ESPN segment on Tyler Bray

Truth hurts. Hope someone takes a chance on him, he realizes the great opportunity he's been given to secure his future, he matures and has a good, long NFL career.

I really would love to have seen how last years team would have done under this staff and how much Bray would have matured with Coach's that would stay on his a$$ and make him more liable fof his actions. I would be willing to bet this staff would have gotten alot more out of that team and much better W/L results. Im not saying we would have won the East or SEC but we really could have beaten USCe, GA, Miss St and Mizzou. And thats with that joke of a staff we had last year. I think we at worse would have won 8-9 and who knows how UF and Vandy would have gone. Oh well better times are coming and we as Vol Fans deserve it after dealing with Dooley and really the last 6-7 yrs.
Bray will never make it in the NFL. He will be out of the league in 3 years.

Depends on if he gets drafted by a good orginization that will let him develop and have solid veterans that he can learn from. I think if Denver, Green Bay, New Orleans or somebody that has a veteran QB that has a few yrs left that he can learn from and learn how to be a professional on and off the field he will do ok. But if he gets with a Rex Ryan, Dallas, Philly, Oakland then he will be in the Arena league or selling insurance in 3 yrs.
Bray's manager/agent/handlers would be smart to hire him a QB guru to tutor him. That small segment pretty much sums up Bray's lack of football knowledge. Gruden showed him up.
I really would love to have seen how last years team would have done under this staff and how much Bray would have matured with Coach's that would stay on his a$$ and make him more liable fof his actions. I would be willing to bet this staff would have gotten alot more out of that team and much better W/L results. Im not saying we would have won the East or SEC but we really could have beaten USCe, GA, Miss St and Mizzou. And thats with that joke of a staff we had last year. I think we at worse would have won 8-9 and who knows how UF and Vandy would have gone. Oh well better times are coming and we as Vol Fans deserve it after dealing with Dooley and really the last 6-7 yrs.
Bray would have been on the bench because he doesn't like coaching. He does it his way.
Having now had the chance to view the entire program, I must say, in the strongest possible terms, that whoever was responsible for editing this snippet (Gruden's QB Camp: Tyler Bray - ESPN Video - ESPN) really gave ammunition to the "ESPN hates Tennessee" crowd; he/she absolutely selected excerpts which gave the worst possible impression of Bray.

Gruden was very fair and even in his analysis, unlike the editor who pieced together this film clip. Like so many of us, Gruden marveled at Bray's physical talent but pointed out the obvious need for more work on the mental side of the quarterback position, specifically mastering his progressions and playing with consistency and discipline. Incidentally, if you take Bray's comments at face value, he didn't even know what Tennessee's colors were prior to our recruitment of him, but he was captivated by the game-day experience. It was somewhat reminiscent of Heath Shuler's initial reaction to UT. Gruden also was very complimentary of Tennessee and made it a point of emphasis to note how much coaching at the University of Tennessee meant to him personally and in terms of his career.
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Whatever his work ethic and intelligence is, I don't get what the benefit of him coming back for his senior year would have been. New coach . . . I'll fitting offense . . . New receivers . . . New TE . . . Likely have his stats go down and win about the same. What was the upside supposed to be?
And losses. Hell so did Joey Mathews and AJ Suggs as well as Rick Clausen. Wasnt sure your point to him on that.

My point was that he has no proof of his statements and shouldn't assume what someone is doing behind the scenes and should quit being an armchair QB
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I imagine his (the poster's) lack of wins has less to do with brains and drive than physical ability. I could be wrong but I'm willing to play the odds.

I'm willing to bet there are 22 players on the field and you don't know what's going on in brays head....i could be wrong but I'm willing to play the odds
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Look in post no. 82!! As I said, however, the film clip is very poorly edited, compared to the full-length program and gives a much more negative impression of Bray and Gruden's overall critique of his potential as a quarterback.
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2nd best QB Tennessee has ever had...

Not even remotely close to accurate. Perhaps if you limit the discussion purely to arm strength and passing ability, you could make a defensible argument. I would contend, however, that Tony Robinson and Heath Shuler both had equally strong throwing arms and were far more consistent. Tyler has a tendency to absolutely feast on inferior competition and flounder against top-flight SEC defenses. If you want to talk about dual-threat quarterbacks, Shuler and, before him, Condredge Holloway possessed more overall talent. Casey Clausen never had the arm that Bray possesses but he was an absolute road warrior, defeating Florida twice, Alabama twice, Notre Dame and Miami. Yes, Robinson, Shuler and Clausen had better supporting talent than Bray but statistical productivity is not the best way to gauge Tyler as a quarterback. Underneath Tyler's gaudy stats, there is a schizophrenic record of productivity.
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So many Vol Nation posters confuse being able to make some fancy throws with being a great quarterback. There is a lot more to the position than that.
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So many Vol Nation posters confuse being able to make some fancy throws with being a great quarterback. There is a lot more to the position than that.

Never said he was the greatest ever, I just don't act like he was the only player on the field and say he's terrible, because he was a pretty good college QB. NFL QB? We will see.
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Summary: Tons of natural talent with bad decision making and maturity issues. They think someone will take a shot at him in the 3 to 5 round. McShay said if he were a gm he would not draft him at all because you cant trust him.

I agree with him 100 %. Bray is a loser.

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