End of Driver’s Licensing

The law doesn’t need to be so black and white. If the car is not moving, hasn’t been in an accident, and the drunk dude isn’t operating it (but sleeping in it), there’s absolutely no reason to arrest him for DUI.

Why intentionally punish someone for making the decision NOT to drive?
This will go straight over his head. All he knows is "the law"... and these cops/oathbreakers enforce these laws without discretion or proper discernment.
This will go straight over his head. All he knows is "the law"... and these cops/oathbreakers enforce these laws without discretion or proper discernment.
Guessing you missed the post directly above yours but you are the definition of paranoid
I agree, but there will come a point. Probably not for 25 or so years, but there will come a point...
If we have driverless vehicles that will likely drive the speed limit as well, then WTF would we do with all of these ticket writing, oathbreaking cops?
No don’t be drunk or high in public passed out. Especially in a car. Like everyday normal people

No, you don't get to change the discussion. You made a clear distinction that sleeping in the pickup bed of a truck = sleeping in the backseat with no keys on your person = not a DUI. I'm just pointing out that you are making distinctions without a difference, and asking you where you expect someone's keys to be in this scenario you've put forth if not on their person.
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No, you don't get to change the discussion. You made a clear distinction that sleeping in the pickup bed of a truck = sleeping in the backseat with no keys on your person = not a DUI. I'm just pointing out that you are making distinctions without a difference, and asking you where you expect someone's keys to be in this scenario you've put forth if not on their person.
If their keys are on their person or in their immediate vicinity it can be a DUI. If not then they aren’t in control of vehicle. It’s not rocket science.
If that quote is true, I wonder what would happen if someone was outside the vehicle and had called a cab/uber and the cab/uber was late arriving and an officer got there first.
I'd like to think the officer would at least wait for the cab/uber to arrive.

No need to even be next to your car. Just be sitting outside of the bar after it closes while you wait for your Uber. These oathbreakers will put them bracelets on you for any reason.

If their keys are on their person or in their immediate vicinity it can be a DUI. If not then they aren’t in control of vehicle. It’s not rocket science.

Where do you want them to put the keys?

What about push to start? Yall taking yardsticks out there to see if the key fob is close enough to vehicle to get push to start to work?

Damn, it's almost like it's not a black and white scenario like you are claiming.
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No need to even be next to your car. Just be sitting outside of the bar after it closes while you wait for your Uber. These oathbreakers will put them bracelets on you for any reason.

I wouldn’t have done that and neither would several hundred thousand police officers. But sure these two definitely show that all would be those “oath breakers” lol. You still think the army and police are going to round up your guns and vaxx you too 😂
If their keys are on their person or in their immediate vicinity it can be a DUI. If not then they aren’t in control of vehicle. It’s not rocket science.
Does that make sense to you? That is as silly as having to wear a mask as you walk to your table and then can take it off once you sit down. What difference does it make if his keys are in his pocket or in the trunk thrown in the woods? If the vehicle isn't moving and they aren't driving, what is the issue?

Again, you cops lack discernment and common sense.
Where do you want them to put the keys?

What about push to start? Yall taking yardsticks out there to see if the key fob is close enough to vehicle to get push to start to work?

Damn, it's almost like it's not a black and white scenario like you are claiming.
Who said it was black or white? I said every scenario was different. I’m as explaining to the posters who lacked understanding about TN’s DUI TCA code and “how does this make any sense” but some think no one should ever be arrested, some think everyone should be arrested and one thinks being passed out drunk or high in public is no big deal if he was arrested for one crime but not the other
I wouldn’t have done that and neither would several hundred thousand police officers. But sure these two definitely show that all would be those “oath breakers” lol. You still think the army and police are going to round up your guns and vaxx you too 😂
A laughing emoji. Interesting...
Does that make sense to you? That is as silly as having to wear a mask as you walk to your table and then can take it off once you sit down. What difference does it make if his keys are in his pocket or in the trunk thrown in the woods? If the vehicle isn't moving and they aren't driving, what is the issue?

Again, you cops lack discernment and common sense.
“You cops” lol I have arrested people for DUI. I have let drunk people get a ride home before too. Context matters as much as what is actually going on. I’ve explained the reason this law was rewritten to cover this especially with number of passed out druggies at the wheel of unmoving cars running or not. You lack experience and understanding of what actually goes on out there and want to blame your police bogeymen
“You cops” lol I have arrested people for DUI. I have let drunk people get a ride home before too. Context matters as much as what is actually going on. I’ve explained the reason this law was rewritten to cover this especially with number of passed out druggies at the wheel of unmoving cars running or not. You lack experience and understanding of what actually goes on out there and want to blame your police bogeymen

Thanksgiving for letting me cop a ride home 😆
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Who said it was black or white? I said every scenario was different. I’m as explaining to the posters who lacked understanding about TN’s DUI TCA code and “how does this make any sense” but some think no one should ever be arrested, some think everyone should be arrested and one thinks being passed out drunk or high in public is no big deal if he was arrested for one crime but not the other

You are purposefully being obtuse and not addressing my points. As to your last point, isn't that ridiculous for you to say? "Some people seem to care that they are getting charged with DUIs instead of public intoxication, just because they weren't driving!" One of those can **** someone's life up way more than the other, so why act like that's not a big deal?

If they were driving under the influence, charge them. If they weren't, they shouldn't be charged with... driving under the influence.
Yea because it’s conspiracy theory BS. It’s almost as bad as your Pro Russian conspiracy stuff. And I like you and agree with you on a lot that you post, but sometimes you sound like a tinfoil hat guy
Discernment and discretion... that's all anyone is asking for and you act like it is poison ivy or Kryptonite.
Unattainable 55MPG law...think about that comrades. Kills the personal combustion engine and here you are arguing who get a DL
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If that quote is true, I wonder what would happen if someone was outside the vehicle and had called a cab/uber and the cab/uber was late arriving and an officer got there first.
I'd like to think the officer would at least wait for the cab/uber to arrive.
For some reason I read “luber” the first time I read your post. That made it more interesting. Lube always makes things more interesting.
You made a thread today and abandoned it….where’d you go?

You mean about Jesse Numbskull?

Meh, every time I point out something that is so obviously atrocious the same folks come in with the same bad analogies it just tuckers me out.

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