
you will sooner or later be forced to look at the fact that the Democratic Party could not put a viable candidate up that could beat basically the spawn of satan . That last part I threw in just for you .
I will always blame most the ones who nominated Trump.
2nd - the ones who voted for Trump in the election.
3rd - the dems for not putting up a candidate who wasn't so hated (wrongly or rightly) by the right.
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It's not that complicated. You want him removed before an election because you fear the possibility of reelection.
It's not that complicated. The President of the United States should not be violating a provision in the United States Constitution. There are literally thousands of resorts on the eastern seaboard of the United States that would be suitable for the G7 Summit. It is not unreasonable to ask the President to pick one where he doesn't have a personal financial stake. I do not believe for a minute that any conservative would find this acceptable conduct from a President who was a Democrat. And make no mistake, these self-serving acts that Trump is partaking in, will serve as precedent for future administrations if they go unchecked. Is that really what we want from the leadership of our government?
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I'm not sure why this post was so sarcastic and smarmy. Donald Trump is very clearly violating "The Title of Nobility Clause" or "The Emoluments Clause" as you have referred to it here, which is a provision in Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution, that prohibits the federal government from granting titles of nobility, and restricts members of the government from receiving gifts, emoluments, offices or titles from foreign states and monarchies without the consent of the United States Congress. With an "emolument" defined as being a salary, fee, or profit from employment or office, the Trump Organization would obviously stand to profit from and to advance the interests of their business from this summit which Trump has planned for their highest profile venue. Although the clause is subject to it's own interpretation, there is no argument that it's design was to shield federal officeholders of the United States against so-called "corrupting foreign influences". Trump simply can't go through with this, and then pretend that he saw anything corrupt with what Hunter Biden was doing in the Ukraine. It's inconsistent as hell... and yet, I'm sure that we will see "golfballs" posting about the Bidens as well. Consistency means nothing to conservatives.
Why is golfballs in parenthesis and italics?
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I will always blame most the ones who nominated Trump.
2nd - the ones who voted for Trump in the election.
3rd - the dems for not putting up a candidate who wasn't so hated (wrongly or rightly) by the right.

On your 3rd point.....that candidate did such a bad despicable job as SOS & the terrible baggage brought along we didn't want that thing even to be in charge of KP duty much less being the President of the USA. So the voters elected an outsider to come in to help clean up the crime laden swamp in DC.
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It's not that complicated. The President of the United States should not be violating a provision in the United States Constitution. There are literally thousands of resorts on the eastern seaboard of the United States that would be suitable for the G7 Summit. It is not unreasonable to ask the President to pick one where he doesn't have a personal financial stake. I do not believe for a minute that any conservative would find this acceptable conduct from a President who was a Democrat. And make no mistake, these self-serving acts that Trump is partaking in, will serve as precedent for future administrations if they go unchecked. Is that really what we want from the leadership of our government?

It was announced today that the G7 meeting won't be held at the Doral. Happy?
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It was announced today that the G7 meeting won't be held at the Doral. Happy?
Yes, I see that Trump caved, probably due to blow back that he was getting from within his own party. I don't pay much attention to politics or to "the news" on Saturday or Sunday, so if my post was already outdated, that's my fault.

In response to your question, yes, I'm glad that he reversed course on this. It was indefensible and if left unchallenged, could set a really bad precedent for the future. It represented a bold dismissal of the United States Constitution, a conflict of interest and a self-serving abuse of power. We can't have that from the President.
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Yes, I see that Trump caved, probably due to blow back that he was getting from within his own party. I don't pay much attention to politics or to "the news" on Saturday or Sunday, so if my post was already outdated, that's my fault.

In response to your question, yes, I'm glad that he reversed course on this. It was indefensible and if left unchallenged, could set a really bad precedent for the future. It represented a bold dismissal of the United States Constitution, a conflict of interest and a self-serving abuse of power. We can't have that from the President.

To me the whole issue has been a big nothing. My only opinion one way or another is that Trump is a braggart - something I despise, and this simply gave him another opportunity to prance in front of the world.

However, I do have a much much bigger issue with you and many others on this topic. I don't see you or hordes of others frothing at the mouth about other politicians who make millions trading favors for money at our expense. Many of you complain about the business tax decrease, but you didn't scream about thousands of tax loopholes and how they got there. However, let a non-politician get into political office and offer to host at no cost a conference and that is an apocalyptic event. If Trump wants to trade a "favor" supposedly at no cost, that doesn't concern me or cost me anything; if congress has passes favored tax or other legislation because of greased hands (for the congress person, spouse, kid, etc) that does affect both you and me.
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To me the whole issue has been a big nothing. My only opinion one way or another is that Trump is a braggart - something I despise, and this simply gave him another opportunity to prance in front of the world.

