Electric Vehicles

How Far Can a Gas Truck & an Electric Ford Lightning Go Towing the Same Camper On ONE Fill-up?

I'm not necessarily against EV per se, in the right situation its would be okay. Heck, if I could get a very small grocery getter EV for like $18-20k, I would probably consider it as an alternative in this wacked out world. For hauling or real work conditions, not sure I see a point to it.

I will note this was probably ideal conditions for the EV, fairly flat and not freezing out. Most of this is not very practical with current technology. If time is of no value, just take a team of horses.

What is my Electric Vehicle's Battery Warranty?

Completely useless vehicle unless money is no object. The warranty is only 8 years (or 100k), which really means the value is basically gone at 3-5 years. Why would anyone buy something like this used after about 3-4 years unless someone is giving it away. At 70% charge at the 8 year mark... this test would be down to 56 miles of towing capacity.

My neighbor couldn't even tow with this thing to the local camp site by year 5. LOL
My f350 SRW is a 99 crew cab with 550k miles on it. Original engine and because it’s been taken care of runs like new. I suspect it will make it to 1 million miles on the original engine. I might be making my own fuel by then but there’s absolutely no reason to believe that they will ever make a EV work truck that will be able to do the job of my 99
My f350 SRW is a 99 crew cab with 550k miles on it. Original engine and because it’s been taken care of runs like new. I suspect it will make it to 1 million miles on the original engine. I might be making my own fuel by then but there’s absolutely no reason to believe that they will ever make a EV work truck that will be able to do the job of my 99
Yeah my 2010 F150 is a V8 gas engine job with 250,00 miles and still runs good with no engine work. Last year I bought a 2015 with the same size engine and 140,000 miles. As little driving as I do anymore, I doubt I will ever need another truck.
I started thinking that the best way to prove out the new way of thinking would be to shift a lot of homeowners off the power grid and make them reliant on solar and/or wind (on their own property) and battery backup. I'd bet in a very few years that most would decide that it wasn't for them and their EVs. Then the other reality hit - how the hell could you even come close to doing that in urban environments - especially major cities where they are starting to ban NG. None of these pipe dreams are realistic.

That is why I said solar/wind is a scam to give rich people more stuff. Not only do they get government and sometimes utility (forced) taxpayer handouts, they are taking money from their poor neighbor via the grid in most locations. Its a one sided deal.

Nuclear could be part of the solution, but most States and most Countries don't even have nuclear. And there is no easy way just switch a switch. I think the planet is past the point of return, Europe is slowly trying to tell their people this isn't going to be fixed in the next decade. The problem is... its not going to fixed in the decade after that unless they reverse course immediately.

I don't see it happening but hopefully I am wrong, massive depopulation will most likely occur over the next 10-20 years, imo.

There is no modern civilization or 7+ billion on this planet without a functional global credit system and cheap energy.

The ability to print the problem(s) away seem to be coming to an end, they can't print oil, they can't print gas, they can't print coal, they can't print uranium, they can't print solar panels, they can't print batteries, etc. Which leads to they can't print food.

The economic system has to expand or it starts to collapse i.e. interest, yet, over the last 15+ years they couldn't make the system expand.... the tell on this is energy output and consumption. All of this has been a lie since about 2006-2010.

At the end of all economic output is a unit of energy, energy must get drastically cheaper for the system to continue.

Electricity end use in the United States from 1975 to 2021

It might not be over but the fat lady has been warming up for the last 10-15 years, what it looks like to me is the end.

German will be restarting every coal plant they can but its going to be way too little and way too late.
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Yeah my 2010 F150 is a V8 gas engine job with 250,00 miles and still runs good with no engine work. Last year I bought a 2015 with the same size engine and 140,000 miles. As little driving as I do anymore, I doubt I will ever need another truck.

They still let people your age drive?
That is why I said solar/wind is a scam to give rich people more stuff. Not only do they get government and sometimes utility (forced) taxpayer handouts, they are taking money from their poor neighbor via the grid in most locations. Its a one sided deal.

Nuclear could be part of the solution, but most States and most Countries don't even have nuclear. And there is no easy way just switch a switch. I think the planet is past the point of return, Europe is slowly trying to tell their people this isn't going to be fixed in the next decade. The problem is... its not going to fixed in the decade after that unless they reverse course immediately.

I don't see it happening but hopefully I am wrong, massive depopulation will most likely occur over the next 10-20 years, imo.

There is no modern civilization or 7+ billion on this planet without a functional global credit system and cheap energy.

