End of Driver’s Licensing

Sure ya haven't.
I haven’t. I’ve arrested those harming others or disrupting public or a danger to themselves and others as required by law. Period. I didn’t go out looking to arrest people and gave people the benefit of the doubt sometimes when the situation warranted it
In my entire previous career as an officer, I have never made a meaningless arrest. If I arrested someone, they deserved it or it was required by law. Maybe if people weren’t selfish idiots who put themselves and others at risk or were evil people looking to hurt or violate others we wouldn’t have to arrest anyone
The law > discernment and discretion
I haven’t. I’ve arrested those harming others or disrupting public or a danger to themselves and others as required by law. Period. I didn’t go out looking to arrest people and gave people the benefit of the doubt sometimes when the situation warranted it

Something tells me your idea of "disrupting public" or a "danger" is wildly different than mine.
Definitely extortion when the public calls and asks to remove said lowlifes from public areas
But that is a totally situation than some guy mindin6his business and sleeping in his car.

Why are you moving the goalposts? You know good and damn well a sleeping in a parked car is far differently than disorderly conduct.
But that is a totally situation than some guy mindin6his business and sleeping in his car.

Why are you moving the goalposts? You know good and damn well a sleeping in a parked car is far differently than disorderly conduct.

Does he?
It’s not anywhere close to a “cash cow” for the courts. And again personal responsibility goes a long way in not being in court in the first place
There’s an entire ecosystem built around DUI’s. The bonding, fines, attorneys fees, DUI school, interlock installation, free labor for roadside pickup (that the defendant pays for the privilege of attending), etc. As a teenager I did a couple of those driving classes for speeding tickets, even then I thought what a racket. $100 or whatever it was to show a class full of people the same goofy videos for X hours. And the people never stop coming.
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Do you intentionally ignore what's been happening or is it just natural? Look at the conviction dates on this list just for TN.

Exoneration Detail List
Did you see the crimes committed and why they were out in prison? The majority of them were eyewitness testimony. Not officer misconduct. And again 26 people out of millions isn’t much though I do agree 1 is too many.
I’ve never once protected or seen an actual “bad one”. I’ve seen maybe 2-3 idiotic people who flamed out early on or got fired
Either you haven't been looking hard enough, or you have cognitive dissonance, or you're lying, or you are one of the bad cops.

Which one?
Do you believe your friend should’ve been arrested for PI instead? Do you believe it is smart or legal to be so drunk you can’t make it home
I've not been able to make it home sometimes after a long shift at work. Pulled over to the side of the road to catch a few ZZZZs before going home. I didn't realize I was a potential criminal.
Did you see the crimes committed and why they were out in prison? The majority of them were eyewitness testimony. Not officer misconduct. And again 26 people out of millions isn’t much though I do agree 1 is too many.

What difference does it make what they were convicted of?
That list is just TN so I don't think we have millions of people incarcerated here.
12 out of the 26 exonerations included official misconduct.

So do you want to go back to your question of who's in prison that doesn't belong there?
Lmao you believe the majority of officers arrest people for money? They don’t care. They arrest homeless people too. It’s all about context. People who are drunk and high in public are the definition of causing trouble. Some are trespassing. Some are in danger medically and have to be sent to hospital. Some have been called on by other people because they don’t want some drunk or high idiot on their street
A person sleeping in their car is not a nuisance or engaging in disorderly conduct and you know that.

Why are you trying to paint the picture as though we are talking about a belligerent drunk walking around starting fights and harassing women?

Again... you can't make simple distinctions.
But that is a totally situation than some guy mindin6his business and sleeping in his car.

Why are you moving the goalposts? You know good and damn well a sleeping in a parked car is far differently than disorderly conduct.
Are you aware that officers also have legal liability if they leave an intoxicated person alone in public and they drive and kill someone or themselves after
A person sleeping in their car is not a nuisance or engaging in disorderly conduct and you know that.

Why are you trying to paint the picture as though we are talking about a belligerent drunk walking around starting fights and harassing women?

Again... you can't make simple distinctions.
Again you can’t make the distinction between “sleeping” and passed out drunk or high in a place they don’t own
A person sleeping in their car is not a nuisance or engaging in disorderly conduct and you know that.

Why are you trying to paint the picture as though we are talking about a belligerent drunk walking around starting fights and harassing women?

Again... you can't make simple distinctions.
Says the person who still refuses to understand simple concepts of criminal trespassing on other people’s property and wanted to argue people have the right to do whatever they want in other’s place of businesses

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