather, but it is baseload. Nuclear doesn't do peaking. The thought of battery backup power on a large scale is fantasy.
What I propose is anyone that thinks the traditional energy infrastructure can be replaced in the next 5-50 years with some type of solar/wind/other solution on scale is one of the following or a combination:

1. ignorant
2. insane and/or delusional
3. have other intentions

I don't believe these people are that stupid, and I doubt all of them are insane. If you get down right to it, they say they need to carry out the plan or transition. However, once you actually look at the details there really isn't anything there and nothing to transition to, see Germany.

Without a functioning global credit system and cheap energy, its very hard to see how you feed 7+ billion people.

What is the most likely result of Mad Max.... depopulation.

(Of course, I am not even getting into the whole climate change nonsense, even if you believe the nutjobs on that... none of this is realistic and only ends up being a disaster)

Fact, everyone can have EVs (if they can find all the materials) and power them via the grid... of course, the downside... your house will 20 degrees in the winter and 90 in the summer. What they are talking about is pure delusional and I actually doubt most of them actually believe it.

Oh, I do believe the people running the government as a whole can be that stupid. How many of those people have any technical backing at all. Then remember who people being elected are - egotistical and narcissistic - the people who don't listen; they talk - the very definition of vapid.
I'm thinking that as California, Massachusetts and Washington adopt an all electric car strategy by 2035, the demand for gasoline should go way down and the red states will become the major players in the country. As starvation, poverty and roads disintegrate in the EV states, the red states will start flying planes into the EV states with emergency supplies of food and water, but will be banned until they convert them to electric. I can write a book about the future just on truth, and the democrats would think it was fiction.

Ever notice the end of the world movies always center on cities? Makes you think the libs producing them realize that the rural areas can get by without cities, but they don't want to touch on that, so the rural areas are portrayed as some kind of zombie land and the creatures there want to get into the cities. Rural America can exist without cities, but cities absolutely require the power, food, water, etc produced in rural areas.
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I heard that CA will need 2 million charging stations for this boondoggle .... check my math but that is 153,000 per year over 13 years or 421 new stations every day that ends in Y. And that is if they can keep the thieves from destroying the stations to salvage copper to fund their drug addictions.

edit - each one will cost on the low end $5k to high end $7k, so $10 to 14 billion in funny money. Just for the charging stations. Not including the rest of the required infrastructure (power plants, battery storage devices, etc.)

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I'm actually looking forward to this if I live long enough to see it in full force. This is the absolute definition of shooting yourself in the foot.

With cali being such a strong energy producer they’ll be fine. Wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t make a water powered vehicle since they have so much.

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