End of Driver’s Licensing

You need to look at your phrasing in that post. I get that you're frazzled because literally everyone replying to you ITT is *****ing on you but try to take it one post at a time.
I asked you a question. Yes or no. Have you ever kicked out someone too drunk or high out of your bar
I told you why the officer did it per TCA code. I didn’t say I would do it but I wasn’t there either. I don’t know all the actual facts and what he said and what was going on. Only twice have I arrested someone like that in similar situation. One was 20 years ago with a guy sitting passed out drunk at a stop sign on Asheville Hwy with 20 beer cans at his feet with his truck running. Another was a couple passed out in a parking garage after shooting heroin with a kid in the backseat of the car and the keys in his lap in drivers seat.

He said he was just sleeping it off too

Neither of those situations have any resemblance to what happened to my friend. If you can't see that then you have no business wearing a badge. Yeah, ok it's TCA code so are you now saying the officers do not have the discretion to decide between PD or DUI?
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Yes. That's completely irrelevant. I'm a private entity, you drug sniffing chihuahua.
So my questions are:
1) why would you do that especially if they aren’t “causing trouble”
2) what do you think happens to those people when you do that
So my questions are:
1) why would you do that especially if they aren’t “causing trouble”
2) what do you think happens to those people when you do that

1) because that's my business and I can kick someone out for having a haircut I don't like.

2) I don't. They belong to the streets after that.
BS the great majority of the population do not drive drunk or high

Drive drunk consistently? You're probably right. I would wager good money though the close to half of the 21+ population (and a good portion of those 17-20) have driven drunk or high at least once in their life. Obviously I can't back that up with actual evidence. Conversely it can't be disproven either. While anecdotal, I would say this is true for the majority of people I know. Certainly, the majority of high school/college friends.

This article from earlier in the year found that 43% of people surveyed admitted to drinking and driving at some point in their lives. Considering certain demographics are less likely to answer truthfully (or at all) to these surveys, I would estimate this number is actually quite low.
Neither of those situations have any resemblance to what happened to my friend. If you can't see that then you have no business wearing a badge. Yeah, ok it's TCA code so are you now saying the officers do not have the discretion to decide between PD or DUI?
I never said officers didn’t have the discretion. You started this by saying you didn’t understand how they were arrested for DUI and I explained why the law was written the way it was and then everyone went down this rabbit hole of why it really is ok for “some” people to be drunk or high in public depending on how they feel or what their plans were.
1) because that's my business and I can kick someone out for having a haircut I don't like.

2) I don't. They belong to the streets after that.
1) you do it because they are causing you and your patrons problems as well as risk legally and trying to prevent someone from getting hurt. Just like the police do
2) and exactly you don’t care because you took care of the problem for YOU and your customers. Once they are on the streets they are still a problem and people call 911 on them and they have to be dealt with there too.
Ricky, the majority of cops called. They would appreciate it if you'd stop speaking for them.
Dink the majority of bar tenders called too. And they still are bar tenders. Doesn’t matter. The police and public don’t want the people you make drunk causing problems to them anymore than you do which is why you kick them out the first place but you don’t want others to be able to get rid of the problem
1) you do it because they are causing you and your patrons problems as well as risk legally and trying to prevent someone from getting hurt. Just like the police do
2) and exactly you don’t care because you took care of the problem for YOU and your customers. Once they are on the streets they are still a problem and people call 911 on them and they have to be dealt with there too.

1) I kick people out because I don't like them. **** how my patrons feel. I let my bartenders take care of that.

2) That's where you're wrong. I would wager the vast majority of PI arrests aren't made as a result of a 911 call. No case of PI *needs* to be dealt with.
I never said officers didn’t have the discretion. You started this by saying you didn’t understand how they were arrested for DUI and I explained why the law was written the way it was and then everyone went down this rabbit hole of why it really is ok for “some” people to be drunk or high in public depending on how they feel or what their plans were.

No Ricky that wasn't the discussion at all. You brought in the examples of people passed out in the street or side of the road. I think most of us understand why those people were arrested for DUI. It's the cases like my friend that wasn't driving, wasn't in the road and was just sleeping it off on private property that people don't understand. And you have done a piss poor job of explaining why a cop would do that.
BS the great majority of the population do not drive drunk or high
I think a majority of people have "driven drunk" if you define driving drunk the way the law does, which is you can get a DUI if you've consumed any alcohol and then start driving a car. If you're above the legal limit it is an automatic DUI, but if a cop pulled you over for going through a stop sign at 2 mph, smelled alcohol on your breath, and you blew a 0.01, you could get a DUI for that too if the cop believed you were "under the influence" of alcohol.

Drive drunk on a regular basis? No. Have done it at least once in their life? Yes.
Dink the majority of bar tenders called too. And they still are bar tenders. Doesn’t matter. The police and public don’t want the people you make drunk causing problems to them anymore than you do which is why you kick them out the first place but you don’t want others to be able to get rid of the problem

Good one, Ricky. I see your wit is every bit as sharp as your ability to think objectively.
1) I kick people out because I don't like them. **** how my patrons feel. I let my bartenders take care of that.

2) That's where you're wrong. I would wager the vast majority of PI arrests aren't made as a result of a 911 call. No case of PI *needs* to be dealt with.
Again you are wrong on #2 by a long shot. There are at least 30-40 PI and OD calls to 911 a day in Knoxville alone
Dink the majority of bar tenders called too. And they still are bar tenders. Doesn’t matter. The police and public don’t want the people you make drunk causing problems to them anymore than you do which is why you kick them out the first place but you don’t want others to be able to get rid of the problem

If we are still talking about a guy sleeping it off in the back of a car... there was no problem. It was created by a meaningful arrest.
1) you do it because they are causing you and your patrons problems as well as risk legally and trying to prevent someone from getting hurt. Just like the police do
2) and exactly you don’t care because you took care of the problem for YOU and your customers. Once they are on the streets they are still a problem and people call 911 on them and they have to be dealt with there too.

Ricky, ball park - how many times have you asked to see someone's ID just to let them know you were in control?
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