However, I do have a much much bigger issue with you and many others on this topic. I don't see you or hordes of others frothing at the mouth about other politicians who make millions trading favors for money at our expense. Many of you complain about the business tax decrease, but you didn't scream about thousands of tax loopholes and how they got there. However, let a non-politician get into political office and offer to host at no cost a conference and that is an apocalyptic event. If Trump wants to trade a "favor" supposedly at no cost, that doesn't concern me or cost me anything; if congress has passes favored tax or other legislation because of greased hands (for the congress person, spouse, kid, etc) that does affect both you and me.
Trump is very much the embodiment of a politician, in every sense. He may have never held office before, but his attributes, and the way he has conducted himself since being elected President, are consistent with every career politician that I've ever observed. As for supposedly hosting the G 7 Summit at "no cost"? If you believe that the Trump Organization wasn't going to profit from this arrangement, then you probably believed Trump during the 2016 Presidential campaign, when he pledged to place his assets in a revocable trust, if elected. You probably also believed him when he said that he would run his 2016 campaign completely with his own money, with no help from donors at all. You probably also believed the Trump Foundation was for charity - before it was forced to shut down over fraud. Trump is a liar, and his dishonesty is exacerbated whenever there is money for him involved. Everything else you posted is just more "what-about-ism". The subject here was Trump, and his flaunting of the United States Constitution.
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Trump is very much the embodiment of a politician, in every sense. He may have never held office before, but his attributes, and the way he has conducted himself since being elected President, are consistent with every career politician that I've ever observed. As for supposedly hosting the G 7 Summit at "no cost"? If you believe that the Trump Organization wasn't going to profit from this arrangement, then you probably believed Trump during the 2016 Presidential campaign, when he pledged to place his assets in a revocable trust, if elected. You probably also believed him when he said that he would run his 2016 campaign completely with his own money, with no help from donors at all. You probably also believed the Trump Foundation was for charity - before it was forced to shut down over fraud. Trump is a liar, and his dishonesty is exacerbated whenever there is money for him involved. Everything else you posted is just more "what-about-ism". The subject here was Trump, and his flaunting of the United States Constitution.

What about it? You don't like Trump; we get it. My point in case you missed it is that Trump made money while not an elected politician. The DC brand politician makes money through connections made while an elected politician ... and by being invited to boards of directors or as a lobbyist later ... trading on what he/she did while in office. Do I trust that Trump or anybody else has made millions cleanly - hell no. Do I think anybody with corporate or political power is honest with words - not damn likely. But then, I don't think that when we talk about "being qualified" to hold office that either of those two categories must apply like most people seem to do. Put and keep corrupt people in office and you deserve what you get.
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What about it? You don't like Trump; we get it. My point in case you missed it is that Trump made money while not an elected politician. The DC brand politician makes money through connections made while an elected politician ... and by being invited to boards of directors or as a lobbyist later ... trading on what he/she did while in office. Do I trust that Trump or anybody else has made millions cleanly - hell no. Do I think anybody with corporate or political power is honest with words - not damn likely. But then, I don't think that when we talk about "being qualified" to hold office that either of those two categories must apply like most people seem to do. Put and keep corrupt people in office and you deserve what you get.
The bottom line is that Trump is not just any politician. Trump is the President, and if he would have followed through with hosting the G 7 Summit at his Doral resort, he would have been in direct violation of the United States Constitution. That can't be tolerated.
The bottom line is that Trump is not just any politician. Trump is the President, and if he would have followed through with hosting the G 7 Summit at his Doral resort, he would have been in direct violation of the United States Constitution. That can't be tolerated.

Yes, but didn't you read, @AM64 said 'to him, it's a big nothing'. Constitutional violations are only important sometimes to the Trumpers, they'll be sure to let you know when.
The bottom line is that Trump is not just any politician. Trump is the President, and if he would have followed through with hosting the G 7 Summit at his Doral resort, he would have been in direct violation of the United States Constitution. That can't be tolerated.

But he didn’t , can we still add that to the impeachment list or no ?
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Yes, but didn't you read, @AM64 said 'to him, it's a big nothing'. Constitutional violations are only important sometimes to the Trumpers, they'll be sure to let you know when.

constitution violations are only important when they are actual violations . You are overreaching on this one .
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constitution violations are only important when they are actual violations . You are overreaching on this one .