The ability to print the problem(s) away seem to be coming to an end, they can't print oil, they can't print gas, they can't print coal, they can't print uranium, they can't print solar panels, they can't print batteries, etc. Which leads to they can't print food.

The economic system has to expand or it starts to collapse i.e. interest, yet, over the last 15+ years they couldn't make the system expand.... the tell on this is energy output and consumption. All of this has been a lie since about 2006-2010.

At the end of all economic output is a unit of energy, energy must get drastically cheaper for the system to continue.

Electricity end use in the United States from 1975 to 2021

It might not be over but the fat lady has been warming up for the last 10-15 years, what it looks like to me is the end.

German will be restarting every coal plant they can but its going to be way too little and way too late.

The only thing "green" about green energy is the green dollars that flow from the pockets of consumers into the pockets of the elite and to foreign governments.

There is not much that is environmentally friendly about this electric crap. Strip mining the earth for cobalt, nickle, and lithium for those precious batteries, while poisoning water supplies and using child labor in some places. Continuing to litter the earth with ugly azz windmills. Each wind mill containing 80 gallons of gear lube that has to be changed every year. The planned wind mills off of the east coast that will destroy fishing industries all over the New England area.

I read what a former employee at an electric car manufacturing plant wrote about the insane amount of diesel the plant consumed on a daily basis just to fuel their big generators. Not one, not two, not three, but EIGHT tankers full per day. What a scam.
That is why I said solar/wind is a scam to give rich people more stuff. Not only do they get government and sometimes utility (forced) taxpayer handouts, they are taking money from their poor neighbor via the grid in most locations. Its a one sided deal.

Nuclear could be part of the solution, but most States and most Countries don't even have nuclear. And there is no easy way just switch a switch. I think the planet is past the point of return, Europe is slowly trying to tell their people this isn't going to be fixed in the next decade. The problem is... its not going to fixed in the decade after that unless they reverse course immediately.

I don't see it happening but hopefully I am wrong, massive depopulation will most likely occur over the next 10-20 years, imo.

There is no modern civilization or 7+ billion on this planet without a functional global credit system and cheap energy.

The ability to print the problem(s) away seem to be coming to an end, they can't print oil, they can't print gas, they can't print coal, they can't print uranium, they can't print solar panels, they can't print batteries, etc. Which leads to they can't print food.

The economic system has to expand or it starts to collapse i.e. interest, yet, over the last 15+ years they couldn't make the system expand.... the tell on this is energy output and consumption. All of this has been a lie since about 2006-2010.

At the end of all economic output is a unit of energy, energy must get drastically cheaper for the system to continue.

Electricity end use in the United States from 1975 to 2021

It might not be over but the fat lady has been warming up for the last 10-15 years, what it looks like to me is the end.

German will be restarting every coal plant they can but its going to be way too little and way too late.

Nobody seems to be getting the part about the economy. Sure it has to grow some with population increase - in the fifty year span from 1970 to 2020 US population rose from just over 200M to about 330M. That's a lot of increase to feed, clothe, house, etc. Unless you really decrease the standard of living or magically make everything super efficient in the same timespan, then food consumption, energy consumption, waste production, and similar items have to increase with population. In the same timespan we've added little sustainable power generation or petroleum refining; that almost means that we are coasting down economically. True, we've improved energy efficiency in many ways, but I think you are really looking at a power grid that is holding its own because of decreased industrial demand.

That in itself reflects at least two major concerns. The first is national wealth. If we aren't producing what we consume then somebody else is, and our national wealth is being drained away to pay the tab. The second is that if you are consuming more with but with fewer of your own doing the producing, then how can they continue to buy products that make the consumer/producer engine work. Globalism is another part of the scam that's concentrating wealth in the hands of the few. There's just no way the economic numbers work; we're coasting or spiraling into the abyss. We bury ourselves in the minutia of unemployment data and ignore the important number - the percentage of the entire population who are employed. You have to have income derived from production to be the consumer that keeps business and the economy rolling.

We have some very backwards thinking because we tend to look from the wrong angle. Somehow we believe that if you make it, someone will buy it while neglecting the real point that without income there is no market. It's like believing the engine can always produce power and ignoring the fuel tank running to empty.
I love it when you reek havoc in these threads.

Wait. Are you confusing Orangeburst with rekinhavoc in your old age?

And just how the hell do you do the member's name with the @ in front anyway - so they know you are talking about them?
If you can find the @ symbol and punch it in followed by the VN poster’s handle, that’s how you “at” somebody.

Freakin’ and wreakin’ wreckage @Orangeburst can be a blast!

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