Electric Vehicles

EVs aren't for everyone and we're not close to ready to go full electric. Partial market share and investment today supports the ramp up of necessary infrastructure and R&D into battery tech. The environmental factor is a legitimate argument just as it is for fossil fuels. EV uptake now will lead to more environment friendly technology.
EVs aren't for everyone and we're not close to ready to go full electric. Partial market share and investment today supports the ramp up of necessary infrastructure and R&D into battery tech. The environmental factor is a legitimate argument just as it is for fossil fuels. EV uptake now will lead to more environment friendly technology.
You have no proof of that. The mining to make these batteries, let alone the absolute raping that third world countries are taking for this, should make everyone realize EV are stupid, not environmentally friendly, and absolutely abuse to these countries and people. It's beyond dumb that we haven't gone chips in on natural gas running vehicles
You have no proof of that. The mining to make these batteries, let alone the absolute raping that third world countries are taking for this, should make everyone realize EV are stupid, not environmentally friendly, and absolutely abuse to these countries and people. It's beyond dumb that we haven't gone chips in on natural gas running vehicles
Lithium mining is bad for the environment, but fracking is just as bad if not worse. I'm not challenging your assertion, but natural gas isn't some panacea. Transportation is pretty much all terrible for the environment. Fossil fuels and REE are both finite. We need something new. If we can't crack fusion or identify a new clean, safe energy source our best option is to find a breakthrough in energy storage. That would resolve the major issue with renewables.

Innovation is driven through competition. We need EVs in the market.
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Lithium mining is bad for the environment, but fracking is just as bad if not worse. I'm not challenging your assertion, but natural gas isn't some panacea. Transportation is pretty much all terrible for the environment. Fossil fuels and REE are both finite. We need something new. If we can't crack fusion or identify a new clean, safe energy source our best option is to find a breakthrough in energy storage. That would resolve the major issue with renewables.

Innovation is driven through competition. We need EVs in the market.

I’m a supporter of EV research and have no issue with them. I’m absolutely opposed to government mandates forcing their manufacture and eliminating their competition. I think that is why you see the pushback that you see.
Lithium mining is bad for the environment, but fracking is just as bad if not worse. I'm not challenging your assertion, but natural gas isn't some panacea. Transportation is pretty much all terrible for the environment. Fossil fuels and REE are both finite. We need something new. If we can't crack fusion or identify a new clean, safe energy source our best option is to find a breakthrough in energy storage. That would resolve the major issue with renewables.

Innovation is driven through competition. We need EVs in the market.
And this.
Are you intimating that the article is fiction?

As an EV owner the article sounds pretty bogus. Not my experience at all. The article says it takes a full day to do a full charge, that's just bogus. Last time I had mine down to only a 60 mile range left, I plugged it in in the evening and had a full charge when I got up in the morning. At worst that's half the time your article says.
I am equally against government mandating EVs and government restricting the use/ manufacture of ICE vehicles. Actually, I'm against government forcing anyone or any company to do anything that isn't constitutionally-granted or necessary.

If someone can invent a better mousetrap, sell it and become a billionaire I admire that person. If someone invents a new mousetrap and gets the government to force me to buy it when I need a mousetrap I hope they fail miserably.
If someone can invent a better mousetrap, sell it and become a billionaire I admire that person. If someone invents a new mousetrap and gets the government to force me to buy it when I need a mousetrap I hope they fail miserably.
Exactly. I have a short commute and had a budget of around $50k. I wanted to go fast, and no gas money is an added perk. If the product is worth buying and has appeal to the consumer, the government shouldn't have to push it.

Same goes with CV19 shots. If the public sees that they are effective, needed, and deems them safe, given available research, they shouldn't have to be mandated or incentivized by the government.
cars can't run, moran

somebody summoned Joanie C.?
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If someone can invent a better mousetrap, sell it and become a billionaire I admire that person. If someone invents a new mousetrap and gets the government to force me to buy it when I need a mousetrap I hope they fail miserably.
I need to invent a non-sucky paper towel holder. I've been through so many and have had issues with every one of them.
LOL..... Someone is afraid of EVs. I hear the horseless carriage is a danger to society, color tv is never going to be mainstream, wireless phones cause cancer, air travel is too dangerous. Give me a break.......... And crawl back into a bottle somewhere.
There was no executive order demanding one buy a Model T back in the day and ban horse and buggies
Here's a tough nut for you to crack: I ordered mine because it is going to be fast as hell. Oh, and cheap to own.

I wouldn't say they're cheap to own. Depreciation is a big part of the cost of owning a car and you really don't know how that's going to shake out. I agree you'll save in the meantime on oil changes, gasoline and stuff like that
I wouldn't say they're cheap to own. Depreciation is a big part of the cost of owning a car and you really don't know how that's going to shake out. I agree you'll save in the meantime on oil changes, gasoline and stuff like that
Of course, when that battery has to be replaced, good luck with that. All of a sudden, your "cheap to own" car just got MUCH more expensive.
Everything That Drains Your Electric Car Battery


First things first, driving your electric car will always drain the battery. The purpose of any EV battery is to provide power to propel the car along the road. Higher speeds require more energy than lower speeds. Additionally, the general rate at which driving will drain the battery varies based on how much energy you use on other power-sucking items in this list.

How hard you press the pedal greatly impacts your battery range. Higher acceleration requires a significant burst of energy. This surge is especially noticeable in vehicles with a boost button or other quick-power features. Smooth acceleration helps support a longer battery range. If you’re trying to maximize every charge in your EV, go easy on the “go” pedal.

Environmental conditions will cause your battery range to fluctuate, but frigid temperatures can drain your battery significantly faster. It requires more energy to keep your battery running when it’s cold outside, so you’ll likely need to charge your EV more frequently during the winter months.

“Weather-related battery drain can be a serious issue for EV drivers in cold climates,” said Eric Brandt, Senior Editor of Vehicle Reviews at Kelley Blue Book. “A recent study by Recurrent shows that EV range can drop by up to 32% in freezing temperatures. This is important to keep in mind if you need the full range of your EV for it to be usable in everyday driving.”

It also requires more energy to keep the cabin warm during periods of extreme cold. Bumping up the heat for comfort while driving takes more energy from the battery. Similarly, blasting the air conditioner when it’s hot outside cuts the battery range. Controlling the cabin and battery temperature is the biggest power drain second to driving the vehicle.


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