End of Driver’s Licensing

I’m referring to him believing that it’s wrong to arrest someone for being intoxicated in public. Some here seem to have a hard time grasping why public intoxication and DUI exist

I've always understood PI as a secondary infraction; you use it as an add-on once you've got someone for something else. Belligerence, public urination, disruption of the peace, etc.
How so? Making up things again? I never made a bad arrest or lied or ever arrested someone “just because I could”. I never abused one person in any way

No, just using your definition of your "meaningful" arrests. Or are you lying in this thread?
Lmao you believe the majority of officers arrest people for money? They don’t care. They arrest homeless people too. It’s all about context. People who are drunk and high in public are the definition of causing trouble. Some are trespassing. Some are in danger medically and have to be sent to hospital. Some have been called on by other people because they don’t want some drunk or high idiot on their street
I don't think the officers themselves do, but their bosses and the sheriff probably do.
So why charge them with DUI instead of public drunk?
legally they meet the criteria for both in certain circumstance so either are applicable. Do you believe your friend should’ve been arrested for public intoxication?
It’s not anywhere close to a “cash cow” for the courts. And again personal responsibility goes a long way in not being in court in the first place

DUI's individually are not a cash cow. DUI checkpoints however, are absolutely a cash cow. SOOO many tickets get handed out during these checkpoints that have nothing to do with a DUI.
So where do you go often to see these officers walk past drunk homeless daily? And do you think they should’ve arrested them all?

St. Pete
New Orleans
Portland, Me
Jackson, MS
Atlanta, Ga

If they aren't causing any trouble the arrests are meaningless. Go back to my car example.
No, just using your definition of your "meaningful" arrests. Or are you lying in this thread?
Any arrest was deserved. If I arrested a homeless drunk for PI because he was pissing on himself in front of one of Dink’s bars and he was bothering others. He went to the hospitals to sleep it for the night and had basically a ticket and he wasn’t a danger to himself or bothering others it was a meaningful arrest because that call was handled
legally they meet the criteria for both in certain circumstance so either are applicable. Do you believe your friend should’ve been arrested for public intoxication?

In his case no because he wasn't trespassing nor causing any problems.

I understand the law, I'm asking you as an officer why would you arrest someone for DUI instead of public intoxication in that situation. Obviously per your own words the officer has the choice?
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DUI's individually are not a cash cow. DUI checkpoints however, are absolutely a cash cow. SOOO many tickets get handed out during these checkpoints that have nothing to do with a DUI.

They are certainly a cash cow for the cottage industries surrounding the system. Alcohol classes, driving schools etc.
St. Pete
New Orleans
Portland, Me
Jackson, MS
Atlanta, Ga

If they aren't causing any trouble the arrests are meaningless. Go back to my car example.
Your definition of “causing trouble” doesn’t always jive with the public and business owners that call us about them
In his case no because he wasn't trespassing nor causing any problems.

I understand the law, I'm asking you as an officer why would you arrest someone for DUI instead of public intoxication in that situation. Obviously per your own words the officer has the choice?
He IS in public. Intoxicated. And I don’t believe for one second the apartment complex owner gave him permission to be passed out drunk on his property. Someone called the police on him
St. Pete
New Orleans
Portland, Me
Jackson, MS
Atlanta, Ga

If they aren't causing any trouble the arrests are meaningless. Go back to my car example.
Also no wonder you are jaded. You have lived in a bunch of third world sh*tholes
...maybe when people do them, they should just go to jail instead of the mandated BS "alcohol classes" and "driving school" they have to pay money for.
I agree. I think people should never have a license after their 2nd DUI with more severe jail time but in TN we are so lax there are people driving around with 8 or more charges
He IS in public. Intoxicated. And I don’t believe for one second the apartment complex owner gave him permission to be passed out drunk on his property. Someone called the police on him

No, someone called the police on the party going on inside the building. They just noticed him while they were going to the building.

I see that you didn't answer the question. Why arrest for DUI instead of public intoxication in that situation?
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No, someone called the police on the party going on inside the building. They just noticed him while they were going to the building.

I see that you didn't answer the question. Why arrest for DUI instead of public intoxication in that situation?
I told you why the officer did it per TCA code. I didn’t say I would do it but I wasn’t there either. I don’t know all the actual facts and what he said and what was going on. Only twice have I arrested someone like that in similar situation. One was 20 years ago with a guy sitting passed out drunk at a stop sign on Asheville Hwy with 20 beer cans at his feet with his truck running. Another was a couple passed out in a parking garage after shooting heroin with a kid in the backseat of the car and the keys in his lap in drivers seat.

He said he was just sleeping it off too
Jesus Christ. It’s not legal to be public intoxicated. Have you ever kicked someone out of a bar who was too drunk or high and falling down

You need to look at your phrasing in that post. I get that you're frazzled because literally everyone replying to you ITT is *****ing on you but try to take it one post at a time.

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