End of Driver’s Licensing

Here is a good one for yall! I was camped by the river off a gravel road. Campsite and all.. was miserable hot outside. Me and a buddy were drinking that night. I have a 4 door jeep. I laid the back seats down put air mattress across the back. Turn truck on and put ac on. Climbed in back to sleep in the ac. Less than an hour, super cop knocking on window.. long story short, arrested, 2500 dollars later, had to accept 6 days in jail in order to not get any points on my license( I have a cdl)... what a crock!
You mean about Jesse Numbskull?

Meh, every time I point out something that is so obviously atrocious the same folks come in with the same bad analogies it just tuckers me out.

Because we assume you never even watched the video to know what his said.

“this question is a death blow because he can’t answer it”

is that disgusting and something worthy of being fired for? Or did you not watch the video
I can attest to that. When I was 25 and had bought a used 911 after moving to Texas, one Friday night driving home after a dinner date in NASA where I had one glass of wine and was a couple miles from my house, dodging the potholes on a sort of backroad, because I knew where all of them were, a sheriff’s deputy pulled a u-turn to pull me over. I was not speeding and was stone sober and walked a darn good straight line for him, but my mistake was admitting to having had a glass of wine. I even asked for a breathalyzer but the dude refused and Boom! Booked me on DUI which on my lawyer’s advice I pleaded down to PI. Cost a couple grand and had my car impounded. Only time I have ever been stopped for DUI.
Here is a good one for yall! I was camped by the river off a gravel road. Campsite and all.. was miserable hot outside. Me and a buddy were drinking that night. I have a 4 door jeep. I laid the back seats down put air mattress across the back. Turn truck on and put ac on. Climbed in back to sleep in the ac. Less than an hour, super cop knocking on window.. long story short, arrested, 2500 dollars later, had to accept 6 days in jail in order to not get any points on my license( I have a cdl)... what a crock!
$2500 shakedown. But it was for safety, right?
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Because we assume you never even watched the video to know what his said.

“this question is a death blow because he can’t answer it”

is that disgusting and something worthy of being fired for? Or did you not watch the video

Which part? A part you want to isolate or take out of context?
Which part? A part you want to isolate or take out of context?

Lol what? Your entire post was about isolating and taking what he said out of context to proclaim he was promoting violence against Fauci.

So, where was it? What did he say that was violent?
Because we assume you never even watched the video to know what his said.

“this question is a death blow because he can’t answer it”

is that disgusting and something worthy of being fired for? Or did you not watch the video

LOL - I saw it’s was an LG thread and didn’t bother to watch it. This is even more ridiculous than the outrage over Palin and her targets on districts.
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Nope there are pretty articulate elements that make up DOC


A cop can gin up any thing they want to be disorderly. I've seen video after video of butthurt cop abusing his power - it usually starts with "show me your ID."
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“You cops” lol I have arrested people for DUI. I have let drunk people get a ride home before too. Context matters as much as what is actually going on. I’ve explained the reason this law was rewritten to cover this especially with number of passed out druggies at the wheel of unmoving cars running or not. You lack experience and understanding of what actually goes on out there and want to blame your police bogeymen

I’m not blaming the police boogeyman. I don’t have a visceral dislike for police. In fact, I’m a pro law and order guy. I appreciate the job most of them do.

But I’m genuinely curious why you think an officer would arrest someone for DUI when they are clearly sleeping it off on their car in the backseat. I understand they can by the letter of the law. But the spirit of the law is to prevent someone from driving drunk.

Why would an officer choose to do this? Have you ever personally done it?

And no, I’m not talking about a guy in someone else’s yard with a needle hanging out of his arm. Just the schmuck who had too much and chose to sleep in his vehicle.
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Did I say that? But the vast greater percentage is jerk over hero. Just like the normal population.

I thought it was you who said it, but it was Volstrom and has been deleted. He said: “99% of cops aren't hero's, they're jerks with an ego to feed.”

Ricky said he was generalizing again. I presume not about the 99% aren’t heroes…but that 99% are jerks with egos.
After almost being hit by an elderly man today I had two thoughts.

1. Automated vehicles will allow our seniors to live with more liberty and safety.

2. Will a drivers license become obsolete due to advances in technology?
There's no way I'm riding in a vehicle not controlled by a human being.
But I’m genuinely curious why you think an officer would arrest someone for DUI when they are clearly sleeping it off on their car in the backseat. I understand they can by the letter of the law. But the spirit of the law is to prevent someone from driving drunk.

Why would an officer choose to do this? Have you ever personally done it?
That is too hard of a distinction for most of these cops to make. Again, that would take a certain level of discernment.
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So a guy gets wasted and decides to camp out on someone’s property and we should just let him sleep it off

If it's the bar where he got drunk, yes. But if you guys didn't make meaningless arrests and shoot black guys how could you justify your job. JK about the black guy comment.
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Not really. 99% percent of the population aren't hero's. Why would cops represent a greater percent then the general populace?
They don’t. Police aren’t any different than any other profession. But they are also not all stupid evil boogeymen looking to screw everyone and arrest anyone for anything either
That is too hard of a distraction for most of these cops to make. Again, that would take a certain level of discernment.
How much discernment is required not to make the decision to get drunk and high and pass out in public while pissing themselves?
If it's the bar where he got drunk, yes. But if you guys didn't make meaningless arrests and shoot black guys how could you justify your job. JK about the black guy comment.
In my entire previous career as an officer, I have never made a meaningless arrest. If I arrested someone, they deserved it or it was required by law. Maybe if people weren’t selfish idiots who put themselves and others at risk or were evil people looking to hurt or violate others we wouldn’t have to arrest anyone

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