Electric Vehicles

Good to know you are not worried about your petrol car catching on fire and burning down your house.

Actually, I'm not worried about either car catching on fire. Granted some of the stats I've seen indicate that the hybrid and gas vehicles are higher risk than an EV to catch on fire. I think it's time that this type of hysteria goes away. I've been keeping my cars in my garage for around 50 years now and haven't had a fire yet.
Actually, I'm not worried about either car catching on fire. Granted some of the stats I've seen indicate that the hybrid and gas vehicles are higher risk than an EV to catch on fire. I think it's time that this type of hysteria goes away. I've been keeping my cars in my garage for around 50 years now and haven't had a fire yet.

Post the stats that show a petrol car catches fire more often than a electric car while sitting idle inside a garage.
Not sure this really answers your question about fires in garages, but it's a general indicator of fire risk in cars. Perhaps someone out there has information more specific to your question. If you are really interested in learning more in this area, I'd suggest going to the NFPA website.
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Wow. That's a lot of driving. Yeah, if you're doing that much driving, you are saving a lot on gas, no question.

Big picture, do you envision the car paying for itself or not necessarily?

I guess I don’t really look at it from that perspective. We do enjoy the gas savings, but at the same time are fully aware this is a premium car. I do think I’ll be checking the resale before the battery warranty expires…
And yet it's forcing the PGA to make changes benefitting the players, which obviously wouldn't have otherwise happened. Sounds a bit like a monopoly beginning to crumble. Competition usually brings beneficial changes. We'll see. NCAA = bad, but PGA = good? Not so sure about that.

And Saudi money is petroleum money. Maybe EVs aren't as terrible as you think?
I have no problem with EVs...I have a problem with them being forced down everyone's throat when there are massive issues.

I can not afford one...and if I could, they are absolutely useless for quick long distance travel and pulling a camper...the green idiot tyrants are killing my dream of freedom to travel...and I f'n hate them for it.
I have no problem with EVs...I have a problem with them being forced down everyone's throat when there are massive issues.

I can not afford one...and if I could, they are absolutely useless for quick long distance travel and pulling a camper...the green idiot tyrants are killing my dream of freedom to travel...and I f'n hate them for it.
Teslas are some of the fastest vehicles on Earth.
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The Hidden Costs of Electric Vehicles

Remember the old saying, “Time is money?" Well, most electric vehicle drivers need up to a full day to charge a fully depleted electric car battery. Even rapid partial charges take five to ten times longer than it takes to fill up a gas tank. What’s more, depending on where one lives, most people won't want their car to get below about a 20% charge and risk being stranded somewhere they can’t recharge, so the true usable range is much less than advertised. While electric vehicle owners can proactively “top off” batteries daily, longer commutes throw that out the window (let alone typical family road trips).

After factoring in any significant cold or hot weather reducing battery efficiency, plus the necessary air heating or cooling in such conditions, the outlook for battery draw and reduced mileage is quite sobering. HVAC use at 20 degrees Fahrenheit results in an average 41% decrease in driving range. In the heat, drivers are discouraged from charging past 80% because the higher charge increases internal resistance, raising the battery temperature and straining the unit. Electric car owners are encouraged to lighten their load, turn down the stereo and A/C, and avoid parking in the sun to maximize battery usage. Maintaining battery levels becomes a tedious full-time job.

The hidden costs of electric vehicles
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The Hidden Costs of Electric Vehicles

Remember the old saying, “Time is money?" Well, most electric vehicle drivers need up to a full day to charge a fully depleted electric car battery. Even rapid partial charges take five to ten times longer than it takes to fill up a gas tank. What’s more, depending on where one lives, most people won't want their car to get below about a 20% charge and risk being stranded somewhere they can’t recharge, so the true usable range is much less than advertised. While electric vehicle owners can proactively “top off” batteries daily, longer commutes throw that out the window (let alone typical family road trips).

After factoring in any significant cold or hot weather reducing battery efficiency, plus the necessary air heating or cooling in such conditions, the outlook for battery draw and reduced mileage is quite sobering. HVAC use at 20 degrees Fahrenheit results in an average 41% decrease in driving range. In the heat, drivers are discouraged from charging past 80% because the higher charge increases internal resistance, raising the battery temperature and straining the unit. Electric car owners are encouraged to lighten their load, turn down the stereo and A/C, and avoid parking in the sun to maximize battery usage. Maintaining battery levels becomes a tedious full-time job.

The hidden costs of electric vehicles

LOL..... Someone is afraid of EVs. I hear the horseless carriage is a danger to society, color tv is never going to be mainstream, wireless phones cause cancer, air travel is too dangerous. Give me a break.......... And crawl back into a bottle somewhere.
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LOL..... Someone is afraid of EVs. I hear the horseless carriage is a danger to society, color tv is never going to be mainstream, wireless phones cause cancer, air travel is too dangerous. Give me a break.......... And crawl back into a bottle somewhere.
EV's are garbage bc of their environmental destruction
Right, right. Sure you don't.

Just like y'all weren't giving Trump crap for the Space Force.

Considering they are called "Guardians" and the whacky uniforms, anybody trashing the Space Force may have been on the right track. With the path taken, it seems they may have a problem distinguishing reality from science fiction. How can anyone take a "guardian" in a ribbon bedecked pinafore with funky wings in a force that doesn't fly seriously.
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LOL..... Someone is afraid of EVs. I hear the horseless carriage is a danger to society, color tv is never going to be mainstream, wireless phones cause cancer, air travel is too dangerous. Give me a break.......... And crawl back into a bottle somewhere.

Are you intimating that the article is fiction?
LOL..... Someone is afraid of EVs. I hear the horseless carriage is a danger to society, color tv is never going to be mainstream, wireless phones cause cancer, air travel is too dangerous. Give me a break.......... And crawl back into a bottle somewhere.
There are serious disadvantages to EVs right now. Just pointing out said disadvantages doesn't mean that someone is afraid of EVs.

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