End of Driver’s Licensing

Lol they have authority to enforce laws. They aren’t the authority themselves.

Do they really "enforce laws" or cite/arrest people for breaking the laws? The court system actually enforces the laws don't they? You guys are like the hall monitors.
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The law is the authority genius. And there is tons of accountability on officers. Just like they are holding public accountable for their actions

The law are rules that we must follow or risk penalty. The fact that you would view yourself as an "authority" over others is what we all absolutely expected you to reveal.
Do they really "enforce laws" or cite/arrest people for breaking the laws? The court system actually enforces the laws don't they? You guys are like the hall monitors.
Hall monitors are for ignorant immature adolescents who can’t function within the rules and normal society. Wait….
In most cases you can walk away and say nothing. In some cases you can’t depending on situation and state. It’s up to people to understand their rights and correct apply and assert them and not listen to the sovereign citizen idiots that “they cant ask for your license just because you are driving” types.
The great majority of officers are trying to handle the calls presented before them and move on. They really aren’t interested in anything other than what’s going on and how to solve them.

I do realize some officers are a holes. Just like some teachers, lawyers, coaches etc are. They are human but some people just hate being told they can’t do something. Even if it’s against the law
Oh, I know you can walk away and not speak to them, it's just that most cops will try to get you not to, especially if they think they might be able to make an arrest. I'm not talking about sovereign citizen idiots.

Also, what is a situation where you can't say nothing? It is never legal, under any circumstance, to be forced to incriminate yourself.
Lol excuses for bad and criminal behavior is why people hate lawyers. Well one reason. It’s not “mitigating” anything to be that drunk or high in public that you pass out. They didn’t make the decision to “sleep it off” they are so drunk or high they can’t function
Wow... you really think that people aren't capable of making the decision to sleep it off? Just paint everyone with a broad brush as pissy slobbering drunks?
People understand clearly why these laws exist. But every situation (especially the case of a person being sleeping in a parked car) doesn't meet the spirit and intent of the law. Oh sure... it meets the letter of the law, but this is where you would hope to have some human intervention to come in and evaluate the situation.
And again not every situation ends with an arresr
There's a youtube law school lecture where the prof brings out a retired cop to explain why it's a TERRIBLE idea to talk to police for any thing and for any reason.

Here it is:

One of my favorite videos of all time. And I love it when the detective gets up after him and leads of with "Yeah, everything he said is right."
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Oh, I know you can walk away, it's just that most cops will try to get you not to, especially if they think they might be able to make an arrest. I'm not taking about sovereign citizen idiots.

Also, what is a situation where you can't say nothing? It is never legal, under any circumstance, to be forced to incriminate yourself.
If you aren’t being detained for investigation where the officer has reasonable suspicion or it’s not a required ID like during a traffic accident or stop you don’t have to say anything.
In certain situations though your silence can be used further as suspicious depending on the circumstance.
Must be nice being the perfect person that doesn't make mistakes or have a bad day.
Weird. I’ve made plenty of mistakes and had bad days. Never drove drunk or shot up heroin and passed out in a parking lot or robbed someone or assaulted someone or stole something. Personal responsibility and how you were raised goes a long way in life
Lol they have authority to enforce laws. They aren’t the authority themselves.

They think they have authority over citizens. Law be damned. I've had cops ask me for ID without suspicion of criminal activity and when I refused... they then start threatening to arrest me. Try walking away from a cop that is speaking to you and see how that generally works out. It is all because they think they are an authority figure you must obey and respect.
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Wow... you really think that people aren't capable of making the decision to sleep it off? Just paint everyone with a broad brush as pissy slobbering drunks?
Some are. Some aren’t. Some end in warnings. Some end in arrests. Again this isn’t rocket science.
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Weird. I’ve made plenty of mistakes and had bad days. Never drove drunk or shot up heroin and passed out in a parking lot or robbed someone or assaulted someone or stole something. Personal responsibility and how you were raised goes a long way in life

Oh I'm sure you have broken the law many many times just like us normal everyday citizens. How many times have you been pulled over and gotten "professional courtesy"?
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They think they have authority over citizens. Law be damned. I've had cops ask me for ID without suspicion of criminal activity and when I refused... they then start threatening to arrest me. Try walking away from a cop that is speaking to you and see how that generally works out. It is all because they think they are an authority figure you must obey and respect.
Not. All. Police. Are. The. Same. And walk away. Let them violate your rights and sue their pants off. You obviously either complied or walked away without harm so you clearly protest too much
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Any arrest was deserved. If I arrested a homeless drunk for PI because he was pissing on himself in front of one of Dink’s bars and he was bothering others. He went to the hospitals to sleep it for the night and had basically a ticket and he wasn’t a danger to himself or bothering others it was a meaningful arrest because that call was handled

And how is a guy sleeping in the backseat a danger to others or bothering anyone?
In his case no because he wasn't trespassing nor causing any problems.

I understand the law, I'm asking you as an officer why would you arrest someone for DUI instead of public intoxication in that situation. Obviously per your own words the officer has the choice?
He sure did. But again, they would err on the most extreme charge.
If you aren’t being detained for investigation where the officer has reasonable suspicion or it’s not a required ID like during a traffic accident or stop you don’t have to say anything.
In certain situations though your silence can be used further as suspicious depending on the circumstance.
If a cop is talking to you, they are suspicious no matter what. It isn't like talking gets your suspicions down, come on.

It's in a suspect's best interest, especially if they are innocent, to not say anything. There's nothing you can say as a suspect that will help you. How frequent of an occurrence is it that a suspect sings like a bird to police and the police go "You know, you're right, you can go now."?
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Oh I'm sure you have broken the law many many times just like us normal everyday citizens. How many times have you been pulled over and gotten "professional courtesy"?
I’ve been pulled over three times way before I was a police in my youth. 1 was speeding. Got a ticket. 1 was speeding. Got a warning. 1 was felony stop because at night my car was exact same as a carjacked car ten blocks away. They got me out at gunpoint and I complied. They realized I wasn’t who they were looking for and let me go with apology. No issue. They were doing their job

I’ve never had “professional courtesy” since because haven’t done anything to warrant it. If I get caught speeding and get a ticket ok. So what
If a cop is talking to you, they are suspicious no matter what. It isn't like talking gets your suspicions down, come on.

It's in a suspect's best interest, especially if they are innocent, to not say anything. There's nothing you can say as a suspect that will help you. How frequent of an occurrence is it that a suspect sings like a bird to police and the police go "You know, you're right, you can go now."?
BS I used to do walking beats sometimes and said hey to all kinds of people. Homeless, business owners, kids, etc. just an officer saying hey and chatting isn’t always a one way ticket to an investigation
I have and so have the vast majority of people.
Based on what the legal limit is, how many DUIs could you technically have if cops just waited in the parking lot of Hooters or Buffalo Wild Wings after a Super Bowl or even a typical Monday night football game?

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