End of Driver’s Licensing

Well you have trust issues and a hate for authority clearly. But it is what it is. When I was an officer I didn’t do anything but answer calls for service, try to fix issues that the public can’t take care of themselves, and arrest criminals
Every freethinking man in a free society should have a healthy fear of authority.
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Not all police and not all circumstances. If you do that just walking down a neighborhood street at 2 pm on a sunny day is different if you did it as you were running down a back alley from a crime scene at 2am

From a crime scene seems like an assumption. There is nothing illegal about running down an alley at 2am
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I don't know what the volnation record for an ongoing argument between one poster and a group of posters, but this has to be approaching record territory.
Lol it’s really just easy when you understand the simple concepts involved. Some people have ever actually been there and understand what actually goes on but wants to generalize one “bad” incident they had with some “rude” officer in podunk county 15 years ago and extrapolate it out to every officer everywhere in every circumstance
Lol it’s really just easy when you understand the simple concepts involved. Some people have ever actually been there and understand what actually goes on but wants to generalize one “bad” incident they had with some “rude” officer in podunk county 15 years ago and extrapolate it out to every officer everywhere in every circumstance

Cmon guy, all cops are bad and all republicans are racist. See how easy it is?
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Do you think the officers violated my rights by pulling me over and getting me out at gunpoint? Of course not, under the circumstances given it was a totally valid detainment. Now if I lied or didn’t talk to them or I ran or tried to fight them how would that have went? That’s the issue that some anti police posters dont understand. They are also just doing their jobs even if they were “wrong” and I had done nothing wrong. Totally legal and justified and even understandable.
You started a similar argument about how police shouldn’t have the right to remove people who refuse to leave businesses when not masked or cussing or some other similar BS
The argument I was making was is this really a job the police need to be doing in many of these cases. They have bigger fish to fry than to be answering many of these petty azz calls a lot of times. Just because someone calls the cops fir someone not wearing a mask or for smoking... that doesn't mean that it is worthy of the cops coming.

Again... discretion.
Lol it’s really just easy when you understand the simple concepts involved. Some people have ever actually been there and understand what actually goes on but wants to generalize one “bad” incident they had with some “rude” officer in podunk county 15 years ago and extrapolate it out to every officer everywhere in every circumstance

I don't think you are faring as well as you seem to think.
Do you think the officers violated my rights by pulling me over and getting me out at gunpoint? Of course not, under the circumstances given it was a totally valid detainment. Now if I lied or didn’t talk to them or I ran or tried to fight them how would that have went? That’s the issue that some anti police posters dont understand. They are also just doing their jobs even if they were “wrong” and I had done nothing wrong. Totally legal and justified and even understandable.
I've never advocated lying to the police. If you didn't say anything to them, in that situation, they still would have figured out you weren't the guy they were after.

Again, outside of some obvious situation like mistaken identity, there's no talking yourself out of suspicion from the police, even if you are innocent.

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