The conversation and deflections began long before Trump reversed course. Discussions don't occur in vacuums, i'm a bit surprised you'd attempt to suggest we cant talk about why it's wrong to steal cookies just because he pulled his hands out of the jar after he got caught.
The conversation and deflections began long before Trump reversed course. Discussions don't occur in vacuums, i'm a bit surprised you'd attempt to suggest we cant talk about why it's wrong to steal cookies just because he pulled his hands out of the jar once he got caught.
Trump desperately wanted the G 7 Summit to be hosted by his Doral Resort venue. By all accounts, that property has really struggled since the Trump brand became politicized. I've seen estimates that it's net operating income is down by as much as 69% since his inauguration. That is the flagship property of the Trump Organization. Evidently, Trump thought he had enough political capital within his base to pull this off. He wasn't anticipating complaints coming from within the party. He watched the Sunday morning news shows, and realized he had miscalculated.
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The conversation and deflections began long before Trump reversed course. Discussions don't occur in vacuums, i'm a bit surprised you'd attempt to suggest we cant talk about why it's wrong to steal cookies just because he pulled his hands out of the jar after he got caught.

I’m not suggesting anything except that a potential constitutional crisis isn’t the same as an actual one . You are usually the one calling people out for things that didn’t actually happen . Putting your hand in the cookie jar isn’t a violation if you don’t touch the cookies . It’s the two kids in the backseat on a road trip scenario ... stop touching her , I’m not “ touching her” finger 2 inches from her arm .
Trump desperately wanted the G 7 Summit to be hosted by his Doral Resort venue. By all accounts, that property has really struggled since the Trump brand became politicized. I've seen estimates that it's net operating income is down by as much as 69% since his inauguration. That is the flagship property of the Trump Organization. Evidently, Trump thought he had enough political capital within his base to pull this off. He wasn't anticipating complaints coming from within the party. He watched the Sunday morning news shows, and realized he had miscalculated.
Trump should redesign his Doral Resort after Caddyshack 2 and make it a redhat vacation destination.
I’m not suggesting anything except that a potential constitutional crisis isn’t the same as an actual one . You are usually the one calling people out for things that didn’t actually happen . Putting your hand in the cookie jar isn’t a violation if you don’t touch the cookies . It’s the two kids in the backseat on a road trip scenario ... stop touching her , I’m not “ touching her” finger 2 inches from her arm .

I'm surprised that you were being so obtuse in your first post, doubling down is silly.

When trump awarded the G7 to his company, his hands were firmly grasping the cookies. Just because he couldn't manage to get it to his fat little mouth doesn't mean he didn't try - and that's where the discussion began, with the attempt. As I stated, discussions don't occur in vacuums - just because the president didn't manage to get away with it this time it's another example of him and his syndicate attempting to use the office to further line his pockets. You know, the same thing he and his minions are melting down over Biden about?
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"and free" LOL

Things you will tweet when your supporters literally believe anything you say.

He'll probably award it to the Bolivar, Tn. Motel 6 just to spite "the libtards," as if anyone other than the participants would care. If I were one of the G7 cats, I'd suggest it be held in Turkey, where the presidents with geopolitical sway live.
It was s-t-u-p-i-d. I can't believe that Mulvaney tried to sell it. I was WTF? when I saw it. Who couldn't see this being a problem? Somebody should have gone to the wall with this before it ever saw the light of day. It was destined to be, at the very least, a public relations disaster. That whole press conference was.

SMH. . . again.
I'm surprised that you were being so obtuse in your first post, doubling down is silly.

When trump awarded the G7 to his company, his hands were firmly grasping the cookies. Just because he couldn't manage to get it to his fat little mouth doesn't mean he didn't try - and that's where the discussion began, with the attempt. As I stated, discussions don't occur in vacuums - just because the president didn't manage to get away with it this time it's another example of him and his syndicate attempting to use the office to further line his pockets. You know, the same thing he and his minions are melting down over Biden about?

Did he do it ? What violation did he commit ? Now who’s doubling down ? I mean I guess we can talk about him getting smarter and calling it off before it happened but that would mean he’s learning on the job and becoming a better politician .
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I will always blame most the ones who nominated Trump.
2nd - the ones who voted for Trump in the election.
3rd - the dems for not putting up a candidate who wasn't so hated (wrongly or rightly) by the right.
As usual you've got your priorities inverted. But with the location of your head, it's understandable.
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He'll probably award it to the Bolivar, Tn. Motel 6 just to spite "the libtards," as if anyone other than the participants would care. If I were one of the G7 cats, I'd suggest it be held in Turkey, where the presidents with geopolitical sway live.

Does Bolivar have a motel 6 ? 👀
Did he do it ? What violation did he commit ? Now who’s doubling down ? I mean I guess we can talk about him getting smarter and calling it off before it happened but that would mean he’s learning on the job and becoming a better politician .

I can only explain it to you, I can't understand it for you too.

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