The Vols could be in for real trouble with this one. Butch Jones isnt doing himself any favors bringing in a program thats won 28 games over the past three seasons. And considering the fact that Tennessee doesnt return a single starter on the offensive or defensive line, doesnt have an established quarterback and will be coming off a tough season-opener against a Utah State team that won nine games a season ago, its a safe bet that Arkansas State will be getting everyones full attention.
What do you think?
I think they also picked Western Kentucky last year and it's trendy to pick against Tennessee right now...and I've never been one of these "ESPN hates us" people (although Lou Holtz clearly does) but it's safe to say they don't respect us and it will take a lot wins to change that.
Very true it's hard to refute any of his points. You can never predict how players will develop overtime. They surely can such like heck or they can develop to be dependable. The ball can go either way so until I see which way they go I will stay neutral.I don't know how you could refute any of his points, there's nothing inaccurate about them.