End of Driver’s Licensing

Ricky is the example of why most discretion has been taken away from the police.
Ricky is the example of why most discretion has been taken away from the police.
Nope I’ve always used discretion, you are picking one rare case and trying to extrapolate as the law being broken when you have little understanding or experience actually dealing with the issue at hand both from a LE perespective and from a medical perspective
So if someone drove 8 hrs before but passed out in the road you think it’s easy to ascertain?

There is a huge difference between someone passed out behind the wheel in the middle or side of the road and someone curled up asleep in the backseat. If you’re too damn stupid to understand the difference then you’re too ****ing stupid to have the powers that come with being a cop.
If it wasn’t laziness they could still charge the people. This was not in Knox county nor did they charge them. They literally gave them the option knowing they would select the hospital. If it were strictly about liability and not laziness, they would still charge them with a crime. That’s the point you’re missing.

The police force has the same problem EMS has (and I love that field). You have too many people who got into those fields because they’re lazy.
Whether they charge the people or not they still have to be checked at the hospital. That’s the point. There are approximately 30-40 people a day that EMS/KFD/police deal with that are sent to UT Medical center alone who are intoxicated. Some charged. Some not but jails won’t take people who aren’t medically cleared first
Nope I’ve always used discretion, you are picking one rare case and trying to extrapolate as the law being broken when you have little understanding or experience actually dealing with the issue at hand both from a LE perespective and from a medical perspective

You have been pulling a Luther and trying to go down a stupid rabbit hole with completely unrelated scenarios that any person with an ounce of common sense understands are not the same.
There is a huge difference between someone passed out behind the wheel in the middle or side of the road and someone curled up asleep in the backseat. If you’re too damn stupid to understand the difference then you’re too ****ing stupid to have the powers that come with being a cop.
Not every situation is the exact same. If your friend is too damn stupid to know not to be drunk without a way home on someone else’s private property he deserved what he got. Most people have common sense and can control themselves
You have been pulling a Luther and trying to go down a stupid rabbit hole with completely unrelated scenarios that any person with an ounce of common sense understands are not the same.
Go argue the TCA code and get your State representative to change it. Quit whining and making excuses for drunk and high morons
Go argue the TCA code and get your State representative to change it. Quit whining and making excuses for drunk and high morons

Couldn’t we just end this entire forum with your statement or do you agree that’s it’s worth actually discussing political issues with people other than your representative
Whether they charge the people or not they still have to be checked at the hospital. That’s the point. There are approximately 30-40 people a day that EMS/KFD/police deal with that are sent to UT Medical center alone who are intoxicated. Some charged. Some not but jails won’t take people who aren’t medically cleared first

That’s not the point. I’m telling you they used this as a way not to charge people because they didn’t want to do their job. Nothing prevents them from charging someone who goes to the hospital. Yet they intentionally gave them the option of going instead of being charged. That’s lazy.
Anybody remember the rash of drunk airplane pilots in the 1990s? Man Leno had a Field day with THOSE jokes
That’s not the point. I’m telling you they used this as a way not to charge people because they didn’t want to do their job. Nothing prevents them from charging someone who goes to the hospital. Yet they intentionally gave them the option of going instead of being charged. That’s lazy.
So you believe EVERY person should be charged every time they break the law?
Couldn’t we just end this entire forum with your statement or do you agree that’s it’s worth actually discussing political issues with people other than your representative
Well when someone’s understanding of the law is some situation they have never actually seen or been in regularly outside of some random one off, and then they can’t even grasp the simple concepts of WHY the laws are written the way they are and THeN claim if the suspect was driving a Mercedes rich car they wouldn’t be charged, it’s hard to discuss anything with someone who refuses to understand past their own limited knowledge and incorrect assumptions
So you believe EVERY person should be charged every time they break the law?

That’s never been my stance. It’s lazy to tell someone you won’t charge them if they go to the hospital, even though they’ve clearly committed a crime. That’s an easy stance
That’s never been my stance. It’s lazy to tell someone you won’t charge them if they go to the hospital, even though they’ve clearly committed a crime. That’s an easy stance
But sometimes that discretion is simply not arresting them. That’s not laziness. Hog is complaining when officers arrest anybody, you’re complaining that they don’t. Really a no win situation for the peanut gallery
But sometimes that discretion is simply not arresting them. That’s not laziness. Hog is complaining when officers arrest anybody, you’re complaining that they don’t. Really a no win situation for the peanut gallery

Discretion can be used well or it can be absurd due to laziness. Here’s a good use I experienced:

Woman drove boyfriend to hospital. Boyfriend had been shot. Cop arrived told her she couldn’t drive home but he wouldn’t charge her for driving there and asked her to get a ride home
So a guy gets wasted and decides to camp out on someone’s property and we should just let him sleep it off

I already answered this question. You just framed it in a different way. Depends on a lot of circumstances, primarily what the property owner thinks.

But what if he’s in the parking lot of a bar? Suppose the bar owner doesn’t care. He’s not driving. He’s not hurting anyone. Why would a police officer choose to punish the person for not driving the car?

You very well know my question is based around an officer’s discernment, and you are avoiding it.
Discretion can be used well or it can be absurd due to laziness. Here’s a good use I experienced:

Woman drove boyfriend to hospital. Boyfriend had been shot. Cop arrived told her she couldn’t drive home but he wouldn’t charge her for driving there and asked her to get a ride home
I agree. Good call there. Officers make them every day just because one officer in podunk county doesn’t use discretion once, doesn’t mean it’s common either

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