
I can only explain it to you, I can't understand it for you too.

I do understand it but if he didn’t actually commit a crime it really is just another discussion of “orange man bad” . That’s not going to change any votes .
Did he do it ? What violation did he commit ? Now who’s doubling down ? I mean I guess we can talk about him getting smarter and calling it off before it happened but that would mean he’s learning on the job and becoming a better politician .
The Mulvaney announcement at the press conference last week was a "test balloon". Trump wanted to wait until there was a very busy news cycle and float the G 7 Summit at Doral decision to see if it could withstand an initial news cycle and to gauge how much cover he would get from Republicans. As it turned out, he had Marco Rubio and that was about it. Even Steve Scalise passed on defending it. The problem with this, is what happens next time Trump needs support? I would think twice about it if I was Rubio, knowing that he will very likely walk it back and pull the rug out from under you later. It was not good politics. It was clumsy and chaotic.
Did he do it ? What violation did he commit ? Now who’s doubling down ? I mean I guess we can talk about him getting smarter and calling it off before it happened but that would mean he’s learning on the job and becoming a better politician .
I suppose that depends on who he told to do what, and what warnings were ignored. Would you like to know to what extent he ignored warnings?

I mean, other than the dubious claim by Trump, insisting that Miami in June is the perfect place for the summit, who else did he insist do the same?
I do understand it but if he didn’t actually commit a crime it really is just another discussion of “orange man bad” . That’s not going to change any votes .

What part of "this discussion and thread started before he walked it back" are you not comprehending? Seriously, I thought it was a pretty clearly articulated point.

The attempt was made and is being discussed, just because you don't like it doesn't mean we can't still mock him and poke it with a stick like it's a dead racoon.
What part of "this discussion and thread started before he walked it back" are you not comprehending? Seriously, I thought it was a pretty clearly articulated point.

The attempt was made and is being discussed, just because you don't like it doesn't mean we can't still mock him and poke it with a stick like it's a dead racoon.

I do apologize . I misunderstood the amount of beanbag filler it takes to make muh Trump punching bag before an election , by all means carry on with your dead carcass poking .
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If the Dems truly understood 4d chess they would have let him do it then called him out. Looks like they were outsmarted by Trump. He gets free publicity and gets to play the whiny victim yet again. Genius indeed
What part of "this discussion and thread started before he walked it back" are you not comprehending?

What if it wasn't just a walk back? What if his heart has really changed and he's putting the public interest first, from now on?
I do apologize . I misunderstood the amount of beanbag filler it takes to make muh Trump punching bag before an election , by all means carry on with your dead carcass poking .

Who started this thread?
Who started this thread?

So now that I’ve acquiesced to your carcass poking , you are going to try to get me to believe that because a specific OP started a thread it can’t devolve into “orange man bad” because he may or may not have done something , possibly , some time ? Lol No
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What if it wasn't just a walk back? What if his heart has really changed and he's putting the public interest first, from now on?

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Who could have imagined this could be a problem? I mean if only someone could have predicted it and wrote it down somewhere, as a kind of rule.

A Trump hotel mystery: Giant reservations followed by empty rooms
I know someone else they should have been looking at a while ago if this is the standard that makes them look. Why now, not then?

Rhetorical question and IDGAF if you think it's a whataboutism.
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I know someone else they should have been looking at a while ago if this is the standard that makes them look. Why now, not then?

Rhetorical question and IDGAF if you think it's a whataboutism.

Don't blame your guilty conscience about whataboutisms on me..

Other than that, you didn't say who.
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Trump's Doral resort to host next G-7 summit, as White House defends choice

It's over Trumpsters. He's done it this time. Your orange god will die in prison. Libs might act like they want to shred the Constituion, which they probably do, but not the sacred emoluments clause. Thankfully the Democrat party is the last vestige of honor and integrity we have left in this country and would never tolerate a politician who gains financially from his/her/their/its/xi/zir/ze office. Impeach!

Psyche...We'll just go to Camp David. No biggie. Hope ya'll had a good weekend. lol..

I bet that old man in the WH has a blow up Schiff doll in his bedroom, and he jumps humps the h*** out of him every night.
The radical liberals and their phony Constitution.

What a scumbag. So, let me get this straight, he says in that clip that it has cost him between $2 B and $5 B for being President. Yet he refused to divest himself from his businesses and allowed his sons to run the business. They must be awful dealmakers just like the old man to lose that type of scratch. I think they may be trying to break Trumps infamous record of losing the most money in a decade of any person on the planet! Winning!
You're right, he doesn't g.a.s. about that appearance at this point - this isn't going to move the needle with his supporters and he knows it. He'll be stuffing his pockets until the day he leaves the Oval Office.

That's easy to do with the trail of improper money falling out of BO's pockets on his way out. He got pretty darn rich in his 8 years, huh.

we know...but but but...
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I'd have the meeting in Kalifornia to promote their liberal socialist agenda. Let the world see how great we are and hopefully no foreign dignitaries get raped or mugged.
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The radical liberals and their phony Constitution.

Putting the absurdity of an American President calling a provision in the United States Constitution "phony" for just a minute.... Does Trump understand that it's that same provision that he was about to use against Joe Biden? The "corruption" that Trump and Giuliani wanted investigated in the Ukraine would concern whether or not Biden, while serving as Vice President, violated the emoluments clause by way of his son, and then further abused his power by obstructing an investigation into Burisma Holdings. However, Trump just said that such a provision is "phony" when applied to him. Trump is so ignorant, he doesn't even understand when he is being a hypocrite.
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Putting the absurdity of an American President calling a provision in the United States Constitution "phony" for just a minute.... Does Trump understand that it's that same provision that he was about to use against Joe Biden? The "corruption" that Trump and Giuliani wanted investigated in the Ukraine would concern whether or not Biden, while serving as Vice President, violated the emoluments clause by way of his son, and then further abused his power by obstructing an investigation into Burisma Holdings. However, Trump just said that such a provision is "phony" when applied to him. Trump is so ignorant, he doesn't even understand when he is being a hypocrite.

Neither increased nor diminished

Did you miss the bolded?
Putting the absurdity of an American President calling a provision in the United States Constitution "phony" for just a minute.... Does Trump understand that it's that same provision that he was about to use against Joe Biden? The "corruption" that Trump and Giuliani wanted investigated in the Ukraine would concern whether or not Biden, while serving as Vice President, violated the emoluments clause by way of his son, and then further abused his power by obstructing an investigation into Burisma Holdings. However, Trump just said that such a provision is "phony" when applied to him. Trump is so ignorant, he doesn't even understand when he is being a hypocrite.
He expects and demands to be able to do whatever in the hell he wants. Sort of like him railing on Obama for executive orders, when Donnie has already signed more than Obama did in three years, in October..

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