End of Driver’s Licensing

How much discernment is required not to make the decision to get drunk and high and pass out in public while pissing themselves?

The discussion started out about someone getting drunk and sleeping it off in their car. Now we've added high and pissing themselves, been taking argument lessons from Luther?
In my entire previous career as an officer, I have never made a meaningless arrest. If I arrested someone, they deserved it or it was required by law. Maybe if people weren’t selfish idiots who put themselves and others at risk or were evil people looking to hurt or violate others we wouldn’t have to arrest anyone

So, is an arrest of a guy that drinks too much and sleeps it off in the back seat of his car at the establishment where drank too much would be a meaningful or meaningless arrest in your opinion.
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This is 100% correct but the problem is the good ones tend to protect the bad ones and all get stained.
I’ve never once protected or seen an actual “bad one”. I’ve seen maybe 2-3 idiotic people who flamed out early on or got fired
So, is an arrest of a guy that drinks too much and sleeps it off in the back seat of his car at the establishment where drank too much would be a meaningful or meaningless arrest in your opinion.
Meaningful because it is usually the bar that called us on them. You can’t be drunk and high passed out in public anywhere. It’s not hard to understand why
How much discernment is required not to make the decision to get drunk and high and pass out in public while pissing themselves?

I see bums in that condition all the time. Police don't seem interested in making that arrest if they aren't causing trouble. But if it appears to be someone who is not homeless, has a job and therefore things to lose... that is the arrest that seems to interest many officers. I wonder if it because those folks can actually pay fines etc?
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The discussion started out about someone getting drunk and sleeping it off in their car. Now we've added high and pissing themselves, been taking argument lessons from Luther?
Do you believe your friend should’ve been arrested for PI instead? Do you believe it is smart or legal to be so drunk you can’t make it home
I see bums in that condition all the time. Police don't seem interested in making that arrest if they aren't causing trouble. But if it appears to be someone who is not homeless, has a job and therefore things to lose... that is the arrest that seems to interest many officers. I wonder if it because those folks can actually pay fines etc?
Lmao you believe the majority of officers arrest people for money? They don’t care. They arrest homeless people too. It’s all about context. People who are drunk and high in public are the definition of causing trouble. Some are trespassing. Some are in danger medically and have to be sent to hospital. Some have been called on by other people because they don’t want some drunk or high idiot on their street
Lol keep defending idiotic and criminal behavior its what you get paid to do 😂

It's a foundational part of the American Justice System as conceived by our Founding Fathers. Providing equitable representation to the accused is a highly conservative practice.
Do you believe your friend should’ve been arrested for PI instead? Do you believe it is smart or legal to be so drunk you can’t make it home

It can absolutely be legal to be too drunk to make it home. What kind of dumb question is that?

Are you a ****ing quaker?
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It's a foundational part of the American Justice System as conceived by our Founding Fathers. Providing equitable representation to the accused is a highly conservative practice.
I’m referring to him believing that it’s wrong to arrest someone for being intoxicated in public. Some here seem to have a hard time grasping why public intoxication and DUI exist
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Lmao you believe the majority of officers arrest people for money? They don’t care. They arrest homeless people too. It’s all about context. People who are drunk and high in public are the definition of causing trouble. Some are trespassing. Some are in danger medically and have to be sent to hospital. Some have been called on by other people because they don’t want some drunk or high idiot on their street

I watch cops walk past drunken/high bums on a regular basis. Somebody who looks like they have a job. Those are on the ones they screw with.
Your arrest of someone attempting to mitigate a bad situation is why people hate cops.
Lol excuses for bad and criminal behavior is why people hate lawyers. Well one reason. It’s not “mitigating” anything to be that drunk or high in public that you pass out. They didn’t make the decision to “sleep it off” they are so drunk or high they can’t function
It can absolutely be legal to be too drunk to make it home. What kind of dumb question is that?

Are you a ****ing quaker?
Jesus Christ. It’s not legal to be public intoxicated. Have you ever kicked someone out of a bar who was too drunk or high and falling down
Lol excuses for bad and criminal behavior is why people hate lawyers. Well one reason. It’s not “mitigating” anything to be that drunk or high in public that you pass out. They didn’t make the decision to “sleep it off” they are so drunk or high they can’t function

That is complete bullshot.
Keep bragging about your "meaningful" arrests. You didn't know any bad cops because it was you.
How so? Making up things again? I never made a bad arrest or lied or ever arrested someone “just because I could”. I never abused one person in any way
Which of the 12 cities I've lived it would you like to discuss? Not basing my observation off of any one place. It happens everywhere.
So where do you go often to see these officers walk past drunk homeless daily? And do you think they should’ve arrested them all?

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